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Show ASTHMA Baking l?0VESER IixVt uJ'cLM puke . (takes the food more delicious and wholesome wwqnee TIMES. COALVILLE CTAH, SEFT.T7. OOALV1I-LE- . lOCll OTHER USD Coal hauler 1901. JEWS. are quite wumeroueon tbe roeda there dy. thi Areeseor Martin waa ttawo from Park City yesterday morning on bnamea. Preaching service at the Echo echool bout Sunday afternoon at three oclock. Let udo your priming and me will do juat aa good work a you get by rend ing it away. vtail-o- n week. A lino baby girl waa born to Mr. and Mri. James B, Rhead Wednesday morn ing. All well. CURE FREE! - Asthmalene Brings Instant ;esew Belief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. There is nothinglike Asthmalene. It brings instant relief,-ev- en in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev, C, F, Wells, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I fed for the good derived from it, I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and and thought you had tormenting disease.-asthma- , but resolved yourselves, to it overspoken give a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Sendmeafull-sizedbottl- Jhn F r an k Y, Tay lor of We went to end to every offerer a trial treatment of Aithmaleue, similar to the one that cured Mr. Well. Weul send it by mail POSTPAID, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE, to any tufferer who wiil write for it, even on w postal. Never mind, though yon are deepairing, however bad your case, Asthmalene will relieve and cure. The worae tbe case, the more e are to send it. Donotdelav. Write at once, addreaeing DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., 79 East I30th St., N. Y. City. Sold by ell druggist. Th regular monthly priestboodht-inwill convene tomorrow at 1 oclock. Balt Lake waa H'gb council meeting at 10. N. I. Convention. PROBATE AND GUAED1ASSHIP NOTICES. The Mutual Improvement convention We received thi week from, Senator held at Hoytaville last Saturday and Conrult County Clerk or the respective, IWt foriiet tb Nftmuea meeting at Thouua Kearns the Year Book of the Sunday was one of the most Interesting signers for further information 11 emfk. at llenefer Monday gathering ever held in tbe Stake. Tbe In the Dints ict Court, ProhateDi vision, Iepar!Hient of Agriculture for 1900. attendance wa very large their being a in and for Summit edunty. State of tbroufih Sundar The tay car law-nu- ll the Hugh proprietor, Ma, good representation from all the ward. Utah. ol the railroad emptojeee were paid ha taken a Mr, Demiog of Coalville In the estate of Mathew Id the matte-oProf. Brimbalf wa to have been presoff. buai-n- e. ent but on account of eickneaa be conld Brennan, deceased ; Notice : partner with him in hi taw-miThe petition Deni Kiely, administra Davit' County Clipper. Bopt. WSn 14BaoUo Pali Lake not attend and Prof. B. S. Hinkley was te tbe estate of Afathew Brennan, Tuetdav on buaiue. He returned on here instead. deceased, praying for an order of sale of Three ladle , were here Wednesday Wedneeday night. At the afternoon tension ou Saturday real property of said decedent, and that and yesterday peddling shoe blacking. A. Calli was tbe firetlpeaker, all persons interested appear before said Alma C. Lambert of the Lambert They were traveling by team and had a SuptjC. delivered a short addreae of wel- court to show cause why an order should who Taper Company, Salt Lake, wa here nobby little hoitte built on wheel. Cot he made to sell so much as shall be come. bueioea. on yesterday necessary, of the following described J. M. Calderwocd next spoke on the real When Rev. Meeter waa in town Wedestate of laid deceased, There will be the naual preaching er of VlHrading tbe Associations. An equal undivided interest or nesday he tailored xea'oualv with the subject were made by Prof. Hinkley 800 feet of in and to the mining claim vice at the New Weal tii.ool house Sun- Sun editor Remofse in an effort to convince him situate in Uintah Mining District, Sumday aveniag at 7 :45. that a double wedding would be a pretty atxfrrest. Taylor. waa Work the subject mit county, Utah, located and patented Missionary the editor that innovation, a Russian Bear, being U. 8. Mineral intimating Wilford eon wife and George Ruff, of thi great iournal of civiltaation would spoken on by Brest. T. L. Allen. Entry Number 309; White Bear, beetteud the Scofield to came up from of The remainder session tbe wss ing U. 8. Mineral Entry Number 310 cut a w hole lot