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Show Adealral I. K.llxed rrnea Hair a Areunt of III. Ilealih. Hear Admiral Samp.on haa reiitoated the navy department to relieve liliu of hla preaent duty aa commandant of the lloalon navy yard on Oct. 1, on account of the bad condition of hla heal Hi, ys. Secretary Long la-" 5 'nnX- "'' Ad-I Ad-I l7 nilnl Mmlliutr U V f rVi 'l"ln,n com frTjwl mandvrof the 1'or NjlfX Uoyal naval eta-Rear-Adoiiial W. ,lu"i aaum T. BAiupnon. coipniand of tha lloalon yard oo Oct 1. Admiral 8aiiip-aoo 8aiiip-aoo will retire by age limit February t, IHU'J. lie could retire before that If he wialied, under tha forty yeara' aerv. lea elauae, on hla own requeet, or ha could apply fur retirement to taka effect Immediately on account of poor health. However aa naval ofllcere gen-araly gen-araly taka pride la earring out their full term' It la probable that ao additional addi-tional leave of abaence will keep Admiral Ad-miral .Hainpaoa oa the active Hat uutll February u. |