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Show WANTED v Wanted Female Help THE T. W. C. A. FREE KMPLOVMEXT bureau secures positions of all kinds for women. 6th floor Continental Bank bldg. Phono Was. 2767. Hours 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 6 p. m. I'REB EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASE-nient BASE-nient First Congregational church. We get you a position free of charge. Telephone Tele-phone Was. 5S22. r2773 TEACHER- HIGH GRADE, RURAL and special: interview necessary. 547 Eo. 3rd East k2372 EXPERIE XCED WOMAN OR GIRL AS presser on ladles clothes. Regal Cleaning Clean-ing Co.. 156 E. 2nd So. ml56 WANTED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Apply Troy Laundry. 431 So. 6th East. ml?10 WHAT SHALL YOU DO TO MAKE money? Learn dressmaking now; morey-rnaklng opportunity for all who learn are simple, practical system. Call today. Brown School of Dressmaking, 5S East Broadway. ml690 YOUNG GIRL. NOT OVER 16, TO AS-sist AS-sist with housework and attend child; no cooking, no laundry; go home nights preferred. 21S 1st ave. mlS43 I YOUNG CTRL TO ASSIST TH housework. 820 E. Sth So. m26SS W A ITRESS FOR COFFEE HOUSE, SS woek. 555 W. 2nd So. m2S61 r GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; i i must be good, cook, top salary; family I i of 3. 663 Ninth ave. m2930 f WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL ON j skirts. H. A. Pauloo. 18 J st. m2990 I J? 10 CHORUS GIRLS. CALL BET. 1 AND Ix" 6 P- m., K. P. hall, 66 East Broad-- Broad-- way. m29S5 WANTED CHAMBERMAID FOR (15) rooming house. Answer, 468 W. 2nd South. m3018 WRITS MOTION PICTURE PLAYS. $50 each; experience unnecessary. Details . free to beginners. Producers League, 228 Wainwright, St. Louis. m3119 EARN $25 WEEKLY', SPARE TIME, writing for newspapers, magazines; exp. rjnnec. ; details free. Press Syndicate, 237, St. Louis, Mo. m3118 EARN MOW AT HOME ADDRESSING envelopes and mailing circulars, spare time. Particulars for stamped envelope. Address Success Supply Co., 4940 Belmont ave., Chicago, 111. m3117 COMPETENT GIRL TO DO COOKING and some housework; no laundry. Phone Was. 690. m3226 COMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 55 1st ave. m322 EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPER wanted, good wages to right party; apply ap-ply at once, Orpheum Candy Co., Ogden, Utah. m3076 A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and cooking. No. 16 Haxton place. Was. 5044. m3074 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK7. Hyland 853. m3093 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no washing. Hyland 13S3-W. m3092 WE NEED 50 EXPERIENCED SALES-ladies; SALES-ladies; instructions and training free. Barcley Corset Co., Anna N. Good, Mgr. for Utah, Idaho, Colo, and Wyoming, 40 Woodruff apts. m30SS EXPERIENCED CHILD'S NURS E ; good wages. References required. Wa-satch Wa-satch 8345. m3163 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Inquire 34 5th East. m3101 WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; small family; good wages. Apply mornings, 1446 East South T e mple. - m3161 , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. jr Call Hyland 1394. m3096 T WOMEN B E C O M E GOVERNMENT clerks. $70 month. Salt Lake City examinations ex-aminations coming. List positions ob-talnaole ob-talnaole free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 735 T, Rochester, N. Y. f3521 AT ONCE 10 LADIES TO TRAVEL, demonstrate and sell well-established line to our dealers. Previous experience not necessary. Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 870, Omaha, Neb. m462 MEN WOMEN, $25 WEEKLY COL-lectlng COL-lectlng names and addresses. No canvassing. can-vassing. Send stamp. Superba Co., S-33, Baltimore. Md. m642 GIRLS FOR UNION SPECIAL SEWING machine. Z. C. M. I. Overall Factory. m3254 GIRLS TO LEARN OVERALL, MAKING? Z. C. M. I. Overall Factory. m3263 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; one in family. Apply 342 No. Main. m337T GOOD HOME FOR WOMAN OR GIRL to care for child. 762 Harrison ave. rn3280 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no laundry work; small family; good wages. 667 E. 2nd South. m3279 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL hoUBework; family of three. Apply No. 4 Harvard apts., 858 E. 1st South. m3305 GIRL SINGERS FOR VAUDEVILLE sketch. Address R-26, Tribune. m3206 LADY WITHOUT CHILDREN, KEEP house for widower. Address R-15, Tribune. Trib-une. m3205 EXPERIENCED MAID. 253 SO. STATE? m336S REFINED OTRL TO CARE FOR BABY In spar time. Phone Was. 7023-R. m GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 226 EAST Broadway, apt. No. 7. m8399 WANTED A COMPETENT. RELI-able RELI-able woman for cook. Hyland 1544. m3401 EXPERIENCED LADY PRESSER. Utah Cleaning Co., 437 FA. 8th South st. Hyland 2971. m3403 NEAT BUSINESS WOMAN, CAPABLE handling public; state If typist. Ad- k. dress R-17. Tribune. m3339 WT) PAY CORSET SOLICITORS 60 PER cent. State agent. Address R-23. Tribune. m3349 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OR GIRL, housework. 