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Show - - - 1 I OWR LATEST A A fi BJTPAJVSIOJV. Volrnlr action. ioihI and hrll formations produced the fnunila-lion fnunila-lion llHin hli ll ml the coming nw possessions of the lulled Htiites the lianlsh Went Indies. They in composed com-posed or the Ulan iln of HI John. HI Thomas and HI ('roll anil mat Ibis government 14 n.'ii.mm. II la assumed by geologists thai at no very lale date II the Manila of the Wi-al Dulles group formed a laml connecting link tiatseen Nurlli ami Himih America. The laritxnt Island of lha group In quantum la HI ('mix. having an area of 135 square nillfa; HI. Thoniaa comes with fifty-three square miles, ami Hi luhn last with thirty five square miles Tha Hiiulathn of the three Ulan. In la about 33.oo, rhli-fly composed of negroes Aa early aa I Mai all tha West Indies (railed ao by fulumtnia. because ha thought ha hail discovered lha weal-ward weal-ward pasaage to Imlla whara ha touched at Ann Halvador) ware ! claimed oy Ppaln. Ilrltlah anil Dutch iplorara following In tha Hpanlard'a wake heard strange atorlre of faliu-loua faliu-loua wraith In tha Manila and attarked lha rlaltna of Hialn. France Bought a fiHithold In 1 :.'&. Kngland captured Jamaica Ja-maica In l66 and haa kapt It avar sines. After various wara, yeart of slomlnetlon by pirates and Intarnarlna trnublea, a Anal dlvlalon of lha Manila waa arranged batwaan foreign power. This division waa aa follows: Hpaln Cuba and Porto Rico. Kngland Bahsuiaa, Turk! and Cal- ioa, Jiimnlra. Hi l.u.la. HI. 'ncint. Hmhailos, (IrenaiU. Tollmen. 1 'rKln j group. HI. Chrislopher. Nevis, Antl-na. Antl-na. Mmitii. rr.it lmlnira and Trlnl J ilnil I France- Sii,i,l..iup. Hi. Hartholo-t Hartholo-t mew anil Martinique. I Holland -Cnriiroa. II malra. Aruba. I HI. Kuatntliia. HI Murtln mid Hilia. Iienmark Hanta Criu. HI. Thomas and Ht. John. Ilaytl - Republics of llaytl and Han Ihimliigo. In i!H Tha Rpanleh. American war removed Hpaln from her possessions In tha Waal Imllia and introduced the J I'nltnl Htatea. Tlila rountry. with Ilia ! furthar acquisition of lha Dnnlah I group, 'n mllltiiry or naval tensa. become lha mistress of all tha touth-I touth-I arn watera aweeping ('antral Amarlra. tha lathmua of Panama and tha northern north-ern rnaat of Smith amerlca. Tha naval na-val and military atntloni being eatab-llahad eatab-llahad In Cuba and I'orto Hlro will be duplicated In lha Danish Wait Indlaa on amaller acale. Tha government secure thraa baaes for futiira opera-llona opera-llona not equalled by any In tha Inland poaaaaalona of France or Kngland. Alinoal aa Important aa thla la lha fart that llaytl and Ran Domingo will hereafter be flanked eaat and weat by American poaaaaalona. and when lha tlma cornea that lha two weak republics repub-lics tall, at they muat. they will eaally paaa under the control of thla govarn-Diant govarn-Diant and not that of any foreign power. pow-er. The ttrateglc advantage of St. j 'I homes, which hna a magnificent hnr-' hnr-' Imr. I the reason why t tie Itanlah j group lina been desired liy tha t'nlted Males ever since Hewnrd waa secre. ' tiiry of state, A base rnmmitnillnf the . niirn.ii'li to tl.'a iHthmiia of Panama ! and the proponed Nlrarnguan ranal la of Ihf hlKhi-at naval Importamw to I the I'nlti d Stntri. Porto Klco bai al-. al-. remly furnlnhi'il anch a tiaa, but. aa Denmark hna tier group for aula, thla government dt-emeil It Inadvlaahlathat a foreign power ahould aerure It. In a mercantile way lha ai qulaltlon . will amount to little, flugar la the lirlni-lple proilurt of the lalanda. but , the plantera have Buffered heavily during dur-ing lata yrnra owing to tha discriminating discrimin-ating larlfT axalnat them. Denmark atlpulntea If the t'nlted Htatet tnkea the Manila they muat enjoy free trade with thla country, and thai all the Inhabitant In-habitant muat be admitted to full American cltlienahlp. Tha climate of tha lalanda If often dubloiiB. Ilurrlcanea of great oevertty sometime prevail. The heat of the day la extreme, but the night ar cool and refreahlng. Froat form In tha rold aeaaon, but anow I unknown. The annual precipitation la about tll-ty-three Inches. Invalids uftertng from pulmonary troublea find that at certain aeaaon of the year the atmosphere atmos-phere of the lalanda la quite beneficial, although life there la monotonous to anyone but a drone. The Introduction of navnl atatlona will undoubtedly bring new buslnea and social Ufa, asN c--" '" - . i4 m$ 4 i-i ? tza MAP OF TUB DANIHH WERT INDIES. BOON TO IIEOOMK A PAItT OK THR UNITED STATES. |