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Show - COALYTI iTB TDLES. ran mum ' CZOLOOSZ NOT ALLOWED TO PLEAD GUILTY. na af Met dill; eo. bj laatrectieaa Iran tba Leon F, Czolgoez was placed on CAUe s.fr fomenting anarchy- - fvcalaeaS Mm vall mmmmHrni PrMlSnl Ko. tun el t. DENVER'S BIG CARNIVAL. hpp-r- Par da October Will fluff -- n Ever Attempted la tk- - Warn. As the tha plana and details for tba coming Fall Festival at Denver begi to nofold, it ia evident that tba celebration this year will far ontahine anything ever attempted In Kansas City or St Louis, and even New Orleans will bavn to look to her laurels when it cornea to aagnitnde and splendor of tha display. It ia now thought that tile industrial parade on tha first day, OcL 1, will ba at least five miles long. Among thn aovnl features ia this parade will ba forty five decorated automobiles. A feature introduced this year for tha first time ia tbe Rongh Riders tournament A silver belt costing $500 will ba awarded tba best rider. In addition to thia will be liberal cash prizes. Tha most daring riders and moat vicloua horses have been engaged for this event. Special rates era being mads on all railroads. XodostrSal looted. SCHLEY COURT OF INQUIRY RESUMES ITS SESSIONS. f . , Many prominent men have gives r. r W lianM T f Iff Who Dlaefr-- e 1 Itti At a memorial President Roosevelt aaanraocee of co(nan FanuS bf meeting held I. Chi Admiral Hrhley. of murder tbe to tba ainoe bis Senator elevation will) cago operation Sunday, Monday charged Doijj 0( j The Schley court. 'of-- inquiry reconPresident William McKinley. Be an teokoccaateo to refer L, presidency. Influence was vened which which tend of tered Scott them a to Friday, and before it adjourned were Senatora Among UTAH STATE NEWS. guilty," plea encourag, examined bun- witnesaea Tba moat and anarchy, aa follows- - ,lwleHIMI and Elkins of Weat Virginia, Senatora to not guilty subsequently changed i Pritchard of North Carolina, Millard It cannot be out of important incident of tbe day was the y direction of the court. All tba KowiihstaadlBg the drought, the decision of vf The- - court withdrawing a tbs Nebraska that i of indicated and of areata Burton the Kansas, t 10 day beet yield in lit vicinity o f T?M SpriagriUe and trial will be short Court eoueeoed at 1. the question put bv tbe court itself, askof modern society there Representatives Heatwole, I up to ti utrifi, are a thousand force. 10 o'clock aud early in the afternoon and of Minnesota, ing a witness to giro bia opinion conStephana A Salt Lake potieemaa had bit psek-tt- a rn.nifn.Uy tend- - Gibson of Tennessee. Livingston of tbs twelre jurors had been secured. cerning n point under controversy. 4 MT.u, r,0rI picked while wateblag a parade Technicalities were not raised by the Themost important witness examand Dayton of West Virgins. WCKed Tm was ralsad Georgia at tba Elk's earnivat, looeiag JJL All ined chiefto It ware was but tba with tbe counsel, signifiduring the day was Admiral delighted examining reception who commanded the battleeblp Nar It tba history of tba 8tata cant that eery man who said he bad American people. magistrate accorded them. have winter range beta at food at formed an opinion on tba case was ex Massachusetts during tb bombardIt ought not tabs forgotten that Senators Elkins and Scott congratu31 of the lated ment thay art now, and stock mas art fallal-tal- l enaed by the district attorney. Those conspirators working out tha May decision the Colon, battleship president upon tb.lr n.f.r-iou- a then lying in tbe outer harbor at Sanwho acknowledged that they bad of themselves. plan la secret, ln tba den. and ba made when be took tba oath of office. Dock hunter comptaia that moat of formed sb opinion or stated that thsy cave, of tb. aarth. That simple declaration, said tiago. enjoy M noeOD. Senator Admiral Higgioaon tba amall lakea fraquanted by dneka were prejudiced, but admitted that sdoua restored said, in his