611 E. 7th So., Sunday: 10S E. 2nd So. week days. m33?l WANTED-YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT work. Apply 776 E. So. Temple. Phone Was. 7VS9. m3409 Swimmins: Taught LADIES TAUGHT SWIMMING; PRI-vate PRI-vate lessons, any hour. Phone Professor Profes-sor Thornton. Was. 6943-W. M334 Business Coliege TAKE A BUSINESS COURSE AT night. Improve your knowledge and Increase your salary. Salt Lake Business college. Orpheum bldg. mllfiO ?Mfice Help STENOGRAPHERS ARE CORDIALLY invited to register at the Remington Typewriter Co.s FREE E.MPL. DEPT. for temporary and permanent positions. 69 T, 1st South. f!52 Wanted To Buy YOUR OVEHSTOCK SHOES, HATS, clothing, etc. Was. 6039-J. Western Salvage Co.. Ill E. 2nd So. in 1 24 1 WANTED TO BUY ALL KINDS OF 2nd-hand goods. 430 State. Was. 5145. m2219 SIDE CAR FOR 1916 INDIAN Motorcycle. Mo-torcycle. Address Q-18. Tribune. mOS ONE GOOD. HEAVY, ROLL-TOP DESK. Also large fireproof safe. Must be In good condition. Addrtss Q-31, Tribune. m:n?3 WILL PAY CASH FOR UTH EDITION of Brltannlca. State binding and condition. con-dition. P. O. Box 625, Denver. Colo. m!37S To Lease Farm Lands TO LEASE EQUIPPED FAr"mT40-6C acres, on shares, by competent man. What have you'.' W. Buck'ioldt, 16-6 so 2nd West, Sal: Lake. m317; WANTED Wajrijted-Siti JAPANESE WANTS POSITION AS cook, housework, any place. Address P-16. Tribune. m2186 MAN AND WIFE WANT HOTEL OR Janitor work or anything In that line. In or out of town. Address Q-17, Tribune. m2913 JANITOR, APTS. OR HOTEL; UNDER-stands UNDER-stands heating, plumbing and repairs in general; ten years' experience; references. refer-ences. Whlttaker, Was. 871-.I. m3CKl3 MAOHI.NIST AND PLUMBER HELPER" wishes position; 4 years' experience. P. O. Box 15S3. m2?S0 BY ALL-AROUND BAKER, IN OR OUT of city. Address Q-33. Tribune, m.1015 YOUNG MAN MISHES TO LEA P.N automobile business; have some knowledge; knowl-edge; experienced office man. Phone Was. 4779 after S a. m.; ask for F. E. H. m.7.167 YOUNG MAN, 23 YEARS OLD. WOULD like work of any kind; no drinker; can give references. Address Q-46, Tribune. m3164 COMPETENT MINING MAN WANTS position; can handle any kind of underground under-ground work and Install machinery. Address Ad-dress R-13, Tribune. m3331 WANTED JOB PUTTING IN HALF time for small pav; will give references. Address R-4, Tribune. m3203 JANITOR OR WATCHMAN, BY MID-dle-aged man with good references. Ad-dress Ad-dress Q-54, Tribune. m3202 DETECTIVE WISHES EXTRA WORK; shoplifting cases specialty. Address R-6. Tribune. m3204 RELIABLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN, BUSI-ness BUSI-ness experience, as collector, or light employment for local house, either all or part time. Address R-21. Tribune. m33tS Wanted Situation (Female) TO MANAGE AND CARE FOR APART-ments APART-ments by woman and son. Call Hy-land Hy-land 3408. m!873 EXPERIENCED COOK WANTS Position Posi-tion as cook or housekeeper. Hyland 977-J. n7 CAPABLE NURSE WANTS CARE OF invalid or convalescent; references furnished. fur-nished. Address Q-23, Tribune, or phone Was. 6S52. N m2981 EXPERIENCED YOUNG WOMAN wishes situation as nurse and body masseuse in doctor's office or sanitarium, in or out of city; refs. Address Q-24, Tribune, or phone Was. 6352 for appointment. appoint-ment. m2982 FIRST-CLASS, Al STENOGRAPHER, with own machine, desires work at home; would call for dictation; rates moderate; mod-erate; highest references; five years' experience ex-perience private secretary. Hyland 371-W. m3131 HOME WANTED BY YOUNG LADY (trained nurse) in nice family, where there are no other voung people. Phone at once to Hy. 1017-J. m3142 A COMPETENT WOMAN WOULD like to take charge of a rooming house or keep house for a man with a family, or chambermaid. Address Q-37, Tribune. m3149 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS PO-sition PO-sition as housekeeper, or domestic work by the day. Phone Hy. 2396-W. m3162 WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. WAS. 7333. Room 21. m3179 STENOGRAPHIC WORK MORNINGS; three years' experience. Call Wasatch 7192-W. m3242 TRAINED NURSE WISHES PERMA-nent PERMA-nent position in doctor's office; 5 years' experience. Address Q-53, Tribune. m31S5 LADY" WANTS WORK BY THE DAY, housecleanlng or ironing. Was. 1614-J. m3188 LIGHT HOUSEWORK OR CARE OF children. Was. 8715. m3319 POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER, WOM-an WOM-an with one child. Phone Hy. 1381-R. m3323 WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY, washing, ironing, cleaning. Hy. 2753-J. m3306 Wanted Real Estate 3 OR 4-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST SIDE for $50 down and small monthly pav-ments. pav-ments. Phone Hy. 2057-J. m3246 WANTED TO BUY AN UP-TO-DATE, modern home, on southeast bench, about 6 or 7 rooms. Address Q-62, Trlb-une. Trlb-une. m3181 Wanted Board and Room YOUNG MAN DESIRES GOOD ROOM and board in Btrlctly private family; must be In good locality. Address Q-3'2, Tribune. m.1002 GENTLEMAN WISHES BOARD AND room in private family. Address Q-27, Tribune. m2976 CLERK WANTS BOARD AND ROOM walking distance. State price. Address R-8, Tribune. m3317 CONGENIAL YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE well-fumlshed, warm room, with or without board, close in on east side. Address Ad-dress P. O. Box 976, giving location and rates. m3156 Wanted Furniture FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS' WANTED. Will nay you first-class prices. Fisher & Robblns Co., 60 W. 2nd South. Wasatch 5171. X2199 WASATCH FURN. CO. PAYS MOST for second-hand furniture. 