of ice a groom No. 2, fuuerel of Q, 11. Ruffs ton, in and Mat and Pat, beifig U. 8. Mineral and im taken up asking answering an J even proposing to supply a bride of Entry Number 3114 has been set for Air. George W, i'oung returaed home young 'and tender year.. But somehow portent questions. of The evening session was addressed by bearing On Monday, the 30th day from Salt Lake laat Monday, where ah or another Mr. Meeter didnt meet with Peptember, A. D. 1901, at 10 oclock a. had been flailing for a a eek, much encouragement, and he left Salina Prest. Callis, Prof. Hinkley and several m., at the county -- court bouse, in the and many more questions were court room o( said court, in Coalville with grief plainly stamped on hi auto- others, We were vieited hy a hard wind Mom answered. City, 8ummit county, Utah. mobile features. The e Jltor of the Sun Witnei the clerk of said court with day and that night and the following session aiaDita can never go hack on hi cburcb. the seal thereof affixed this 14th day of rained and mowed day it quite hard. Tbe morning meeting wss opened When the matrimonial lever break out Fepte ruber, A. 1)., 1901. with the usual exercises, and W, L. P. II. Neblxy, Clerk. George T. Jdil and wife left thl in pottule on bi intellectual brow he (Seal,) was tbs first speaker, Ris subllansen for where Juab will make a quick run to Bishop Jensen, Levan, county, morning T In the Thitd Judicial Ur. Jndd bn secured apoaition to teach and have a ceremony performed accord- ject being Conjoint Sessions. Court of Considerable time wae spent to good School. the State of Utah, for the ing to Iloyfe. Salina Pres. We would advantage In aniwering questions. of Summit. county Bro. HowarJ offer uch an to take adyto The attendance at. Sabbath school In the matter of the estate of Dennis Remarks by Prof. Iliaklay, Presiand meeting laet Sunday waa eotuewi?at a the above if one should be pretexted dents deceased. Mra, and latters tbe Taylor Yoong, slim. The meeting at Hoy lavihe drew to him in tbe future. He need tome-o- ne The undersigned will sell at private to share tbe fortune be i making subject being General Improvement tale an equal, undivided 200 feet, being large number away. Fund. 5 in the southern town. thereof, of, in and to the Dies At tbe afternoon session Prof, Hinkley rereived were noticee tax Theeonaty lode mining claim situate iu laat Saturday and the people are now No man can long do duty in business, ssa tbe first speaker, giving a sample Uintah Mining District, Summit cjuntv, Utah, being U. S. Mineral Entry Num-b- r scheming to get the money to pay them r socially and politically, without mak- lesion from tbe manual. 276, on or after October 7. 1901, and Two other lessons were di ecu seed by with, ing eneuales. lf yeu combat the wrong, wriiten bids will he received at Park Bishop A. J Crnnon and George T. Pome traveler over the road In Mor- youmnst encur the enmity of the wrongCity, Utah, Terms of sale, cash. Judd. Daed September 45, 1901. doer. Some lif perron through get gan county don't Hie the bad condition More question were asked and anJams Mara, few with old but the very enemie, they are In, end gaveaxprension to their Administrator of the estate of Dennis swered. world is no better for them having lived feeling In the Morgan Mirror of laat 3t Mars, deceased. In tbe evening a public meeting wa in it, A natural life is no factor in the week. warfare that i being waged between held and was largely attended. The A petition h r a office at Grai pol right and wroig, ard when yon can principal speaker wae Prof. Hinkley, Creek will avou Washington, Writ on 1 hfkn"Touibt6ne ITtfifk who delivered an -- Fntereeting discourse. C. Aire. J. A. Siuith sang a solo and a The 1, people up tbecaujon de- without enemies you (in safely incribe serve a poet office and we hope the offlc-Sa- lt on the other wa rendered hy George Beard, J. aide, And did nothing for trio give them one. obta oJ. tnd l Hat-- J tbe good ol mankind. (Cavat, and Trade-MarIt I only the W. Simister ard F. H. Wright. m bimMW conducted lor Moom.TC ritl. t low met Oeeoarrt U. S. Patiwt ometj On account of conference at Salt Lake mau who ba the courage of hi coovie-a I ran patent ta leu Urns Uiaa Uos t Your return card printed on uni reroot from Washington. j e the first Sunday in October the on, and w ill stand for tbe right regard-le- a I bead model, drawing or photo., with deeerip. I for 7 cents at I Hon. W a adtriaa, if patentable or not, ire of j ioo envelopes of Cot