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Show A. Irytalti., t VUllor. - l - . y One n( the tno-t Inlemtiug and welcome wel-come callrra at our ofln-e In many a day waa bronchi In Ws.lnet lay afltrtionn by JuJte SiiDiuel t'r in ' on of Oakley In the person of Mr. Joseph 11. Stump of Myra, Lincoln cuinty, Went Virginia. Asociaisd with the ubive name there is an Inlututiiig tlury, which italioiilaa follow t : About e in 1,1 years ago the Mormon Kldert laboiiti. In Wi at Virginia called at the home ol Mr, Htutnfi and taught to him au.l bis bmily thu doctrines of the church lin y rcpieacntc ,1, Hit wife and children hrcamu converted to Ihe n-ligio'i, n-ligio'i, hut lie did n .t at that lime, lie made hia home a home for the Kldere, and more tluili a hundred havo been tuken care of by hlin. After ctudying thoroughly all the books, tuimphlela and literature heating on ihiidoctrlnes of the Littler day mints, he became convinced that the g i.pel wat true and concluded it Witt time lo oVy th aanie. Among the many LI, leys whohitd been provi.hd tor under hir lioipltnble naif waa oainuel lliinton of Kilt Lake, who did much to tench him "Moruioniatn," Ho ma lu a I protniae Ilia' II ho ever hoiume cou-iT.irted cou-iT.irted to tht. new rellginn Unit ho would ba h,ipii . I by Mt. Iliinton II ha had to go to Ululi to have it dotte. A few wcrka ago heuonclu led lo come to L'tnlt for th' expre-t ptirposu of being baptised Into Ihe Church of Jesus Chriit ol Lullei-diiv Kilnta, and (in tbe 7th day ol the preaet.t inot.ih he reiiche,! Salt LakeCiiy. lit win Inptlted on K.itur-day K.itur-day luil, the Slat, by Klder Samuel llrin-ton llrin-ton In f.i It Luke City, and thus kept the promise uiado aotnu yeiita ago, Mr. Slump ia auiauof nearly 07 yeart; he served aa a rebel toldivr and wat in many Important conllicta, receiving a aevere wound. At the proaent lima he It president of the ichuol hoard of hia county, and a deputy ehi rifT, and is one of the muil prominent ,u ii, hia atate, known everywhere lor hla good deeila and generodly. Ho baa defended the Mormon Ll.lcrs from mob violence, sheltered them, and has t laat become convert to their teachings, Mr. Hlutiip will remain In Utah until alter Ilia October conference, when he j will return to hit home In West Vlt-ginla. Vlt-ginla. lie cairlit win, i,im ti,B bell withti of all the fcuints. t |