357 South State. Was. 896. y654 Wanted Magazines SAWs'YmnrOLD papers and books. Call Eastern Junk & Metal Co.; Was. 1118. m!924 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED CALVES ANY AGE, FAT cows, Jersey bull for service, $2.00. Fetch cows, $4.00. A. T. Saunders, 1415 So. Main. Hyland 2690. kl92 SECOND-HAND MOTORS. ANY SIZE? We do repairing. Eardley Bros.. 37 B. 1st So. Was. 6700. c2300 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND mattress remaking. Utah Bedding & Mfg. Co. Wasatch 383. b203 YOUR OLD CLOTHING? WILL CALL. Salvation Army. Phono Was. 3187. -(1n WANTED USE OF HORSE FOR FEED. Was. 1785. 202 W. 2nd North. m2836 TO S II I P AUTOMOBILE TO LOS A N- geles In car with other party. Meredith Auto Co.. 65 W. 4th South. rr.L'977 LADY TO ATTEND CHILD AT STUDIO eight hours per week in exchange for piano lessons. Opportunity. Address Q-4S. Tribune. m3:.'25 TWO TONS OF F"EED, CA.RROTS OR sugar mangels; also one ton of third-crop third-crop alfalfa. A. J. Bird. Phone Hyland 3335-W. Highland Drive, bet. 13th and 14lh So. m."170 FOVlTciR FIVE HUNDRED HJ5ADC)F stook cattle for immediate delivery. Must be priced right. Give price, description descrip-tion and where cattle can be seen. Address Ad-dress R-1S, Tribune. m333S WANTED PARTY TO SHARE CAR TO Iis Angeles. Have 2 autos: need one more for carload. Call Hy. 77 or Wasatch 1S61. Mr. Sloan, at S. L. Route freight office. m330S DOCTORS STTeTm"eDICAL CO., SPECIALISTS blood, skin and chronic diseases. If you need a doctor, get the best. 234 Main st. m222t ' PR. W. N. GRIFFITH. BLOOD POISON? skin troubles and private diseases, lr9t- Main street. "J1!97 PR? SYKES? OFFICE MERCHANTS' hotel. m?342 ; BATKS . TrUKISH PATHS AT BROWNS Chiropractic S;initn rium, 637 So. St. it p. i Was. 7407. kll-lti-i FOR RENT Apartments Unfurnished 530 AND OVER. 4-ROOM APT., STEWART APTS.. 57 C street $32.50 4-rooni apt., Gleason apts., 168 East 6th So 30.00 6-room apt.. Canning apts.. 2nd South and Sth East 45.00 SALT LAKE SECURITY &; TRUST COMPANY", "Pioneer Home Builders." Was. 1S6S. 32 Main Street. m3106 AT THE EAGJJI GATE. BranBford apartments, Emery flati. Eagle Gate apartments- location best In city; strictly high grade; references required; re-quired; housekeeping and furnished and unfurnished bachelor suites; American filan c&fe in connection, open to the pubic. pub-ic. Office In the Bransford- Phone Was. 3026. x763 FAIRMONT APTS., FIFTH SOUTH. BE-tween BE-tween Main and State, four-room modern mod-ern fiats. Apply Visaing, Was. 2763, or janitor. x44 1VANHOE. 417 E. Broadway, 6-room apartment; $45. Tel. Hy. 3573-W. y33 COZY 4-ROOM APT.. GARAGE, $12.50. 444 Ramona ave. Hyland 2745-M. h381 MEREDITH. 170 1ST AVE., 4 ROOMS; fine location; enameled kitchen. e2O05 BEAUTIFUL MEcllAM APTS. NOW ready for occupancy; nothing prettier or cheaper in town, 28 E. 2nd North. k2000 THE SHARP FLATS. Modern, g rooms; suitable for rosmers. All outside rooms. $65. k3998 THE DRAYTON, 1121 1ST AVE., 5-RM. mod., steam heit, lower" floor, $27.50. Wasatch 2841. m'24S0 AN ELEGANT FRONT APT. IN THE Mecklenburg. Was. 6433. ro2736 GIBSON APT., 131 W. 6TH SO., 3 LARGE rooms, disapearing bed, dressing closet, front, rear and sleeping porches; $30. Phone Was. 5967-J. m2S44 BEAUTIFUL. 4-ROOM APT.. IN KUS-ter KUS-ter annex; front, rear and private sleeping sleep-ing porches; disappearing bed, with dressing dress-ing room; hardwood floors; garage. 321 E. Sth South. Was. 1675-W. Apply to janitor. m3001 VADNAIS, 8-ROOM, 2 DIS. BEDS, china, kitchen and medicine cabinets, 3 closets, store room, 2 porches, steam heat. 32 W. 7th So. m2991 ELEGANT 5-RM. APT.; EAST SIDE. WaB. 6753. ro3007 A CHOICE 6-ROOM APT., EAST AND south front, 3 porches, including a glassed-in sleeping porch. Cool canyon breeze in summer. Peery apts., 3rd ave. bet. A and B sts. See janitor. m3217 3- ROOM APT. THE OXFORD, 119 W. So. Temple. m3241 ONE 6-ROOM APT., BACK AND FRONT Porch. Hicks apt., Was. 3707. m3237 CALL ON UTAH RENTAL BUREAU for unfurnished apts. We give full Information In-formation free. 212 So. Main St. Phone Was. 2619. tn3260 TWO FOUR-ROOM FLATS', MODERN, close in. L. M. Law, Was. 37 or Was. 2759-W. m32S8 $20 3-ROOM APT, MODERN. 250 2ND East. Wasatch 4035-W. m3287 FOUR-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT, steam heat, hot water, gas range, sleeping sleep-ing porch, $26. 441 North Main. Was. 6699. m2383 CUMMINGS, BEST 6-ROOM APT. IN the city, First ave. and D sts. Apply to janitor. m3314 4- ROOM APARTMENT, CLOSE IN, 326 South 4lh East. Phone Was. 4869. m3372 SHARP FLATS. Mod. 8-rm. apt., suitable for roomers and boarders, cor. E and So. Temple, $55. Was. 5568. m3407 Apartments Furnished THE COVEY. Newly furnished and uuf. apts. Fireproof, Fire-proof, modern, elevator service, roof garden; gar-den; prices reasonable. 23d E. So. Tern-pie. Tern-pie. Wasatch 5671. dl728 THE RICHMOND, 70 EAST NORTH Temple at.; two-room suites, completely furnished lor housekeeping; elevator; spacious spa-cious lobby, dancing and amusement room, maid service when desired; rates $27.60 to $40 per month, including light, heat, gas and telephone. (4270 HOLLYWOOD APTS.; FOUR ROOMS. oak finish, newly decorated; new Xurnt-ture. Xurnt-ture. 234 E. 1st South. b48S WILFLEY APTS.; TWO LARGE KOOMST kitchen, bath; newly decorated, thoroughly thor-oughly cleaned; $20. 153 Plerpont avenue. b465 RAYMOND, 64 SO. MAIN H. K. APTS.; disappearing beds; $4 a week and up; modern; no children. Wasatch 1257. f317fl THE WOOD, 663 E. BROADWAY. 