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Show NOTES ON ISC1KNCE. current notes of discover and invention. "elrlt stale riling - ll"W Vlj.lerlou. Trl.k In H Trjiles ami Kaf, lll 4a...... I.klr.. I ll tl li el. Il l' vt III I isi.h. j Hplillii.iiie'lr e iilc willing. If c!c- irl) iluii. alwuya mal.ei- u 1:11 ke.i Mil- j llevel.-n on li una Kii lil il e i.uillenee. h"-I1UI" h"-I1UI" II Ullivl) li.ittlei IS. .r erfi.rla to Mi. I the ir.i It. 'I hey s c a nn:.i I i .ill-net .ill-net i'.' I" nod a:.m t:. ami," by nill.i. ill to. ! or III . i". -. It hna Hll i..in I ""I. en. I Ik e.i p v The i.i t i ii.it ..i,.i It nr. .nil. I o I hni en ,y la, l i .' li imiy b.. .1. a id Iuh It In ,1,1, i.l out Willi b.s u. ..I, to iilioe tin., n i. holloa. On a iliiinl rim- I) he I ii a a amili eaa-1, .'i lomnon i In ol a ute. a b ilt i of I,,. I ,.i Ink with ii irilll . :i In It. uml a fin ill. eta of o ilill.ily Willie uilll.it; Piilci All ih lie h- pines arouiiil sm. i,.: the inilieuce fur cxamlli:it'i'll 'Ihin he I'm a a'lnl of the i..per to Die al.ile by m.c.nn :f wnfera. placet i Hie nMc on the r:ii I. uml the cine: 111 l ie i .blurt. In-.tlier with Hie hot-lie hot-lie of Ink. the Inner h iving the pen SUM lu it. IhiviiiK l.llimeil llie ailillrnce lo tee the ailioia linn oiiangcd In the rulil-net, rulil-net, he throws a lirge al Ik handker-riilff handker-riilff over II. Myaterloua aoumla are Imtm ili.ilFly brant, mid Ihe cabinet shai.ea m If some living thing had entered en-tered it. When the auunila and the stinking ceaee. he remove the hainl-kerrlilcf. hainl-kerrlilcf. ehuwlng nn Inscription written writ-ten Id bold black, loiter on the paper, and the pen. hut In tl.c Ink bottle, but lying on the bottom of the cabinet. He then teinovea Ihe paper from the late and pataea It around for examination, exam-ination, when Ih writing la Immediately Imme-diately rrrognlxcd at having been done wllb India Ink. The explanation of the trick It elm-ple. elm-ple. The writing waa done In advance by the performer, Ihe fluid used being solution of sulphuric acid of the purest pur-est quality. To make the lolutlon 60 drops of Ihe concentrated acid ar added to on ounce of filtered water. Writing done with thla tolulloa Is Invisible In-visible until exposed to heat; when ao exposed It cornea out perfectly black, looking exactly Ilk dried India Ink. The hent I applied by means of an electric current running over wire with which the alate la wound. Tha cords by which the cabinet Is suspended conceal con-ceal copper wires, which conduct the current to Ihe alate. Ulack silk threads, tultulily ntiarhed, enable th performer perform-er to make the Bounds In the cabinet, to cauee the cabinet to shake and to i rk tbe pen out of th Ink bottle. Several theeta of paper ar prepared In advance, each with a different Inscription, In-scription, tbe performer telling on Inscription In-scription from tha other by secretly marked pin pricks. al'TOMATIC VIOLIN la MCKrtX'TKD IN THK KANT. In this aga of autoniutona It Is not Surprising to find automatically operated oper-ated musical Instruments. Evtryon ht besrd the self-playing piano and mutual bog, and soon everyone Is Ilk. to hear an automatic: stringed Instrument, very similar to a violin, tor a Massachusetts inventor has Just o vised an Instrument of this kind. Tht compuuent parte of thla novel Invention are atrlngt. a belt bow, a framt an4 pneumatic, devlcea, by meant of which Ihe bow It enabled to travel over th string In whatever r" t i t ! TUB AUTOMATIC VIOLIN, direction may be deKlred. These device de-vice ar connected with a lever, which I controlled by a progressively moving actuator, and Ih position of which may be varied to ault th movement move-ment of th bow. On the neck of th Instrument ther are also two Independent Inde-pendent finger-bearing strips, In which ar movable rods Muslo of any kind. It Is claimed, can be plsyed on this mechanical violin, whlrb, furthermore, la so constructed that R will last a lung time and. If properly used, will not readily get out of order. AMKKirAN All INVENTOR. The United State grants tS.000 patents pat-ents each year, or nearly as many at til the real of th world. England (rants 1.000 a year, Franca and Oar-many Oar-many each about 7.000, whll Canada, Australia. Austria, Italy and Russia about half as many each. An Interesting Interest-ing fo;t Is that mors patents ar granted In proportion to tbe applicative applica-tive than ever before In tbU hlatory of th Patent office, showing that mechanical me-chanical genius Is not chaaln tt mane minor. an lormerly. American la- i vrr.Kve pi niiiK Is almwn In all line of ' Indention, bit aiicn-eds especially In. n.arblnery for manufacturing. Iran. I ; nii.ill, in ami lnlor aavlu. I.ninp. I and the Otlelit have begin to find American Industry very useful ,n, lleccio.i. to llit-m. j III I I s Hit IMsls. 