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Show REDEEMING MONEY. I UNCLE SAM GIVES GOOD CURRENCY FOR BAD. A mil nut ,. h. Ki,.d if . h.u Threr-nflhs of II Is Hated Work f l irl. I. Kr.,ulre,l la tlelern eg Value of Hill.. 1 ne llup.nu of Redemption ut Wash-Inglon. Wash-Inglon. which redeem mutilated currency, cur-rency, performs some astonishing "oik Tne agent lea by which money l destroyed are many, but usually the commonest , , nrl, rr whlch.of rourse. the owner of Ihe money la not always responsible. Often, however. Hie own. r la responsible. The Missouri Mis-souri man who puts 11.7(H) In the atove over night for safe keeping, and then lighted the Are before he remembered Ihe trivial oci'tirrrnre. certainly had only hliuscif lu hiume for his lone. Ho raked up nnd carefully collected the burned rrtimaiila of the roll of bills, anil sent the package on to Washington Washing-ton with the required affidavit. One of the must expert workera In the department de-partment was aet to work on the Usk and in ten iluys hail restored four-fifth four-fifth of the original amount. Thl waa all that could be redeemed, but the owner whs so overjoyed at faring ao well thnt ,e aent one of the crisp 1100 bills bnck to the clerk who bad done ao well for hlra. The man who carried loniething over ;ioo in his pocket when he went out to feed the plga waa alao from Mla-aourl. Mla-aourl. The pigs could not masticate the leather wallet, but they made hort shift of the bill, and paid for the deed with their live. Th badly mutilated hills which were recovered after the slaughtering were aent -to Washington and :i0 were redeemed. Hut no one state can lay claim to all the careleaa ownera of money. Iowa haa furnished her quota, and her favorite fa-vorite agent of destruction aeem at present to be the goat, A man In Ogilen, la., bung hi coat upon a fence while working out of door on a warm day. A there was ho one about he paid no further attention to It until hi work waa finished, In aplt of the fart thnt In one of the pocket wer sly. .r bills. When he went back for the coat he found It lying on th ground, and a sedate-looking hilly goat was grazing near by. The bill wer gone. A nelguhor who happened along at th time wagered that the goat had eaten them, and aa there aeemed no other plausible explanation of their disappearing disap-pearing the goat wo killed. Th bills wer found In the form of a lump In the goaf a stomach. I)y the time they reached the treasury department the mas had hardened, and no one would have mistrusted that the brown lump waa worth 30 of Unci Bam' currency. But the expert placed It In water, eeparatrd the particle, and verified th vain of tha mutilated remnants. Another InqutsltKi goat ate a more expensive meal than thl. II discovered the tin can hidden under un-der the house In which the tax collector col-lector placed the government which he had gathered the prevlou day. It amounted to N00. Fortunately In thl case the collector discovered the goat as the last bill waa disappearing. Thl goat alao waa killed and In similar manner the badly disfigured money waa roclnlmed. A pauper (supposedly) died In a New York almshouse. He was burled In In a pauper grave, letter soma relatlvea canto from th old country, who wore awnre that he had possessed aonio money. The grave was opened, and In a aecret pocket of his undershirt wits found more than $2,000. Thla money was sent on for redemption, and the task for the expert ex-pert wna on of the most disagreeable that haa ever been undertaken. Recently Re-cently the department received a package pack-age which had been in a defective safe. In th package were both sliver, which bad auffered from the flame, and charred bill. During the travels of the box In which the money win tent the allver had worked about and had reduced the bill to line ashes. No one would suppose that these fine paper pa-per aahe could ever be Identified, and th task waa an unusually difficult one, but the head of the department with two assistants had within an hour Identified two $50 bill. Nona of the piece of which thns bill wer made up were larger than a pin-head. The work I don by mean ot powerful magnifying glasses. When all the piece that are aent In hav been pasted In place, a bit of glaaa of the am site U placed over the card. Thl glass Is marked off Into 40 squares. If thrce-flftha of the bill have been rescurd the amount I made good by th government, but If lea than thl I aved the bill cannot be redeemed. Utlra Globe, |