2, 3, 4- im. apts., $22.60 to $42.60. No children. k3081 HOLLAND APARTMENTS. 410 South West Temple St. If you are particular, see these highly-furnished highly-furnished housekeeping apts.; no children; chil-dren; references required. Was. 6726. h!793 ALEXANDRIA, 330 SO. W. TEMPLE. Nice 2 and 3-room apt. Was. 7099. k26U ONE 3-ROOM APT. AND A 2-ROOM apt., furnished, including piano; rent reasonable If taken for the winter. 433 Hazel court, on 4th So.f between 5th and 6th E. ml395 COLONIAL APTS. AND ROOMS, 144 W. 1st South; well ventilated; close in; bath, phone, elevator; special winter rates on apartments. Was. 4915. ml867 WARREN APTS., 605 2ND EAST, 3 room mod., nicely furnished h. k. apts., private baths. Wasatch 6042. m2236 ELEGANTLY FURN. 4-R. APT, SLEEP-ing SLEEP-ing porch, to party who will board lady for part rent. W. 6645-W. m2266 FEB. 1ST., TO ADULTS, MODERN five-room apt. Hyland 1926-W. m2975 ONE-ROOM APT" NICELY FU finished, fi-nished, steam heat, disappearing bed, bath. Phone Was. 7120-J. No. 4 Swan apartments, 710 So. State st. m3126 A VERY ATTRACTIVE FRONT APT suitable for two people; nicely furnished. See janitor Peery apts., 3rd ave. bet. A and B sts. Will be vacant about the 10th of Feb. mS21S LET UTAH RENTAL BUREAU L(V cate you, any part of this city, FREE. 212 South Main st. Phone Was. 2619. m2259 NICE 3-ROOM APT., STEAM HEAT, $25. Emerson apts., 528 So, State. ni3227 ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM APT., NICELY furnished; references. Was. 5801-R. m32DS 5-ROOM MOD. APT., SAMPSON"' 276 East Broadway. No children. Hvland 93-M. mS6 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK. G A3, $20.00. 447 E. Sth So. Call Hy. 2748-W. m3402 MODERN 2-ROOM APT.; FURNITURE for sale: walking distance. 145 So. 3rd East. Palace apts.. No. 24. m33'J0 CALL ON UTAH RENTAL BUREAU for furnished apts. We give full information in-formation free. 212 So. Main st. Phone Was. 2619. m3264 WILL RENT MY PRIVATE 4-ROOM furnished apt., strictly modern, for 6 weeks; one block south of Newhouse hotel. ho-tel. 41 Fairmont apts. Phone Was. 4579-M. m32S6 FOUR-ROOM MODERN" APARTMENT, steam heat, hot water. gas ranee, sleeping porch, $30. 441 North Main. Was. 66:9. m32S5 3 ROOMS. PRTA'ATE BATH. MCDERN except heat; no children. Was. 715.I-.T. !S B st. m.'.2S4 2 THREE-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED apts,, with sleeping porches, gas and electric ranges; on car line. 524 9th ave. rr.323 LADY TO SHAR.E APARTMENT" Phone Main 516. apt. 114. nil92 4-ROOM APT.. STRICTLY MODERN. glass and screen sleeping porch ''all Hyland 1060-W. or call at 533 E. 4th So., apt. 3. m;C22 FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfrrjnished WE SPECIALIZE IN CARE OF PROPERTY. PROP-ERTY. S53 Plerpont ave., 3-rm., pt. mod $ 5.50 W. 2nd No.. 6-rm. pt. mod 12.50 678 So. W. Temple. 6-rm., pt. mod.. 15.00 59 Cordelia ave., 5-rm. mod 15.00 612 Park street, 4-rm. mod. 15.0(1 643 So. 9th W.. 5-rm. mod 16.00 547 So. 4th East, 5-rm. mod 20.00 141 So. 2nd E., 4-rm. mod 20.00 41S 7th ave., 4-rm. mod. bungalow bunga-low 20.00 427 Fletcher ave., 6-rm. mod 20.00 i 339 Jeremy St., 4-rm. mod. bungalow bunga-low 20.00 317 H street, 6-rm. mod 20. 00 340 D street, 7-rm. str. mod 20.00 303 Almond St., 6-rm. str. mod 25.00 824 E. 3rd So., 5-rm. mod 25.00 1533 So. 9th E., 5-rm., str. mod., new 1 bunsalow 30.00 2S1 J street, 8-rm., str. mod 35.00 280 H street, G-rm., str. mod. bungalow 40.00 These are onlv a few of our houses. Telephone or call for our RENTAL LIST. We will locate a house for you if you are figuring oft moving. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO., 340 So. Main. Was. 2030. Sundav call Mr. Winward, Was. 5703-W. m3069 HALLORAN-JU1X1E LOAN I TRUST COMPANY. 3 upper floors, 33-37 West Broadway Broad-way . . . JSOO.flfl Basement. 'New Grand hotel 100.00 Store room, 371 Si,. Main st l'-5 00 Store room, 59 West Broadway.... 100.00 Store room. :-:i so. West Temple.. 40. uu Store room, 159 So. Main street. j l-rm. mod., 737 E. So. Temple... 100.00 i 8-rm. mod., 1266 E. So. Temple... 35.00 7-rm. mod., 303 6th ve 15.00 6-rm. mod.-apt., 766 3rd East St.. 18.00 4-rm. pt. mod., 10 Fairmont ave. .. 15.00 Office rooms, Judge building 20.00 We have bargains in business and residence resi-dence property. Will build you a home on monthly payments. pay-ments. We loan money on real estate. Agents for THE ROYAL. "The World's Greatest Fire Insurance company." We will write your bond. Six per cent mortgage loans on hand for Investors. We act In capacity of agents In any business affairs. HALLO RAN-JUDGE LOAN & TRUST COMPANY", Exchange 181. 309-11 Main St. m3107 MOR.NINGSTAR-VOGELER INVEST-MENT INVEST-MENT CO., 159 S. Main St. (Ground Floor). 4-room . modern, bath, gas, etc., 2nd W. and 9th So., $12. '7-room modern (except heat) house, 167 North Main, $25. 9-room mod. new brick boarding house, 913 Gale St., $25. STORES AND WAREHOUSES. Large, light store and basement, 44x100, 221 and 223 S. West Temple st, only $175. Or whole building, 2 stores and basement, and vacant lot, $225. Stores Small and large. State St.; 2nd South, Edison st. and E. Broadway, where leases are expiring. Call and learn the details. Some are snaps. Also trackage and warehouse property for lease or sale on all railroads. MORNINGSTAR-VOGELER INVESTMENT INVEST-MENT COMPANY. INVESTMENT BANKERS. 