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Show LETTERS FROM CORRESPONDENTS. Around tte County in Seven Days. lit KiHtiDlLgsof ite FjsI Weel Told la Detail by Efllclent Correspondents. KAMA.. K.iM.ta, I't.iii, Sept. SM, IftOt. KiiiroR TiMta: There oie no new la.ct of diphtheria ri porte.l in Kiimaa. The thif.liora ato allll buaj ; another we. k 'a aotk iil roinpleti'iill th Jotia in t'lia valley. Dr. Ly nch waa clle, lo Oakley laat evening lo ailei.cl tx-liiahop Frurler, who ie ,iiiie ill. A lar.'o numlier i,( the young full, a of Kamaa attend tl,o M. I. convention at iloylaville laat Sunday. Kuuiaa hat expo.-iemcd a fnretaata of inter lliia week In the anow atorio and the cold ipcll following. A tiiul.eib' it.allluto will be held lu Kuuiaa next Saturday. Hupt.ol s'clnola Nelion will give liclnre on Kilday evening. Mr. liuiher and finuily will live for Ihe wlnti r at the liome of lliahop At-I At-I wood. The biahop anil hla family will mi lo Halt lj.e lor the winter. Joe t'aik anil wife of Wyoming ate hero vinittuic with hla relative! and they like Kama aowcll I hey have decided to make it their home for aome time to The proaidenuy of ti e II. I, Aaaocia-liotit Aaaocia-liotit met lint evening and prepared a (iroginm Utrj .J. Atuuiai Ui Le-iiivew at the Hireling home on Friday evening, October lllli. Movt of our men and boya are buay at wotti, many at lliahop I.aml,ert'a mill in Weber, aome at PucVe mill, which It now running, anj a number hauling lumlivr for J. ti. Ijimhcrt. The canul turvi-yora are not much lu evidence Ihcae dayt. There la tome talk of work being commenced en Ihe ! canal ahorlly. If It goua Ibiotigh It will uudoublidly le a yoo.! thint; for the people up thli way in (ttrniahlng work and a market tut all kiuila of piodtke at l.iiili pricen, but w hen the water ia tumid into the c.u.nl next tiimincr no doubt a general uprlaiug will take plmo among the aettleia from Ogdou lo K.imaa. MAIIIIIN. Makuin, Uiah, rjepl. L't, ItKll. Ki,,roH l'iui:a: Mi... Julia Heddeti la ruioveiing from a tevjre llltteea. Miaa Myrtle I'ack of Kinima la Lohiud j the loiinteia in J. li. I.iunlHjit'a tlore I now. fiever.il of the people f,0i ,ure t- tended the convention ut iloylaville laat ; uiiduy. Ou awakening thia u.orniiiK we were ; inucii aitrpiii. ,1 to too ilia ground cov-i. cov-i. ie.l with aiiow. Mrt. Annie Oalaiu anil tun Albert of Winalnp wete vitlting with M, Juij, It. ,1 Jin tlia lirat ol too week. T. Mmpiuu and Mrt. bailie Ltirbig.. ai d duu(liltr .pent huudayaiid ilunday I veiling with rilativca and lii.ii.l, in Atkinaou. I eevernl of our nn u ami bot wtut up the Weber to work )ialei,lny. Th, y I will chop and haul luga 0 lli.hu,, ,m- bert'a auw mill tUia aea..u. Jo.-eph Wtlliain, had the iniaforluue. Jloloaeoneol hla woik lioma tneoiher night. The aninnil golcitl in the bji bed , wite fence and died fiom the Iota ol i blood, J .N.aily all il,e threihing in thia place it dout). It Icoka like ti,oe who have I not g ilten Iheir tbre.liing done jet are ; out ol luck at the wt'ither ia getting to j aimer like. Kin Ki i.in. Km at'oat, Utah, cpl. 2:, 'WU. KniT.,a TiMk: Newt ate acurce thia week. Henry K. Sramona hat gone to Suit I. .ike on buiilieaa. Mra. t'arrie Williani.on ol Marion wat a vi.il, ir here tltia week. Miai Su.ie Klemliriilitn has returned from a visit Id lloiilderville. J, (V.rey ia pulntiiu and II Inn up hit Dor for the winter trade. Jo. .a Reaninnt hat gone lo I'aatle UiK'k to tea. Ii tchool lliia winter. A pannrotna show wat givtn at the hall Monday night. The attendance waa atnail on account of the ttoriu. William tftakrr and wife, Kdwin (Sta-ker (Sta-ker mid ile and Mra. Jauirt Vnriitin have gone to Idaho tovirit the daughter of Mr. Htaker. The Ihreahlng machine aiurted on ihe 24th. The grain crop thla year will be light, aa about twenty per cent waa beaten beat-en out with the heavy bail storm tliHl visited ut In Attguat before