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Show CAUSES FOMENTING ANARCHV. abator DelM,.,.. MrKl.. .mt., """' ' ef Anarehr. Al a memorial meeting hll In Chicago Chi-cago Hunday, Henator D,i,,r ( Iowa, lookocca.lon to refer u, ,.' which land to ancoura Uwl.aaoeaa and anarchy, aa follow,: It cannot be out of t ,y ,n ,t uchatimeae thia, to rgniMiihat la the mld.t of modern eociety Ihere are a thouaand forcee manlfeatly lending lend-ing toward the moral degradation out of which thla wicked hand waa ralaed to kill the chief megletraie) of the American peopte. It ought not to be forgotten that eonaplratora worklug out their oefar-loua oefar-loua plana In aecret. In tbe dene and caveeof tha earth, enjoy (D nocon-acloua nocon-acloua co-oeratlon and alda-parlner-hip with every lawleaa li.flu.nce abroad In tha world. Legldaiora who betray tha commonwealth, Judgea who polaon tha fountalnaof Jualii-e, city governmeuta which come to terroe with crime all these are regular con-trlbulora con-trlbulora to the campaign fund of anarchy. an-archy. That howling mane, whether in Kan-aaor Kan-aaor Alabama; that aaaerohly of wild beetle dancing In drunken rarouaal about the aahee of aoma legro malefactor, male-factor, la not eonlrlbuliii to the ee-ourlty ee-ourlty of eoclrty; It la Uklng away frum eociety the only aacurlty It haa. It belonge lo the unenrullad reaerve eorpaof anarchy In the United Mlatee. Tha worda which came apontana-oualy apontana-oualy to tha llpa of William McKinley aa be aauk under mortal wuuode, aod aaw tha Infuriated crowd preaatng about hie aaaallant, ought to be repeated re-peated In lha eare of the ofllcen of peace from one and of the land to the other In all tha yeara that ara to come "Let no one hart him; let the law take Ita courae.1 THREE PRK.HIDKNTfl VICTIMS OF ASSASSINS BULLETS. |