159 South Main street. m3385 MODERN HOMES. 7-room, newly papered, furnace and garage, 9S0 First ave. . . .. '..530.00 6-room, 835 Green st. (no children) chil-dren) 18.00 6- room, 435 So. 10th East 17.50 7- room, 1044 So. 9th Bast 21.00 7- room, 462 So. 6th East 35.00 5- room, 30 So. 12th East 20.00 Those who wish to rent a house list it with us. HOME INVESTMENT & SAVINGS CO., 6 W. First South St. m296S FINE 6-P.OOM MODERN BRICK. 1268 McClelland st. Call Hyland 2366-W. f2 $20 4-ROOM MODERN. NICE PLACE. Apply 715 E. 3rd South. k4 fc-RM , STRICTLY MOD., PAVED ST. Was. 1702-J or 4751. h3519 7 AND 8-ROOM MODERN BRICK. close in. J as. K. tfhaw, 200 D. F. Walker bldg. klOl 1164 AND 1168 SUNNYSIDE AVE- TWO modem 6-room bungalows, $211 Mc-Conaughy, Mc-Conaughy, Wasatch 2349. hH7 6- ROOM HOUSE, MODERN EXCEPT heat. 33S Elizabeth st., bet. llth-12th East, 4th South. Phone Hy. 264C-W. h3594 STRICTLY MODERN FIVE-ROOM BUN-galow, BUN-galow, garage. 679 Eighth ave. Phone Wasatch 7663-W. h3?4i FOR RENT LARGE 9-ROOM HOUSE. close In, suitable for boarding, garage for two or three autos, with storage gasoline gaso-line tank. Will lease to reliable parties. Apply 463 So. West Temple. k3921 8- ROOM MODERN BRICK; FURNACE, gas, electric light, etc. 855 3rd avenue. Apply 132 6th East. e2801 NEARLY NEW 5-ROOM, BUNGALOW. gas heater, stove, furnace, garage and sleeping porch, 2020 So. 6th East, $30. Little & Little. 204 Mclntyre Bldg. m!592 127 F ST., LARGE MODERN HOUSE, will rent reasonable to right tenant. Apply Visaing, Was. 2753. m221S TROOM MOD, 1215 SO. STH E $16.60 3-room mod., 854 Washington 14.00 3-room, Cleveland ave. and Main.. 6.50 Hyland 2090. m2227 652 12TH EAST, 5-RM. MOD $25.00 776 E. 6th So., 5-rm. mod 20.00 444 Hollywood, 4-rm. mod 12.00 ASSOCLVTED INVESTMENT CO., WASATCH 4285. m3219 5-ROOM MODERN, PARTLY FUR-nlshed, FUR-nlshed, $20. Phone Hy. 261-W. m3173 oROOM MOD., SLEEPING PORCHES, gas and coal ranges, garage. 745 South 6th East. $20.00. m3078 4, 5, 6 AND 8-ROOM MOD. BRICK houses. Inquire S23 E. 2nd South. m3153 NEAT, CLEAN 3-ROOM MOD. COT-tage. COT-tage. Inquire 879 So. 7th East. m3152 r-ROOM HOUSE, ELEC. lTgH T, WITH large combination chicken coop, $10 per month. 4 North 6th West. Hvland 6049-M. m3109 7-ROOM MODERN, NEW PAPER AND paint. 275 W. 3rd South. Hy. 1039-R. m3"97 MODERN 7-ROOM BRICK, HOT WA-ter WA-ter heat. Apply 132 H St. m2456 4- ROO.VI HOUSE; STRICTLY MODERN". 36 So. 5th East. ni2250 JROOM COTTAGE. BATH, TOILET" e. 1. and gas; splendid neighborhood. 1232 Alameda ave. Phone Was. 3S16-W. n 7-RM.. STR. MOD. BRICK, GA- rage. S17 E. 2nd So $"2.50 5- rm., close in. large lot 15. oo 4-rm., new, mod., close in 16.00 Store with living rms.. 3r,5 E 2nd fo FRITSCH LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. n.3:'.4 STRICTLY MODERN" 7-ROOM BR I CK house, in excellent condition. Ca.l J. T. Goodwin. Hvland 1.M2-W. mo236 4 jROO M MOD. COTTAGE. $22.50. 6lTET 5th South. Inquire at 505. mSl 7-ROOM BRICK 269 C ENTER S f7 E. W. Evans. Homer Abstract o. Phone Was. 1V6S. mSO 3 ROOMS. MOD. ; NO CHILDP.ES CALL 621 So. Main. Was. 3772. ni3.4 4-ROOM MODERN BRICK. ONE BLOCK Fouih of county building. Phone Was. 1S39-W. m3335 7 ROOMS. MODERN" P,RK'Kr 143 sbT 10th East. Call Dr. E. M. Kvsnr, dn-M.:. dn-M.:. W. ;sm. 162 Main St., Boyd Park 'olds- n;3543 FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished TL'TTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, "Uwanta Home We Seii 'Em." 161 Main St. Was. 72. 10-rm., str. mod.. 274 So. 12th E..: $60.00 10-rm., str. mod., 260 So. 13th E... 60.00 13-rm. str. mod., 849 E. 1st So 40.00 7-rm. mod.. 272 Wall st. 3S.O0 S-rm. str. mod.. 721 E. 21st So 35.00 5- rm. mod., 753 6th ave. 30.00 6- rm. mod., 420 1st ave 27.50 5- rm. mod., 331 So. 3rd E 27.00 6- rm. mod., 566 1st ave. .. 26.00 4- rm. mod., 465 1st ave. 25.00 5- rm. mod., 665 So. 2nd E 25.0"i 5- rm. mod., 930 So. 2nd W 17.60 6- rm. mod., 133 So. Sth E 25.00 S-rm. mod.. 202 I st 22.50 3 rms., Constitution bldg 22.50 5- rm. mod., 913 Giile st 20.00 6- rm. mod., 1260 Browning ave 2.00 6-rm. mod., No. 6 Phipps place .... 20.0) 6- rm. mod., 171 Social Hall ave IS. 00 5-rm. mod., 1S1 U st. IS. 00 5- rm. mod., 453 E. 9th So 17.50 7- rm. mod., 1419 Edison st 16.50 6- rm. mod.. No. 4 Banks court 16.00 4-rm. mod.. No. 1 Poplar ct 16.00 4-rm. mod., 1245 Emerson ave 15.00 4-rm. mod., 61S 6lh ave 12.00 4-rm. brick, 617 3rd ave 10. 00 3- rm. brick. 93S Dresden ave 10.00 4- rm. brick, 426 6th ave 8.00 2 rms., Donelson court 7.00 CALL FOR OTHERS. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. "Uwanta Home We Sell 'Em." 161 Main St. Was 72. m3102 A. RICHTER & CO., 73 MAIN"st" 3- rm., 350 W. 6th North $ S.OO 4- rm., close in, No. 4 Brick row.... 9.00 5- rm. mod., 4 Lambert court 16.00 I 5-rm. mod., 643 So. State st 17.50 6- rm. mod., S18 5th ave. IS. 00 4- rm. mod., gas range, 730 E. Sth South IS. 00 5- rm. mod., 537 So. 4th East IS. 00 6- rm. mod., 779 W. 4th So IS. 00 4- rm. mod., sleeping porch, 1229 3rd ave 20.00 6-rm. mod., 828 So. 7th East 20.00 6-rm. mod., 1157 Roosevelt ave.... 20.00 5- rm. mod., 1336 So. 2nd East 20.00 5- rm. mod., 955 Jefferson st 20.00 6- rm. mod., 754 So. 4th East 22.50 6- rm. mod., furnace, 371 E. oth So.. 25.00 7- rm. mod., furnace, 339 So. 13th East 25.00 5- rm. mod., furnace, 2S6 I st 26.00 6- rm. mod., furnace, 76S 1st ave. .. 