1 ling i,p:(. vvhu are learning the violin will In ilili ii Kle.l to know that j devl, e h.ia Just li. cn invented whlcli la llli'.y to pi, ur of iiiuili aervlce to h.-ni. It la In the foim of a support for II... in in. Bii, I It la Alien,-, I thai ,y 1 1 1'i.nni IV lu. tiument can In. nl-wuva nl-wuva lu l l III nil n!,olilley correct po-e po-e It 'on. '1 ;ni. in,, i I n ,11 illniinli.li,., vlo-oa-MWBi i n iiagaaaa 7 TllF. ARM REST. llnM uml the device la Indorsed by Dr. I.iborde. s Paris physician, who thinks ao hUhly of It that be spoke In Ita fuvnr a few itnya ago before Ibe French Academy of Medicine. The support sup-port consist of a aemi-clrcl which enfolds Ihe lower part of arm a little ahovo the elbow, and which la connected con-nected with a belt Hint ran be lengthened length-ened or ehortencil according to the alse of Ihe snn. Its main Iisefulneaa lies In the (net that It prevents muscular fnllgue, keeps the shoulder In a proper prop-er position and finally gives the arm that power over the Instrument which It muat have In orner to produce th beat effeita. Dr. 1-aborde haa thoroughly lealed tt, and ho maintain that young violin vio-lin player! who uh It will learn more quickly and more eaally than thoee who do not ute It. Til K PANSY VAMll.Y. There Is a funny old story about th pansy which many children know, but many, again do not. Th pansy haa five petal and five tcpalt. In all panties pan-ties two of th petals are of plain color and three are gny with tlrlpes and tpot of bright color. The two plain petala have but on sepal between them, while th two smallest, or ths gay, petalt, have a t'ljal each, and th one large petal haa twb aupals. As th atory goes, the psnsy represent repre-sent a family a mother, two daughter daugh-ter and two itep-daughtor. The mother I very croa and cruel to her atepilaughtera, obligee them both to It on on chair and wr homely dresses, whll her daughters have a chair and very gay d reuses Indeed. But why dornn't th father object to such treatment of hi danghteraT Th question ques-tion Is, can you find th father' H Is at horn. Ob, ye. But you will bar to tear th bouee down, taking out th wife and children, to And him. II Is a little bit of a man, with whit wrapper on and a night cap. But, poor man, he la tck. and, If you look cloae-ty, cloae-ty, you will And that h alt with his hsnds on his knees, and a look of despair des-pair on bit face and hi feet In tub of hot water. KAINKD BNAII.e ANU TOADS. Saratoga, N. Y and vicinity had an experience the other nlgbt. th Ilk of which even the oldest Inhabitant cannot can-not remember. It waa a precipitation of (mail toad and snntla, tb visitation visita-tion occurring principally between t and 11 o'clock. A rainstorm prevailed during th most of Ih afternoon and increased greatly after nightfall. Shortly after f o'clock, what appeared ap-peared to b hallatonea rattled to earth, but on examination they proved to b snails In their shell, many of which wore gutherod by the astonished people. The snn lit were almost Im-medlattly Im-medlattly followed from th aky by imall toads, averglng from one-half to three-quarters of an Inch In length. Whll tb heaviest precipitation of toads and mailt was after I o'clock, ther are mauy who say that a number num-ber fell In the afternoon ttorni. From what taction the atprm icooped up th toads and mall that were dropped on Saratoga toll no on teems to know. BAVAUKS Or TUB GHAVK IlKriEO UV A 1IOHT. On the occasion of the throe hundredth hun-dredth annlveraury of Tycho Ilrahe't death, which occurred a few daya ago, th Prague town council decided to ex-hum ex-hum tbe remain of th celebrated astronomer, which were in tb Teyn Church of that city, and to bury tbem anew. First the ttone block on th monument, which bears a full length effigy of th astronomer, was lifted, and, on removing the atones of a semi-collapsed semi-collapsed arch beneath It, two molder-Ing molder-Ing coffins were seen. Workmen with candles then descended de-scended Into tbe vault and removed th debrla from th cofflne, tbe wood of which was quite rotten and fell to pieces at every rough touch. Whan tha lid of the drat coffin was removed a aurprlalng tight met the eye. for th body In th coffin was a wonderful likeness of the effigy on the monument monu-ment Th body, which had slightly turned on Its tide, htd on Its feet long cavalry cav-alry boots. That the body was Tycho Brsht't was alto seen from th absence of tb nose, for Tycho lost that organ In a dull and wor a silver on In Its plac. |