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Show Ml'ilng Man Killed at Urania I'-, tlm, ! Holiday of Han Fraucltco, waa hot through the brad by Frank KlcCann, proprietor of a hotel at tlranta rata, Ore., Haturday. The wounded man will die. Holiday la uf the Arm ef Peaoock & Holiday, contractor, and bulldera of Han Francltco. He arrived in thla city a few daya ago to look up mining interrata lu which he aod Mo-Cann Mo-Cann were concerned. They had had trouble prevloualy. The quarrel ended In McCaan drawing hla revolver and Bring, tha bullel entering uver the lift eye aud paaaiug out over the left ear-Tha ear-Tha eauae of the quarrel la not known. MeCano la In Jail. |