27.50 8- rm. mod., furnace, 165 So. 7th East 27.50 8-rm. mod., h. w. heat, 721 E. 21st street 35.00 6- rm. mod., h. w. heat, 1202 4th ave. 37.50 m3290 12 STR. MOD. L. H. K. OR ROOM- Ing, 504 S. Main $65.00 8-rm. str. mod., 1620 10th East 30.00 S-rm. mod. rooming house, 32 Commercial st 25.00 7- rm. mod., 757 S. West Temple (colored) 20.00 3- rm., 1573 3rd East st 6.00 4- rm. cottages, 1153 or 1163 Kensington Ken-sington ave 10. 00 Acres 20 and 5-rm. mod., east side, close in, fruit and alfalfa; lease to right parly; $300 yearly; livestock and chickens chick-ens for sale. ("all for others. PETERSON REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT INVEST-MENT CO., 54 East 4th South. Was. 3320. m3267 $25.00 AND UNDER. 7-ROOM BRICK, 733 EAST STH South $17.60 5- room brick, 559 Hamilton place.. 20.00 4-room brick, 960 Dresden avenue.. 14.00 4-room brick. 434 Ramona ave 12.00 7-room brick, 740 East 1st South.. 25.00 6- room brick, 615 West North Temple Tem-ple 20.00 7- room brick, 7S0 Fifth East street. 15.00 4-room brick, 201 Wentworth ave 17.50 4-room brick, 265 Wentworth ave... 17.50 4-room brick. 260 Wentworth ave.. 17.50 SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY, "Pioneer Home Builders." Was. 1S6S. 32 Main Street. mS104 $30.00 AND OVER, 6- ROOM BRICK, 7S0 1ST AVE $30.00 7-room brick, 563 C street 40.00 10-room brick, 551 East South Temple Tem-ple 60.00 SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY. "Pioneer Home Builders." Was. 1S6S. 32 Main Street. m3105 FORTUNE KNOCKS BUT ONCE. TO undoubted reliable parly I will lease one of the most desirable residences in Salt Lake, modern, garage, hot water heat; 3H blocks from Main st., east side; 8 rooms; can be used for one or two families; fam-ilies; In addition, basement dining room, kitchen and storeroom. Low rent to reliable re-liable party. No phoning. Call at room 305, Continental block. References. ml428 7 ROOMS. BATH, PANTRY, BASE-ment, BASE-ment, attic, furnace, gas range and water heater; east side. Was. 6577. , ml409 7- ROOM MODERN, 212 E. BROADWAY, close in, $35. m!215 23 HOUSES, ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Tuttle Brothers Co., 161 Main St. g2249 FINE 9-ROOM MODERN. 649 E. 2ND South. Phone Was. 4152. f4623 6-ROOM MODERN, 126 E. 6TH SOUTH. h218 6-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOM E ; furnace heat; a real snap. 1014 2nd avenue. h322 MODERN 7-ROOM TERRACE. $52.50. 847 South 6th East. 6- ROOM HOUSE, 653 6TH AVE.. FUR-nace FUR-nace and strictly modern. Inquire Was. 900. f 722 7- ROOM BK1CK, MODERN; WASHING-ton WASHING-ton St. I'hcne Was. 7620-M. k!4p2 3 ROOMS, PARTLY MODERN, 309 Garfield ave IS.50 4 rooms, modern; cheap to good party; 9S6 So. 3rd East. HOFFMAN BROS LOAN & TRUST CO., 21 E. 1st So. St. Was. 244. m2418 S-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE TO CAR barns, electric light end water. Mc-Kellar Mc-Kellar Real Estate & Inv. Co.. 402-403 Walker Bank building. k3539 6-ROOM MOD. EXCEPT HEAT. WA-sateh WA-sateh 34SO. Inquire Merchants' hotel. 276 So. Main. mls8 5-ROOM COTTAGE, NO. 9 CASE AVE-nue. AVE-nue. Inquire 555 East 5th South. Hy. 2357-M. 5-ROOM Rl'NOAI-OW. NEW. CLOSE In. 5 minutes' walk from Hotel Utah; modern in every way; furnace; rent 3. Call W a 3J2 6J tr 3- ROOM COTTAGE. 630 SO. 7TH EAST. Apply 43S Church st. after 5 p. ni. m32nsl 4- ROOM MOD., SCREENED PORCH. cellar, paved street, $11. 1534 Eleventh ' East m3207 JTrOOM FRAME. PART MODERN". 1110 E 1st So. Inquire 1.'. U. Hiskey, 222 Kea'rns bldrr. Was. 619. ror.8 4-ROOM MODERN BRICK. 42 CHURCH St. Inquire 222 Kearns bldg. Was. 619. m:'"59 iROOM M ODERN TloT PK, if; VA-cant VA-cant about Jan. 20. Inquire 325 F street. Was. r.:"66. ml619 4-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE 9: MOF-fatt MOF-fatt court. No children. Apply 2." E. 4th J rr2674 FURNISHED OR UNFURNIsITedT nice modern 8-room home, excellent location lo-cation and view. 274 So. 12th East f. Tel. Hyland 359:'. m2971 4-K'X.M MOD ERN"HOU eTT'TTTs k 7n S!2.5r In'i'lir- 744 p".. 1st West. rn2r'73 Rental Bureau THE UTAH RENTAL F1T.EAC WILL save yo i monev i' you -j'.-.-f t:s yoi;r ho'ipes. apts. and r'.om.1;. furnl!""! an'l ur.fiirnih'-.!, to rent. 212 So. ,M:tln .t- I Was. 'jVj. n.-j-'w ; FOR RENT For Rent Furnished Houses 4 ROOMS, NICELY FURN.; PIANO, heat and garage. 125 H St. i 4- ROOM. ALL MOD 421 LOVEN DALE St., 4th So. bet. 3rd and 4th East. 1I10 5- ROOM FuTNTsTlEli HOUSE FOR 3 months, strk'l'.y modern, on east bench: references required. Address Q-47, Tribune. Trib-une. m"214 LET UTAH RENTAL BUREAU Locate Lo-cate you, any part of this city. FREE. 212 South Main. Phone Was. 2619. n 5- ROOM FURNISH ED. LIGHT AND water. 914 Dresden ave., on Mh Eat between 51h and 6th So. Hylar.d 1461-K. m3232 7- ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, J.'o PER month. 66c Roosevelt kvo, m31.6 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR COUPLE for two months, phone Was. 7o;-v. m3:'59 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED 6-RO t M house, near in, from Fob. 1 to April 1. Reasonable rent to right parties. mS27! 4- ROOM MOD., SLEEPING PORCH? piano; east bench. Hvland 3031-J. mS!2 CALL ON UTAH RENTAL BUREAU tor furnished houses. We give full Information free. 212 So. Main si. Phone Was. 619. n:3261 4, 5 AND 6 RlXMSNrOD., OTOSE! N. Mahan, 73 West 3rd So. Was. 3S12. v ni3375 8- RM. MOD., FURNACE, li4 Q street $35.00 6- rm. mod., furnace. 