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Show TIMES. COALVILLE COALVILLE, FRIDAY, Sept. 27, 1 WOfiTHTJUCCESSOR. cttoftklag 1901 flew Teder the SsH bare tried to care CATARRH by the dm of powders, acid form gases, inhaler and drug in paste mucoonr the at CM PU0oe to (mMM, IfuA. lot t, Their powdere dry np ( membranes causing them to crack open ?m u lw. CtoM Vetter. and bleed. The poserful acid nsed in T.rma of Suboortptton the inhalers have entirely eaten away Farabi ia kit ana. the same membranes that their makers b Teet have aimed to cure, while pastes and tl' Month. ointments cannot reach the disease Three Months OS An oil and experienced practitioner Slag1 CopUa w ho has for many years mi le a close Advrtt.lng Ratoo stndy and specialty of the treatment of Local oottrM. It sent, per line tor I rat Inserat last perfected tion. rent per Urn tor reeb subsequent luser-So- CATARRH, has which when faithfully nsed, Tiea'ment ralaa will be strictly adhered to not only relieves at ouce, but per. manently cures CATARRH, by removJudge Jeremiah Wilson, chief coonael ing the ceune, stopping the dischargee, for Admiral Bchlrjr in tho present court and curing all inflammation. It is the known toscience that acttuartml, wbo died loot Tuesday, was or.e only remedy the afflicted parts. This reaches ually of tb forenrio- -t of American lawyer. Ilo wond-rf- ul remedy is know n as SNUwas at one time attorney for the Mormon FFLE the (iUAR N TEED CATARRH chnrch. CURE and w soid at the extremly low conprice of One Dollar, each and ex'emal medicine internal taining Tbe ypeech before the jury by Judge treatment sufficient a lull month murth Lewi in defense of and everything necessary to its perfect derer of President McKinley, wet an ore. 1. the only perfect SNUFFLES able one and will do niocb to blot out ever made and is CURE CATARRH lynch or mob law. now recognized as the only safe and positive core for thst annoying and disThe trial of lb murderer of th presigusting d.seate. It cures all inflaniatioo dent wat a tpeedy onsgnd reflect great quickly and permanently and is also credit upon the court. Such speedy jus- womJetfuilv quick to relieve HAY FEVAD. tice doe more than anything else to- ER or COLD in the HE CATARRH when neglected often wards suppressing crime. leads to CONSUMPTION' SNUFFLES will sav you if you Die it at -- The following la so important qaes-tlo- n once It is no ordinary remedy, but these complete treatment whtch ia positively in th minds of many peop'e to cure CATARRH in any guaranteed days: "flow much good will be accom- form or if used according to the atage T plished by the trial of Admfr1 Schley direct'ons wdich accompany each packIn our opinion there will be none. age. Don uelay but send for it at once, and write fuli particulars as to your will receive special and condition, A great jnany different publishing advice from theyou of this wondiscoverer bouse are alreedy advertising for derful remedy regarding yonr case withagents to sell books on th life of out cost to you beyond the regular H McKinley, and no doubt the conn-tr- y price of SNUFFLE V the CURE. will soon be flooded whh sgents. Bent prepaid to any address in the will be e Probably many United States or Canade on receipt of gotteq out and distributed among th One Dollar. Address Dspt. E614. people. Care should be taken, however, EDWIN B. GILES 4 COMPANY, .2331? to get the ery beet book. end 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. BARBERS Flavoring Extracts. ""I All Doctors C. B. JON EH , Editor and Batiness Manager. (NT-The- pvf-kag- e fr Clgo, sr Also H The toe to to Jh .ei si Ox e-- e o a bottle, 8 oz bottler 6 5 cts. 35 cts. JOSEPH BARBER, sk Of the hundred of milliooe of people eo iu gdlVcattffe thr cant, thus-addk- Mop the Cough and work off the Cold. Laxative $2.25 Lump Stove, 1.50 cold In one day. No Cure, 25 cent. ...... I.Us no-Ja- S A PATRONIZE HOME IND08TRV Weber Coal Co Awfni anxiety of ass felt for the brave General P.urnham of Mach-ia- s, Me., when the doctor said she aonld A " parent, y z'pir WctimanBros Go. Scientific American. . Made by Shoe A t St.LmliXJ ler. bWldH'-J.'