Scott, immediately and confidence in tbe business world." Admiral Schley had not with every lawl art dry and that dock buatlag will ba their oplnioo could be ebaBged by evijudgment. lnflonc. done all possible to destroy the Colon abroad ln tbe world. dence, were accepted by each aide. nary poor tb la yaar. LegUl.tore who MINISTER CENSURED on that date, and that the Colon eoold Tba work of securing the jurors was betray tha commonwealth, Tba W. C. T. V. of Salt Laka will FUR CRITICISING McKINLEV judges who have been destroyed bad the American with tba Daaerat Sunday then undertaken with a celerity polaon tbs fountain, of ju. tics, city fleet closed in and attacked at cloier was amazing Before the governments which com, to terms Bee. BUas C. School Id loo io ita ma-tlattampt to stop that, Swallow, Pr0n.la-.tl- 7 range. The Spauish shore batteries day was over the entire penal with crime all these art regular d aa Prufatbltoa Candid to for Sunday liquor tailing. the Admiral considered, did not to the campaign fund of anCoasnrod by Votornns. Ota of tba novel faaturet of thattats bad bean sworn, the jurors Jbad Boaeevelt Does Mot Waat B0O7 Uaard, to much. to llataaed a amount of the Resolutions Rav. archy. Temple description fair will ba a buffalo park, with soma bitterly condemning That bowling mesa, whether In Kan- Silas C. Swallow, of Harrisburg, PeTT President Roosevelt's first Sunday la Major Wood, who commanded the of tba magoifleient anamlala on Anti of Muaic, where tbe crime occurred! Washington, aa chief executive was marine force on the Massachusetts, bad seen photographs of the Interior sas or Alabama; that lop UlandoQ exhibition. . assembly of wild for an attack on tba late President comparatively nneventful. In the testified that when attacked of that structure and had been told by beasts dancing in druokab carooeal McKinlsy in a late lasna of tba by the Tba character of the etblblta to ba be attended religious services ahora batteries Admiral morning three surgeons what caused tba death about tba ashes of soma edhad of which Schley be is Methodist, maleaegro with his brother-in-laMr. Douglass arranged, and tba general Iota rest of tba Starboard your given this order: president and affect of tba as- factor, ia not contributing to the so- itor, were adobted at a publld meeting taken warrants a belief that the stats Robinson. When leaving church a helm and lets gat out of thia. sassin's shot upon the various organs nority of society; U is They fair this yaar will surpass all others of taking away bald Satnrday night, attended by 100 officer, under Instructions pravi-ouslwere 10,000 feet from the batteries. tba from tha body. society only security It baa. parsons, under tbe anspicea of tbe In every way. given, started to follow, but Mr, He considered the distance too It is not probable that any defense It belongs to the unenrolled reserve Patriotic league. . Swallow was great Roosevelt turned, and with a wave of for effective Two crops of grasshoppers bars bean will bs work. put In, owing to the character eorpsof anarchy In tba fyiited States. prominently mentioned as Problbiiion hla raised la bao pete county this said: hand, I don't need you. year, f tbs prisoner and the refusal to help candidate for president at the last Captain Uarber, second in comTba words which came The officer thereupon turned back, and mand on d a record crop Is ex pooled nest his attorneys in any way to procure ously to tbe lipe of William spontane- election. (he Texas, (Captain the president and Mr. Robinson con tinMcKinley fear unless a wet winter destroys tbs evidence which they could use in hla aa ba sank under mortal testified that whan dead) Phillips wonnds, aad ned their walk ia a roundabout way to tha Csalgols Hall-- ta wrs sot PoUon-- d. ffs that bare been laytd. The Idea of an attampt to s aaw tba infuriated Ceinfue-go- a, squadron vv.m to A most crowd pressing la Cowlea bouse. Many persona important development Captain