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Show T Original of "Mr. Dooley" is III. . "Colonel MrN'eery" will probably re cover from hla preaent lllneaa, eaya a Cbliago dlaptach The aerloua lllneaa which haa kepi him bedridden for aer-ral aer-ral wreka promlam lo paaa. Hut It cannot paaa from Ilia hlatory of literature liter-ature that "Colaiinl Mi'Neery" waa the .. orljlaal of "Mr. Ihwley'' aud thai out for lha genlue of Klnley i'rler Dunne PORTRAIT OF niK OltlOINAL OF "Mil. DOOI.EY." meeting lb quiet btimor of "Jl.V M.'-Oarry M.'-Oarry the world might have lost taler. now fumou from ocean lo ocean. "Jim" Mcdurry. dealer In aplrlluoue aTooiW- Ue denptaea beer fliat luilirab-r luilirab-r autgeated to Mr. Dunne tha rrvatlou of the aerlea of papers now made faiu-one faiu-one under the name of "Mr. Dooley.' Mr. Mcdurry. who Is JiihI recovering from a aerloua lllurr, eight or nlue yeans ago. prealdeil over a bar on Dearborn Dear-born street. Chicago, where It waa customary cus-tomary for Judge, lawyer, newspaper men and oilier bright llghta of the town lo meet. They cam la pairs, group or aloaai They were aa apt to drop In early In (lie morning aa late t night. Mr. Mcdurry' quaint philosophy phil-osophy pnsaed among them, and while enjoyed, never aiiKgeated publicity until Mr. Irunne wrote hla flrt atory of "Colonel MVNeery'a" whirl on the Fr-rla Fr-rla wheel.lt appeared III a Chicago Bun-luy Bun-luy paiH-r. No one who knew him had dIUIculty In recognising that "Colonel MrN'eery" waa "Jim" McOarry, and thai Mr.McKcntia. hi friend, was John McKenn, fumed In political circle. "I'll kill you, Diiuiid," enld McUarry, when the town regno to laugh over hla wit, "If you write me up again, and I II kill you If you don't" Uul Dunne laughed and kept on with lbs atorlea which appeared ones every week. Mo-Oarry Mo-Oarry was too rich a Hold lo be neglected. |