- - ralauoit 6? wsrtlv. tl!ntft.l J'urn.l tbt srtsmuiC 1 1. Ijirswit Hr.a Teron, ti 81 br anlM)wl. taN&Co.,,BrMdw,NewYnr,f 0oUsa r Wtobineloo, asBonsaBMM Co., Colville. TR CURED BY 1 uP.iUT r5 A ii SENDroR TRIAL BOTTLE; A FREE PATTERN bi to -t- ort, wauuo, I'1 quu. r, t.r.tlOL. Ud .ma,r Bp J!2l I d MSCflJLL'S . MAGAZINE Expoaltioo For sale by J. H. Batl, Coalviile Crw.IB.klB r'Y. JiuSuo. WOOBli f.uoy or, hru0,oia lotici M. kklKrit U. ; L.diuiuutod. Su.4lud.t FOR ALL i GEORGE H. GILBERT, Mason. ii Plastering, CH evil Drlck.lay-In- ( flain butlw wham, eglrlt and little eklMten. That ere set ot stulne lt thsv ot ar.jr tvutieSic Kinds of tMUsres. Rshwm sqosi forctyisssd rfoct tL Mason Work. f Prices ST Reasonable. HENEFER, ' . - country population. It gives all important news of the nation and world, the most reliable market reports. Fascinating short stories, an unexcelled Agricultural Department, Scientific and mechanical Information, Fashion Articles for the Women, ns Illustrations It The Peoples is for old ana voting. Paper for the w UTAH. H testa am tnjmfcsr Ooly l sisSsr is spsrly srv elty si4 tows, or by mIL idk lor Ums, Absoluts? wry Utsat epksdsw stftss. PsbiIv THE McCALL COMPACT, . . fp (k . HkMI Vm Kit hrsK, ' V ft. Regular subscription price, $1.00 per year. We will $2.00 per year. - famish It with the $1.50. TIMES lot per year. Send all orders to THE TIMES, Coklville?, Utah. IKT PRESENTS-- fe Copyrights 4c. and description me? ftoo tending a AOruin our vptnion, free whether an invention I probably piuen table. Communications it( rtet ly confident lai. Handbook on Patents sent free Oldest aenrjr for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann k Co. receive tpetutf not, without charge, tu tbe r; TAFT. 73 U30T$THNY.ClTY. die from Pneumonia More morning," THROUGH UBS to Chicago, writes Mrs. S-- . II. Lineon, wbo attended her that fearful night, but the begged St. Ktnsu City, Paul, linse-ipolfor Dr. King- - New- - Discovery, which x : ? ; had more than once saved her life, a fid -- wrrHcored her of consumption. After taking Direct Connections for tit Inst he slept all night, further use enher. cured This marvellous tirely and Somient. medicine is . guaranteed to cure all Detailed information furThroat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only nished on application, cheerfully 50c and (1.00. Trial bottles free at C,I. WIIEADON, Agent, v John Boy den A Son's drag store. , Coalville, Utah - Designs rMn A r RLE DAILY per year, m?4 Trade Marks h THREE TfiilXS es; tig " the w idow A new and remarkably attractive publication, profusely illustrated with poi contains all the trait and haif-tonstriking uew features of The Dailv Tribune. Special Vt ar Despatches, Domestic and Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Humous Illustrations, Industrial information. Fashion Notes, Agricultural matters carefully treated, and Reliable Financial and Market Reports. It is mailed at same hour as tbe daily edition, reaches a large proportion of subscribers on date of issue, and each edition it a thoroughly daily family newspaper (or busy people. fifty-eig- EVERY DAY USE The Lamp of Steady Habits BO YEARS EXPERIENCE . Eastern Points. Xlglt or Terror. KNOWN. We furnish ii with THE TIMES for TRUCK. , CHEAPEST $1.50 ASTnmA-HAYFt'v- Union Pacitio A DAILY, AND TBE ht F'orover years National for Paper Family wrruiu TiLLIALI farmers and villagers, whoae have represented TRIBUNE. readers the very best element of otu YORK tire United States. telia Satisfy the PUBLISHED ns THU BSD AY liriu Util Regular subscription price, EQUIPMENT, VIA Tablets cure a Tie Promo-Quinin- e SERVICE. NEW TRI-WEEK- MINE CH lor uonsonaa COALYILLE, UTAH. TRIBUNE. For Salfi bj People s g misery to discouragement. Take these things: good