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Show CABIN IT MEMBERS ACCEPT ROOSEVELT'S CALL. ! ( Believe alneerlly Actual., the President, j and all Will Retain Th.lr I'arlfollos. . It was stated on excellent authority that all members of Ilia cabinet have aoceptud the reappointment tendered by President Koouivull. The manner In which the president made the appointment ap-pointment rendered It impossible for ( the members of the cabinet to taka other course, aa they already ara In tha positions and cannot decline, bat mast retigo their places If they deslra lo leave the Cabinet. ; Mora than this, they all believe lo -r-the sincerely of tha president la drslr- ' lag their aervlcea and lo return they wish to assist hltn lo tha full extent of their powers to carry out lha policies ' of former President McKlnley, whloh Mr, Koosevelt has adopted for bla ad-mlnlalratlon. ad-mlnlalratlon. Another feature of the relations of the new president with tha last Administration Ad-ministration which has become known ta to the effect that Mr. llooativelt has been fully adrlaed and hsa approved of the negollatlona In progreaa relative to the proiosed isthmian canal treaty with I'.ngland. |