E. Charles 8 tan ton and bis were discovered, but Captain earthworks question of his sanity Is not about hla assailant, the Czolgolz case is the announcement ought, to be passed and recognized the President, no attempt waa made to destroy them. lark, Frank B. Shelly, formerly with thought of In view of tba reports of ln the ears of tb. officers of that no poison bad been fonnd on the the latter pleasantly responding to Ha bad heard of no lbs (Jtsb battery, are on tba beats sn 1 Iwo alienists who have recently general orders or peace from one end of tbe land to the bullets or the revolver with which tbe their salutations. Two route to Salt Lake. Mr. Shelly has examined blm and there la ground for other ia all tba bicycle police- directions having leen iasned regardyears that ere to coma anarchist assassinated President Mc- men who kepLst a respectful distance bean eery sick for soma months. tbs belief that tbs trial will be coning conduct of a fight should the "Let no one hurt blm; 1st the law Kinley, Chemical and bacteriological in tbe rear, bad followed the President Spanish fleet bo engaged. cluded with s aesaiou of but ooa day taka ita course.- The contractors for tbs public build-bein- g Ha also examinations were made. when he went to church. mors. erected at Bolas, bars orderthought ships might have coaled at aea instead of going to Key West, aa ed twenty ears of Utah cement to ba IMtag ef Moaatala necessitates ( toelag sad la tba foundations of that struct-r- s Oae af the they did at this time, by ordera of AdMlees. ' Tbs sliding movement which bat miral Scbley. and tbs Y, M. C. A. building. Ssraral carloads of sugar from tbs bean doing considerable damage to CABINET MEMBERS ACCEPT bnllding and other property In differ. Ogden factory bars bean marketed. ent of Bnite ROOSEVELTS CALL. for several parts Tbs Utah county factories began to years, made It to bag Nev-close r tba necesaary this grind week, and before tbs sloes Believe Hloerrltr Artoatee tke President, dweat mine, the largest of tba Anaof tbs week will bs marketing Its and nil Will Retain Their Portfolio. conda propertiea. prod not, was stated on excellent It It baa bean stated that tbe deep shaft anthorlty At tba bleycle track at Salt Lake that all members of tbe cabinet have of the mine la seven Inches ont of Saturday sight, John Lawson estabaocepted the reappointment tendered plumb, and the foundation of the gilished s sew worlds record, gantic by President Roosevelt The manner making tb distance In :94: 1 M, tba mineengines emploved to operate ln which the president made tbe apbaa been so badly displaced twenty-on- e seconds faster than tbs that it has become npsafe to work the pointment rendered it impossible for bast previous Urns. ' the members of the cabinet to take The foundation was conengines. A strike Is repoted io the West other coarse, a they already am in st rueted at neost of 140,000, and will Cestcry mine, la Park Valley, Box bars to ba rebuilt The mine will retba positions and cannot decline, bnt Eldar county, where s large body of main closed for most resign their places If they deatm some time, rs bss beau uncovered that gives mill to leave the Cabinet. Tbe entire Anaconda bill, as well as , returns of till, gold, 1J ouuoes silver tbe hM Mom than this, they all believe fa epos wbiek tbs efty Is built, usd 19.4 per cent lead. tbe eineeretjr of the president in desirbaa given frequent evidence of the Fourteen laches of ore that will strange movement of the ing their services and in return they earth, but wish to assist him to tbe full extent of average to per cent copper la reported the movement baa been so light and THREE PRESIDENTS VICTIMS OF ASSASSINS' BULLETS. la tbe Columbia of Bingham. Ia tbs gradual that no damage baa ever their powers to carry ont tbe policies been meantime lessees are taking out conof former President McKinley, which done by it Geologists claim that tba M-- K r-l- l7 Toward Cabo --a Will Bs Ueata-a- al