character, money, and fame. The flrttlats, is within the reach of all, and should be looked upon as the one essential. Of the twolatter it is Safe.to sejr that oHe should get as much as be can with doe conti Jt ration tor others, and tlitf fact that so few lpive attained these two things should spur biui on to great, yet Intelligent effort, Fx. J.J.BOWENAi. YORK at the Always On Hand en, I. FROM Coiltille, Dial), 1 who have lived in this world, not a thousandth of one per cent have been known outside their immediate neighborhood; fewer hare done anything auf flclently out of the ordinary to attract milch attention; and still fewer have con.lih raUe amount of g tilled any It is evidenb lhstt 1L nsuie tuunef great deeds or wealth are essential of mircmfal life, most people have failed. The fame of mauy hat been lufuiuoisly bad. and the Is wealth to that the number who hare been famous for "their good deeds, or bare become rich without dishonesty or oppression of oth This signature f OB every bos ot tbs teauins Tablet ers, la exceedingly small. Oo thinking Laxative Bromo-Quinin- e tbe remedy tbat rwrew a raM Slav aat s6me over these things people become depressed.' Tney give up nil Idea of attaining anything great, an l are wTetci -- D Pi, Sing oi Great Household Remedy. 4 oz When yon want a good vehicle buy the tiiwipt.ws.we'wri weens w Mgs fpiDi. M. R. Salmon. Red Inks. Elu Black, Gran, Violet and good-colura- This paper like merchandise. It is for sate. It yon deair yonr part of it stopped corns mil say so. We dont Unk up on a man with undying hate It be wsats to stop his paper and does it lik a gen llemani and we dont beg btm tocoutlm ns it slther. It is stra'ght matter of bns Iness von pav yonr money and take yonr paper. It yon pay up all stibscrip tioh and order your paper discontinued, it will he stopped as cheerfully at it begun. When yon hear a man blowing about his not having been able to stop hi paper, you ran bet your suspender bucklea tbat be owes back rubcriptlon and when you hear him Iwaggcg, about how bt crippled the paper by taking hi name off the list, you can bet whiskey enough to drown him that be is a fool. Bo dont give yourself aw av, friends. A Imv dollars or arieagea will do no more I o ward said p pTi g a j ape r tlfsnalT the talking you are capable of, and the editor will be very glad to t you offthelist if he ever getrtven with you Ex. A perfect fit is guaranteed. Vanilla, Cinnamon, Orange, Cloves. Wintergreen, Peppermint,Jamica Ginger, etc. Lemon, GUARAN-TEEDCATARR- Now that the the county have about all harvested their crops, we would like thoee who are owing as to hrlog in wheat, potatoes, oate or any other products to settle up their sc H' wv to Mto mi tklsgs will be and glad to lake them on sub ecrlption. If any one wants the paper and dont have the money, bring along your produce and we will put ..your v name on the list, K I manufacture and put up under my own Have just received the Fall Book to take orders name extract of for the Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Jackets. Pre-i-de- nt farmer! In SPECIALS ' (s'sc rt7AV1 vj jrtH The lamp that doesnt flare up or smoke, or cause yo use bad language ; the lamp that looks jrood whe u get it and stays good ; the lamp that you never vll with, once you have It ; that I XTbc " fTcw Rochester Other lamps. may be offered you as just good for all around goodthey may be, In Kune respects, but ness, there's only one. Tk N - Rocheiter. To make wire the lamp offered you Is irenulne. look for the on It ; every lamp baa it. (300 Varieties.) Old Lamps Made New. e can eTrT Utnp want. No matter whether yon new lmp-o- r otov e, an old one repaired or refln-I vaw- - mounted or other make of a wped, lamp tnuwform-Zj- . ed into a New can us we do it. let , send row literatureRochester, on the W arc SPECIALISTS In subject the treatment of diseases of' US Lamoa. Coaaultatioa FREE. UBF CO.. 8 Place THE ROCHESTER rrk A SI Barclay St., Hew Tork. |