who the to hat fast been himeelf, sequence changed day monthly charge. Oar faa no due till patent it secured. JTHE TIMES office. How to Obtain PateMS, with ( A P sstSMttT, to the laet Sunday Id tbi month, which le nf account in the warfare againit evil. teost i sane in the U. 3. and foreign couotnoai .sent tree. Addresa. Hut the character of tbe enemie will be next Sunday a . A Shocking alnnilt)' man ba will determine the kind of Lately befell a railroad laborer, The fliit wind mill to be erected in V. C. work be baa accomplished. If be ha write Dr. A. Kellett of .Williford. Ark. Coalville waa put u Wed ne lay I? J. he- - n of any account in the community "Ill foot wa badly crushed, but Ruck- Bowens the bwstlre agent of the 4 ASTHMA-HA- Y you may fcnnw ft hjr thrVnVnrive-h- r FEVER Consolidated Implement coidpany. It It simply wonderful for Burn, Boils, ha made. Ex. 1ilc and all ki eruption. It the it a fine piece of mat hlnery and work lke a charm. A well ha been dug aud While aeveral different rale have world rhumpit.n healer. Cure guaranteed. 2c. Fold by John Eoy len & the mill wiil now bow it usefulness. ben published for the meaturement of Bon. FREE TRIAL LOTTO; h iy io stark the on adopted by the gov State Fih and game commissioner .133? Tr.fJ Y CTv. AMCUS D8.XAFT.73 Found. John Sharp will leave for Summit county erment hat not appeared a yet and a it Between Car'ere and Wunship, on it in general use we publish the tame: ICK today w ith 5500,000 trout, averaging In W-VISaCit To find the number of cubic feet in a Weduerdav, the 18ih, a bntlsp length from an inch to an inch and a filled with clothing. Owner can hare tick of hay (ft si meaeure the distance RESIDENT me hy calling on F. Malin, Hoytsville, half, to be divturbuted in several of, the from one ode of it bare over ton to describing article anj ' for thi large stream in tbe county. Mr. Sharp paying bash on opposite side; measure distance notice. My that it the hatchery were twice it acr'Ls-the Coalville, bottom ; subtract the distance present capacity he could put DOugb us your orders for . all at bottom from distance from the the residence, corner fish into the streams to even keep th tmds of Work.' Job and Second Main North streets. base to divide bate over the " 'Jyc miters tcp.and Trib busy. Monday rrmstuder hy two wtitch give height of bo, Hick, Measure leng'h of stack and mulThe Time is inreciiptoiafine combi- tiply length, breadth and heighth ATTORN W, nation map vr til, IjTs putmar.ed autF'fr- - toother and the reeultl the number of 4 D. F. Room Walker Building, in the tcc. In ton of by tag ant out.by the Ieeit New. Ona erme side ronuin uccujrsie uni SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. at that has been slacked thirty day or lth (tale eggs, glue , snip of Utah aud Idaho with tha WOO ovr, there are 42J c'uWe feet. la Jtewly and other things are not fit to drink. ceoiueof towF,, while the reverte tide j itsrked hey the kowrment mesure Is W. FRENCH, M. D., ehoae a map of the world' with eomiJ-- ; 6li cubic feet to the toa, Fkyslclaa and Sergeea, viable Impr ant 1.1 ctitiveniently taL- AT RESIDENCE: OFFICE s Pure uncoated . fated. The mapa and inform itloo are i coffee-fresatrong, iu ,CilvilIe Coop ''BI Coalville. well flavored. coavanieot ihapa and will form an make special ffer If told b- - October 10. T.mm Office hour from 2 1) 4 p. m. . Moqr.ant iddl to any lu.iae j AdJreWi All whocan should obeerve these hour ,loy Sherman, 52 West 2nd ..iti JV aouih at reel. Salt Lake City. a near a poreiUe. visiting relative here Coalville Coop ON BOYS SUITS, 3 10 9 (IS, lat week- HALF PRICE FOR ALL gd J. Puff rame p from Scofield Saturday gq a abort vfeit. M re. - e. Joho CaFderwood and wife were L Iro , oewvfMwt. :- - ped 4aaK&3t!j33m::3! hlrt Walsts For Cost. ll eoAbviuLE eo-o- p. to-w- it: 5 W 1 o wi. teg-wl- l i, fC.A.srdow&oo. GRASS CREEK COAL. Al'T - Stic, and stove Lump fed. 1175 WELL SOREE11TR3I3. Special Chute for Loading Teams. No Shoveling. NoWaiting. Grass Creek Coal Co. JOHN BOYDEN & SON. o DEALERS IN - - Books, Pencils, School Supplies : MEDICINES, etc. Main Street Coalville . Utah. -- Jj Dr. Dentist. nt Utah. JOffice if. c. EvAnsrs, EY-AT-- LA 493-40- Oscar Wilkins & Sons Company, PEOA, - UTAH. Carry a full line of General Merchandise. - Pay the Highest Prices for Produce, And give good Bargains for Cash. Call and See Us and be Convinced. When you want Dry Goods1 and Groceries jip-io-U- LionGoffoo r h, r 0. Go to eftSH BfiRQftlN STOfte 4 COALVILLE, UTAH |