siderable milling ora which is belog entire Feaey Wlthla BOO MUm af the RUSSIAN RULER VISITS FRANCE. Mr. Roosevelt bee adopted for bis adrange of mountains about Butte Carried Oat, Pa la, o treated at tbe Rogers mill. Caarlna Wit aa ministration. la uonatantly sliding and of 140,Leonard Qeneral Wood, , mllltar changing, Herbert L. Bridgman, - Secretory of OOO Frsoch Baca use It was Another feature of the relations of Troop. Governor of Cuba, left WasbiogtoO the proposed to bold a nod baa been doing so for ages, Tba Czar, the Czarina and President the new Arctlo who Peary conducted club, bicycle race meet at the Sait Lake whlcbfact la due tb crashed and Sunday for Havana. Tba expeotatlen the president with the lest Peary relief expedition of this Lon bet Saturday reviewed 140, 00C saucer track Thursday which has become known of condition of of General Wood la last tba bo ba that veins will fealty end able ore night and tbe yonng men who accomtroops on the Plain of Bethany, France, I to tbe effect that Mr. weak, the day of Presldaat McKinley's bodies of the district to complete arrangements by which year him have Roosevelt has a stretch of country six miles wide sod been panied returned home. With burls), both the manager and official affaire ln the ialande can be banded them came Mrs. fully advised and baa approved of two miles Adaslnsl hapos la KaUavad From deep. The march lasted the Peary and her little Dsl; over to tfs Cubans by tha first of next league representative resigned. negotiations in progress relative to an Areoaal af Hla lla-ll- k. girl, who was borne in the Arctlo re- from 10:45 a. m, to 1:10 p. m. terminathe proposed isthmian canal Tbs Oregon Short Line has pissed Tha electoral tew which tb May. Rear Admiral Sampson has in gions eight year ego. ting a magnificent charge of cavalry. with England. requested Governor-brou- ght an order for 300 steal gondola ears, tho navy with him for tha Next April, said Mr. Bridgman, The spectacle before tbe czar was on department to relieve him of of the authorities hero la 100,000 pounds capacity, with tbs hla present duty aa commandant of tha Inspection Peary will start for tbe pole from of the most imposing ever witnessed Oklahoma Men Insult the Flax and are Pressed Steel Car company. Tba cart Boston to the administration prosatisfactory on OcL on navy yard Cape Heels, the highest point of land Around the review grounds was a deef account I, Mobbed. Will ba 41 feel 6 thufiea long and will aam vided modifications made, h baa discovered in the west, which mass of red and blue, bf the bad condition of hie heelth. infantry, cavalry As a result of his talk with tha of Oae maa waa N MF.lft.tned out Of U jbop. five and dragged through tha Secret ary hundred miles from the iaonly artillery. The whole line extend-eLong General Wood e Tbe expressed peleT If beihOntd never reach It 'his baa granted his re. ffctala several miles, ia spite of the fact Itreets of Oklahoma City, Okla., Thura-4a- y Telegraphers and tbs tba opinion that there would be no discoveries have United Slates Millliary Telegraph by ah angry crowd for maligning been Bear AdquesL important that the troops were drawn up 150 filei hia In tbe attitude of tbe admlnia-traflo- n and president and narrowchange country orps will hold their twenty-secon- d to warrant the time be has deep. miral Mortimer L. enough toward the Cuban bntthat tbe ly escaped lynching, and another, who nnaaal meeting la Sait Lake naxt in tbe he will spent northbut com reach Johnson, ipoke ill of the police, waa compelled ' year. Tba twanyt-ffr- st annual meetmender of thelorg policy Inaugurated by Mr. McKinley tb pole." b would to flea for bis life. continued by hi successor, ing bat just been closed at Montreal, Mr. Bridgman said he had the satisRoyal naval eta. R. M. Bradshaw, a Canada. Haa Einad as Grsals r-faction of knowing that Pea ry had a contractor, who Or-gW. t,OB' wW assume I had declared that be waa an anarchist ! d