922 3rd ave. .. 30.00 Call at 73 Main st., or phone Was. fill. mS291 5- ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. RE A R 528 E, 4th So., $1S. Phone Hy. S52S. m3413 For Rent Furnished Rooms NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. PIU-vate PIU-vate home; reasonable rent. 325 So. 5th East. ' dT:5 STRICTLY MODERN ROOMS. SUNNY apartments, rates $3 and up. 14SVi E. 1st So. f4164 ALEXANDRIA. S30 S. W. TEMPLE Single sleeping rooms, $3 and up. Was. "099. h!370 NEWLY FURNISHED rtOOMS. MOD.. with phone, steam heat and hot water at all hours; $2.6u up. 372 So. Main St. k MOD.. CLEAN; REASONABLE RENT; save car fare. 206 E. Broadway. Was. 132S-M. m419 CLEAN, WARM, LIGHT ROOMS. S2.50 and up per week; 60c up per nisrht. Wabash rooms, 110 South state. m979 NICELY: FURNISHED ROOMS. 107 X. Main. mll3S NICE, WARM, FURNISHED ROOMS, close In. 360 East Broadway. mll62 CLEAN ROOM IN NICE. CLOSE-IN apt. Was. 12S5-J. m210S NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; FrI-vate FrI-vate family; close in. 435 So. West Temple. m2243 2 H. K. ROOMS, $12 PElt MONTH"; close in. 225 North West Temple. Was. 6147. m2505 WELL-FURN.. STEAM-HEATED RMS. ; $10. No. 2 Louise apts. m2923 ONE FURNISHED ROOM, WITH PR1-vate PR1-vate family; northeast. Phone Was. 4223-.I or Was. 3125-W. m2:'25 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: STEAM heat and bath. 377 E. 3rd South, cor- ner 4th E. and 3rd South. m2926 WELL-HEATED. FURNISHED ROOM; hot water; near Eagle gate. 27 North State. m2940 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, HOT AND cold running water. 11 Emery apts. Was. 7SS3-W. m2979 NEW, HOT WATER, HEAT, PRIVATE bath, reasonable. 70 East 7th South. apt. L. m29S3 WELL-FURN., LARGE ROOM; 1 OR 2 gentlemen; $10 or $15. 54 East 1st No. m3013 NICKLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. suitable for two; rates reasonable. 214 E. Broadway. Was. 5263-J. m3111 LET UTAH RENTAL BUREAU LO-cate LO-cate you, any partv of this citv, free. 212 So. Main st. Phone Wasatch 2619. . m2257 LARGE, SUNNY. NICELY FURNISHED, ground floor front, extra warm, modern; mod-ern; light housekeeping privilege If do-slred. do-slred. 123 So. 3rd East. m3243 HANDY' FOR CAR MEN. ONE NICE front room, $2 week. 672 4th East. in31 SO CALL ON" UTAH RENTAL BUREAU for furnished rooms. We give full Information In-formation free. 212 So. Main st. Phone Wasatch 2619. ; m3J63 NICISLT FURNISHED ROOM IN apartment house: sleeping porch If desired; de-sired; private family. S56 E. 1st South, apt. No. 2. m3270 58 SO. 10TH EAST. QUIET, REASON A -ble; breakfast If desired. Was. 4524-M. m.'):'9 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. RAT I iT gentleman preferred, $8. 359 So. 4th East. Hyland 3594-W. m3210 NICELY FURNISH BD. MoTl" S LKK f - ing rooms for rent, $3 to $5 per week. The Barth, 253 E. 1st South. ni3367 FURN. ROOM AND SLEEPING PORCH? suitable for 1 or 2 gentleman: private home; strictly mod. 351 E. 7th South st. Phone Hy. 979-R. m:M0") BEAUTIFUL MOD. ROOMS, CLOSE IN; suitable for 2. Ml So. 2nd East st. ni3:;33 STRICTLY .MODERN: S2.50 PER WKKK? Call after 4, 310 So. 3rd East, apt. H. n i 2 2 1 NICE, SUNNY, FRONT ROOM; $S iH? 167 2nd arc. Was. 16I4-.I. m3.il I RIGHT IN TO W N ."N l7; EL Y FURN1 sTl E D rooms, heat and hot water day or night, bath, phone: suitable for one or two people. Ml 2nd Fist. tn3406 PLE,SANT FRONT ItM. I ,V PRI V A T E family. Board If desired. Walking distune?. dis-tune?. 318 1st ave. m3110 Nli'ELV FURN. FRONT P.M.-T.N"" NEW bungalow. Furnace heat, nhonc. $10 per month. 1446 Glllrier ave. Ily. 25."."-.?. 1113112 For Kent Unfurnished Rooms 3 GOOD ROOMS, $5. AT 545 W. THIRD North. Phone Was. 3373-W. Inquire 57 So. Main st. mi:,:il 2 UN FURN. H.MS., S4 MONTH; ELEc" light extra. Hi;4 Major si. mllllis n " N l'"l ' R N I sTi ElT ""iuiOM $1 f K H month; electric light extra. 1161 Major St., off Cleveland ave. Murray car. m2L'47 LAUNDRIES Work back bam is "LaV of u2 quested). No extra charge. PALACE LA UN Dili CO. Office 11 West 1st South. Ofil'o TO West 2nd South. Was r.2?7 Office 79 Eaat 2nd South. Was. 14S1 Office 38 East 3rd South. Was. 3710 Works 7s East 4th South. Hyland 2562, 662. I-aundry brought to office saves 25 per cent- el70i Cleaning Oriental Rugs ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC 'JiuTjs cleaned by native e:ticrts Hnls woven. All handwork, lis so. s::it- Was. 210:',. n)':i7 FO UN DR yTTO vYRmA ' iKS CALL VK STERN J-OUNOKYVoh ALL kinds water jackets, utove repairs. Wasatch Wa-satch 4414. kiu2 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ALL Ki.Nj'S OJ-' t'UXTi!Ai.."l .S. Wll.i-.S. etc.; prornpt servn.e. GS I'. O. plurf.. Was. :c''.4. iuior.0 pi-'.Trn'Tvs .sfi si-'iiEDu'i.i.s iv l.nnkr ;;."-v ; t . rrt u s cr : i :y r-"f-partJ at it F.;!t I'l l. 11 2--SI J FOR REST For Rent Housekeeping Roorru , LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $.5(' Si. 50 and $4. 17a E. 1st South. Pull man vo-iniine houe. Was. Sl:. d277- HOUSEKEEPING RMS.. NICELY FURN wit:-, gas. 35S So. West Temple. h?61' 2- RM. FURN. APT., MOD. 247 SO. 2. West. K34f 2 ROOMS. 2..; LARGE FRONT lvOoM I-.ro. Inquire 16S V. Broadway. Wa-2Q66-M. mini 1 Roi'MS. FURNISHED. CAS RANCH :i-se in. 3 Lamlert ct., 6th So. be 1 Main and W. Tempt. ml 7; 2 VERY LIIRAH1.K H. K. ROolSs j;.i.s and coai ranges. Was. 361VJ. 7- South Main. ni24i 2 LIGHT 1-1 0 USE KElTI I N G Koo MS l-easi'intl'lc. : '5 E. Slii So. ni2i ONE OR 2 MolXRMS.7BATi7.iA!