the ginio wat cut. UKASI I'ltttK Ura-a Creek, Sept, i, 1IKH. Kiiitor Ttuaa: The mine worked full time laat week. (Juite a niiinlier of onr people have vlaited Coalville tliia week. Several new liantlt commenced to work at the mine this week. The a.lvtiuci'.l gride religion clasa met Monduy night under the dilectiou of Supl. Joseph llarber. The enaiue that ia located inaidotbel mine run tbe Drat trip of coal dean the ni w alant laat Monday evening, anil winked tine. Subbatli tchool and meeting were not very well attended laat Kunduy,ao many beliVsllixl to intend the U. I. conteo-. tlon at lloytaville. Tueaduy mori'iiig, thoZtth, tl.e white vryatala covered the ground to the depth of four incbea. One year ago the tame day the ground was covered wltti one foot of tnow. a.iitii(ii Waiikmc ii, L'lnh, Sept. lit, 1IKI1. 1.I1IIOK iimi.s: Thecr. p of hay, w bicli ia nearly all in, is a light ni.e litis season. The ruuehera lino are busy riling and rounding up their cattle, Miaa L znie Hall hit bete on Sunday for Logan to attend the A. C. College. A snow storm la in piogreaa at thla writing, which la the Ural anow of the j seitann. Melvln Hull of Conlvlllo waa here A few iluyt ago and accompanied a shipment ship-ment of sheep to Oiuuha. Hatch Brothers have been buay the pint week dipping I heir teveritl herds ol sheep at their dipping pens. Thomas W'riuht, Jr , has been allien all-ien Kid for soma liino hat, Hug lumber from the awinill to Kviinatun, whie theru is apparently a good inniket f, r that product. N. II. Ilurton of K in.-if , w ho ex-cliiiiiged ex-cliiiiiged po.ltiont with J. !. Hogard recently, ia now ilomlilleJ beio at ata-tlon ata-tlon aitont, and has every holy 'a wuhca for hit continuance lu that position. ( on, Ilea ami McC'ruig are holding n number of sheep at Wahi-Htch ready (or shipment to eastern markets. They are aailiu,( Ihe appearameof thu sheep in-ti"Ctor in-ti"Ctor liefore they cun IoaJ, and have been tliua waiting aiiu-e I'tiiiuy lust. A Wonderful Irvvanllon, They cure ilaudruH', hair fulling, head-ui'lie, head-ui'lie, etc , yet coata the tame aa an or-diuaiy or-diuaiy comb lir. White'e Klcclric Comb. The only patented cumbiuthe world. lVopIo, every w In-ru it haa been iniroiliiceil, are wild with ilclht. You simp y comb your hair e.tcli day anil the comb doea the teat, 'ill ia wonderful uiiuili ia simply unbreakable nun ia .uado so tlnit it it absolutely impuaiible to cutorbreiik lhetiir. Sold on a written guarantee to give perfect satisfaction in every recpict. Send stamps for one. I. miles' sixe 60c. tieuta' tine i!5c. Live men and womon wanted everyw hero to intiodure this article. Hells on tight. Agents are wild wi'.b anccett. (See want ad lu another coliimn.) Address ii. N, U'J-K, (jll. Mrg., Uecalur, 111. IIKMUn. llKi,r.a, I'ul,, s, ,,t. ji, nan, Kiui.in Tii : Je..le SclialT'r tj (i,t,.,, viri'ing fiiritila here. M s. Mnah Vr.l 1, ,b0 , .,,, mifJ tick with lv.'i,,i.l f.nr.i, nM (, tt. cov.-rlt,g. Ilenefer n fairlj at'l repre-enlid ai Ihe Mtilual c VB'i.n K:d atllojt.. mile nn Saturd y i Sunday .. rVverl of onr lii uu n ,(t !., fr Chicago on the Mih, They t,H,k with them acven cml. iols of inutions tor ti e market. TI e threOil, g M,l, l,,e, here Tnef dny on account of ttr tirtn. Itain and annw to the amnnrt ,,f (,. ,,irig twenty-four hours, James rietlerl.lp ami lilt slater, Fen-lope, Fen-lope, of Uruiiae t'lstk made a brief visit here during the wk aiming their many relatives and triec.lt. They Inlt on the 28ih. Ilr. HctUl.0( i( on hit way to fill a mission in KniUud. The llenefer Imw Ull team left line laat llnirieliiy wilh a iiuuiber of our young InUica fi,r ili!t,,u, where they played a game, ami took the laurela from Ilia team at that fW, hut in the gamt at lVlermn on FataMay f ey were defeated. de-feated. They all a;. ,,k In high lerma of the war In whMi Jbsy were enterUinril an I (hey .11 1 not pt home until Sunday night. ' |