T. Sampson. command of tha child of Mr. and Holiday of San Fraocisoo, wo supply of walrus meat larga anough to and would neither respect Preaidenl -hot through tba bead by Frank carry blm through bis undertaking. Mrs. A. V. Taylor of Mill oreek, died Boston fard on Oct 1. Admiral SampMcKinley nor the American flag, waa laat week from a shock caused by fall-la- g son will retire by age limit February UcCana, proprietor of a hotel at Grants The explorer returned with the Bridgof bis coat and hat and dragstripped into a pall of hot water. U la back 9, 1693. Ba could retire before that If Paaa, Ore., Saturday. The wounded man party aa far aa Cape Hertchel, to tbe ged public square. He had rewbem hit man will arms winter die. Holiday is of tbe firm and warn severely scalded, but ha wished, under tba forty years' servheadquarters are. fused to march In a memorial j. of Peeoock & tha parada, la auffi-nivice oot, Holiday, contractors and opinion pbyetoiane, clause, on hla own request, or ho and American flags were placed In BOER APPEAL TO POWERS. to eaufea death. could, apply for retirement to taka J ft'4era of Ban Francisco. Ha arrived hla hand and ha waa forced to head - Biahop Iron, of affecrTmmed(ata'Iy bn acconnt bf poof 4 this city a few days ago t loolr bp Oae Asktag Tt Arkltrmttaa ta B Moroni, Saapoto Ah. Procession ofAeVEra.1 hundred pen- - v N latarastta 1 Co--rt. onaty, died laat weak at tba age of yg health. However as naval officers gen- - j mining Jntareata In which ha aad Mo- aad klaa and cheer tha flag. Ha pis, Cenn were concerned. They had bad Baron' von Lynden, the Holland Minjaara. Biahop Iroae came to Utah In waa advised to leave town. A school trouble The previously. 1IM and settled la Moroni soon after, qasrre! ended ister of Foreign Affairs, baa forwardsd teacher who denounced tha police for In McCasn drawing his revolver and to which baa aver since bean bis home. tha legation and members of tb not protecting Bradshaw bad to flea firing, thajbnllet entcring oyer the left aonocil of the eon rt of arbitration with Ha had occupied bia ecclesiastical pofor hia life. ays and passing out ovrr tha left ear-Th- e a notification thathe intenda to sition for abnt twenty years. bring ADMIRAL eanae of the quarrel la not known. HIGGINSON, A Motion for n new trial In tha ease np tb appeal for consideration at (he A Prominent Witness in the MoCanu la In jail. ' Schley Boeva Ceptare 180 British aad Ft ft. first of Mra f the council. Aaale Hilton, wife of Chief Court of Inquiry. meeting Gaaa. af Hilton of Salt. Lake, sgataet the late te4s Haadfe-rcktI at MeKlafeW Coari Revolver EvMeeese at Plot ta A A dispatch from Lord Kitchener, Acmtaaldo- Old Body on-r- d Barr darn. i Wktek KUI-- d MrKI-l-- 7. Dr. John R. Park, wherein she aonght Dlaaavarad. from Pretoria, announces that the old to gat a portion of hie estate, waa Locked np la a heavily. barred vanlt Agulnnldo's Deteo-tivmade e bodyguard, Major Boer am bashed Investigation by Police three companies of In Captetn Porter's bve'rroled laat week. An appeal to tho Scbinnnk of Cleveland, O., mveal Alhambra, two captain, two lieuten-ant- e private office )n the mounted Irfantry, with three gone, s and tweoty-niosupreme court will bn taken. quarters occupied by tbe United State tba startling possibility that a plot to men, with commanded by Major Gongh, la the secret Oervlce bureau, at Chicago la the asaassi'nate President McKinley waa twnty-lgb- t rifles, surrendered at r. Good white .wheat la now of bringing Nek. After severe vicinity Sheeper's of Island handkerchief in which Anarcbl.t laid a year or more ago, before ha was Luzon, to Captain George . In tha Salt Laka market 61 cents par tbe British were overpowered fighting of the Detchandy a looted bia for second term, and that Cxolgoax coooealed hla revolver when bushel, but a amall decline ia expected United Infantry Snnd.Ttnd and lost their gnna, the sights aad firing tbe shots that killed President It may have