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Show T Most Striking 'Boer War Cartoon. III Is not often that a curtoon exilic so much sttentlon as that publlahed Jby the Amaterdnmmer a short time since, allowing negro aoldlera under the llritlah flag ahuotlng down while women In Houth 'Africa. 'hie was i a baaed upou Mr. ('hamtierlalu's speech j In the lloua.. of I'ommona. in which h I Intimated that the employment of lbs 5 blacks as soldier n contemplated In the future. Friend of the Doer protected to b horrified at this auggeetlou and aald It .would alienate eyuiputby fur the Brit-lah Brit-lah amoug the Cap Colonlata, even Ihoas of KnglUli bltth. the race feeling ther being eien stronger than It Is In our Southern Btatea. One Ixindon paper pa-per bus pointed uul that In spit of American race prejudice there are black troupe In our regular army. The A mutant miners cartoon l-aa been widely copied, and mors than one referred to In public apeeche. 'lbs London Dally Mall railed It "a disgraceful i in toon,'' but republiahed It. Continental critic pronounce it j the moat atrlklng of th Uoe- war car-! toon. A I'lCTl'RK THAT IS DENOUNCED IN C3KEAT BRITAIN. |