-phoi-.e. t::K So. Main. ni2' 3- ROOM FINE FRONT APT. FIR n:shed; no children. 60 H. 1st No. st. hi2l'T THR K K LA ROE 1 1 0 USE kK EPIN rooms, modern, ten minutes' walk. 34. Earls court, just off 3rd South between 4: and 5th East. m2S:-M m2S:-M O DE UN i 1. K. ROOMS; HEAT. GA lights, phone, baiii, furn.; no chlldro: Wns:72. West 4lh So. in2i:; STRICTLY MODER N"l 1 0 U S EK E E PIN . rooms: heat. gas. !ii;!u. phone and bat fnrnis'ed: rent reasonable. Was. 697 271 w. 4th South. m:s ONE NICE ROO.M. WITH GAS RANGE SS per month. 462 F st. Phone V 64 25. W3lM- S'i'EAM-l! EATED H. K. ROOMS; OAS e. 1. and phone; reasonable; close ii 26 4 So. 3rd East. m301 TWO LARGE FRONT 1L K. ROOM,-e. ROOM,-e. 1 gas and bath. 424 E. 4th Soutl S1 4- 2 ROOMS. GAS. TELEPHONE, LIGHTS 127 So. ll'.h East. m;;u- A SUITE OF 3 HOUSEKEEPING R.MsT with bath. Phone Hy. 2395-W. m31i' LET UTAH RENTAL BUREAU LO cate you. any part of this citv, free 212 So. Main st. Phone Wasatch 2619. 1 OR 2 NICE MODEHN ROOMS, $12 FpV month. 463 W. Sth South. m3L'4 3 COZY H. K. ROOMS, MOD. KXCBI" heat; also one room. 66 No. 2nd Wesi m3::7 CALL ON UTAH RENTAL RUUEAi for housekeeping rooms. We give fui information free. 212 So. Main st. Phoiv Wasatch 2619. m:;.'i; 514.00. TWO ROOMS; $16.00. TURK! rooms; no children. 2S0 B st. W. 715ii-.l . 111327 2 LARGE ROOMS. PANTRY AND TWi clothes closets. Sll per month, includ ing Ilht. 115 Canyon road. ni31'.i 2 KRONT ROOMS, l7gh" H. K., $RU per month, 453 North 1st West, in:;;;: FURN. ROOMS Fo7?TiT H.K ground floor. 25 So. Sth E.tst. m3;;7 F I " R N 1 S H E D ROOMS, LFi7K? lT sV 1 2nd East. msn 2 ROOMS, RATH. 724 SNOW AVE Main st., bet. 7th and Sth South. Was 3696.-W. n 1S 2 NICE, CLEAN ROOMS, REAR 25? ) 3rd So., Np. S Olsen court. $10. mS.1l 2 NEATLY FURN. ROOMS FOR L. !l7 624 E. 2nd So. Hyland 376-M. mS::- For Rent Stores and Offices ROOM, 1356 Sy. FT., UNUKtt JAMc-hotel, JAMc-hotel, 169 South Main st.; sidewalk en-trance; en-trance; equipped for barber shup. Inquire 611 Kearns bldir. h347l NICE OFFICE ROOM FOR KeTTt""un. der James hotel. 161) So. Main: sidewalk entiance; $2j. inquire 611 Kearns bldi; h34Ti CHOICE OFFICE ROOMS IN TH r Tribune bldg.; recently painted, papered pa-pered and refitted. Inquire F; J. Weet-cott, Weet-cott, 1(103 Kearns bldg. x,330s FINE LARGE. BASEMENT IN HOOPKI. bldg. for relit. Apply room 202, Hoopei block. f343. MEWLY FINISHED. UP-TO-PAli: offices; one. two, or en suite; team heat, elevator and janitor service; bea location in city. Boyd Park bldg., 162 So Main st. haain DESK SPACE IN KEARNS BLDG. CAI.l room 203. nil3. FOR REN T SUITE OF 2 ROOMS; 2N 1 floor over Leyson-Poarsnll Co.'s Jewel ry store, 236 So. Main st.; one room 2-29 2-29 feet; other 20x23 feet; rent both room-for room-for J35 per month. ml06 NICE STORE BUILDING AND FIX tures for rent; good location. Hvlnn' 43S-M. ni3 is 275 W. 2ND SO., FINE STORE room L $75.0 Call at 73 Main et., or phone Was. 641. 111329 Sewing Machines Rented bWlNG MACillNilia KEN Xij.D, 600 A week; sold, $3 up. We repair, 159 So. State. Was. 4703. 03184 For Rent, Desk Space WILL KENT NR'li'jIAllb'oAKy'llF.sK uso of telephone; light and Janitor mm vice, for $16.00. Mr. Rlchoy, 48 W. 2ii" South. ni3:':'' For Rent or Lease 5 A. NEAR HOLLIDAY; FRUIT plenty water; cheap. N. Kohlbcrg, 2 E. llh So. iu324. 12 ii ACM F.K HtTti7ATED? Fill ,"l . equipped lJirm. Address R-16, Tribune m:m 50jxRJAjND WARM, SUNNY ROOM FllK TWO strictly modern; home cooking; refer ences. Was. 46S2-J. Iii21' fcT E A M -i 1 KATE U, PLEASANT KOO.VJ. with hoatd, close in; i t-asouabla, 4U W. No. Temple. h2Ul r NICELY FUR X t On M GOOD 1 1 0 M 1 cooking; splendid location; men onlv 605 East First South. (MI.V FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND litiOM IN private family; also dHy board. 268 W Finn North. 121"' board" an iTiVoom, mod7"$6 WKI-.K 241 E. 1st South. Was. 7172-11. k37l. "NEWLY Klin.V. ROOMS AND llflARU in mod. private home. 126 W. 4th He kzici boa iiuTand-rTkw. Sil E. SO. I KM pie. Whs. 4937-IV. GiTod ROOM AND j'TiARD. $R i'FJ week-; Kionis, $1 and up. Hear 114 E 2nd South. ."!.-"'' iKiAp.n Avn roo.mIn' private fam ii-,- f..r t-.ve. ::,r, i;ast znd Souih. m": FUR N A ' K -1 1 E A t7?TMD URN I-'H'JN'I room, with board, suitable fur two. llv- laiel 1lr'-lt. " '; A KE'iV P.OO.MERS AND P.OAHDE11S crmrl Ir.Mid and warm rooms. 2H 2nd South. nl7'i i -lea s a xrsT i;AMT; i i-:Xr i ;d room . aivl rood lioalfl, reasonable. 139 E. So Temple. m29? Fl KKf-n? fisROrrl 8, WITH DINING room In onncetioii. Keith op's . 122 E So. Temple. nCW. TV. tj lit iMe'-LOVINO WORKING GIRI s -an seeme g.e.d l.oarfl and room, res - noeal.le. with ni(.MIe-at;eiI couple. Apply 21S White ("loud tourt, E. 2nd South. ni317'' ELF: A NT "FURN IS 1 ii-:i "i-I'.O'OM A NI l..ard for couple or o younz men. t'av 40' 7-W. "'2-22- f4T-'.A S'S PDA RD A Nil ROOM Kphielid ...-i.i:on, close In. 357 East 3r. Sr, r. 7I!:--W. tnHK.i A t 'rl j ',T vrM'.I.K. I'HIVATB M K. v.lta ii'ti-' s -tile, fnr , ,m'al esccn t . Invalid, In-valid, i.r ai.'-'ine des.rliig nurse's utten-tii.ii utten-tii.ii V.'.-i'. :!'::'-. I. 111.2094 S.M.T I.AKK f."AN I'FI'H'h'. 7H 10. 2N1 ' Seill'l. I,li,'i;il ...ins on a n:,'tli i II K "f vaie. ip:;e''.. |