been laid in Orange town- took the States within a abort limb, na many farmers oath of allegiance and were breech blocks of which were first deMcKinley. It is a lady' handkerchief ship, wbam the Cxolgoes family lived. released. or bolding for a bigger price, aad After Alhambrarcsptar,j stroyed, Two officers and fourteen about 10 inches square, and one A remittance made to tba aaaaasln by when they commence to pat their etuff Caisroarao, Septemkilled end five officers and hia ber Waldeck brother, lttb, Laptam Detchandy and a de- men were eornef ia shot away. It farnUhes Cxolgosx, about on tbe market, there will be a twenty-fiv- e a led to tbe Investigation tachment pursued him closely. month mea were wpanded. Five great ago, tba clue aa to Cxolgosx', co-- I only deal of oompelllton. that may have an important bearing hare bean captured withB t0 officers sad 150 men were made prison- if he had oaa. conspirator, on tbe ease. bour If ba had not surrendered. Tbe State convention of the W. (X T-will bo held at Ogden on October Anee-Presld ts Creek Laeklaf far Beaaave'.t'a Re--id IiwwkU Leevae Ld,ui. b, ae. Will NoT-lf- e. Raw Jersey OBetala Oettl-- y After Anar-te- n !7th, ltb, 19th and 30th. Miss Mary What's tha use of abimt An Italian miner at tbe Elk mine Washington pollen am looking for a that? talking Brmpetklsers. Brchmof Illinois, national superinI killed the president Laudvllia, Is said to have remarked man who appro achad sevsral pedaa-triaAftet deploring the death of Preal- -, anarchist and simply did tendent of tha anffarare department that all kings end president, should be tp dent McKinley and extending tba early Friday and asked the Thats all Ill ay. (the W. C. T. U. will be present Leon F. Czolgosz. tha assassin of boards of President Roosevelt' slater, throughout tho convention and make tire statement, reviewing the incidents J hilled, and that It was tba right thing sympathy to Mrs. McKinley, several addresses. hUl McKinley. Friday 300 tha wife of Commander Cowela of tha President McKinley, said those of tb lata strike of the steal workers. J which was recorded. President Lewie miners to Frank A. A company hat been formed to lease The interesting fee turn of the state- - I fathered at tbe ahafthouse, of tha axels commissioners of Newwaited un- navy. Saverol of the officers were de- editor of Boffalloaki, a Olooowrt, Polish newl or buy enough land at the north end meet la the leaders never erlteisa of I til the fellow appeared, placed a tailed to geard tb Coweta residence. paper, but would aay rope nothing further ark, N. J., Friday night offered a resf Great Salt Lake, and the Promonother labor organisations for tbalr I oronnd his neck and started for a reil-fsil- The man ia described aa about 40 yearn about the crime, while wiliioi, to olution providing for the snnalment trestle. Ob the advice of some of old. speaks with a foreign accent, bos freely about other subjects. OlozaanL toeome to the old of the Amal- - I f licenses of saloonkeepers who hartory country, to Jnetify extensive exwakl paid hi. second to th.. ploration to determine to a certainty gamated man. To this h attributes I tb crowd tbs man's Ilf waa spared bor or permit anarehtste to assemble light mustache, wears dark clothes, ,L WM the District aad had a box about laches loeg Attorney, in purauaoee by he was badly ehoktd and whether or not oil abounds In that tb failure of tba strikers to gala tbalr I In their places. Ooa saloon lloan of driven and about three andeight vela efforts a half iaekea to move tha vioialty, aa has long been believed. waa revoked for' this eanaa at tha priaooera atnbborn point He U especially aevare against Ml f the camp by tb miners, with wldo , tongna. Nwi revolvers. a Gempers. UTAH. COALVILLE. trial W.Uil o - Dig-glnso- o, ra Prldt, Penn-salvan- la eo-lb- ed , Aa-ce- 100-ml- le 1-7 -w Old-Tim- m-fln- Rear-Admir- M, al oa. three-year-ol- al nu i J Ba-le- ' U. ni ad-(f- word-Thursd- ay nr eating. V r |