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Show PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. (omul! County Clerk or tb rciective aigners lor lurtbcr Information. In the 1'iitilct Court, 1'ioluite Mvislon, In and lor Bnmmit county, State ol , t'lah. In the matter ol tb estate ol Matbew Itrennan, deceaaeil; Notice: The petition Ienls Kiel)', ndminirtra-tor ndminirtra-tor ol the estat ol Muihew Ilrennan, dfcrsn d. praying lor an order ol sale of real property ol said decedent, anil Ihul all ieraon. Intereati'd appear More raid com t to show cause why nn order should rot be made tn sell so much aa shall be nect'aiary, ol tb following described real flute nl inid deceased, tu-wit: Anripial undivided tt-lft interest or W) (eel ol 111 and In the mining eliiinn silus'e in Uintah Mining Dlatriet, .Summit .Sum-mit county, t'lah, lorated and pntented as "lliuaimi Hear," being C. 8. Mineral Kntry NihiiImt .KW; "White Hear," lie-ill! lie-ill! V. S. Mineral Kntry Numtier 310 ami "Mai and Pat," being II. 8. Mineral Kntry Number 311; baa been set lor hearing on Monday, the HOih day ol September, A. 1). IIKII, at 10 o'clock n. oi., nt the county court bouse, in the eouit room of raid court, in Coalville City. Summit county, Utah. Witness the clerk ol said court with the .nil thereof aluxed this Ulta day of September. A. 1) , 1001. (Seal.) P. II. Nr.ai.iv, Clerk. |