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Show ' , 7 ,ndj We pay 1 to $25 per" old set. Very old sets ar most valuable. Any kind bought, on rubber plato or others. Bring them now. Do not delay. Alsu ; crowns and brl'lgework bought, and any old gold, old or hroken Jewelry', sliver, platinum. Bring or mail. Aiwa Ai-wa vs open. DENTAL PURCHASING DEPT., 727 Mclntyre Bldq. 63 6o. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S old clothes suit cases, etc. 40 E. 1st So. Was. 7772. ?140 LOUIS ZEMEN PAYS BEST PRICES for men's clothing, ehoea, trunks, suit cases, bags. Call Was. 6212. 65 Com-merclal Com-merclal st. K1S21 NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS PAY, I will give more for your old clothin. Phone Wasatch 6235. r764 Old Clothes Bought SWA.LLE Y FOSlTlViilLlf .PAYS HIGH-est HIGH-est prices lor clothing. Waa. 7846. 112 E. 2nd South, a741 EDDIE GREEN PAYS HIGHEST prices for old clothes, shoes, etc. Was. 1503. f4592 ABE GORDON PAYS GOOD PRICES for anything of value. Was. 3670-W. 38 Commercial st. . m2996 DRKSSMAKING SHOP THAT WILL Interest economical dressers. Wasatch 3475-R. 112 N. Main. m999 DRESSES, COATS, -SUITS, ALTERA-tions, ALTERA-tions, by the day or at home. 843 E. So. Temple. Phone Was. 7127-NR. mlS76 HIGH-CLASS DRESSMAKER WANTS work by the day. Hyland 3477-R. m21S4 DRESSMAKING. COATS' AND REMOD-eling. REMOD-eling. Was. 62S6-R, m2917 REMODELING, ALTERATIONS AND children's sowing, at home or by day. Phone Hy. 1290-W. m3123 FANCY GOWNS A SPECIALTY. MISS McGee, 312 So. 4th East. Phone Was. 1593-W. f502 Dancing Academy 'wOOVYiOrAnrT BALl'-' room, fancy and stage dancing, daily. Phone Was. 7770. k72 jOTEOTAmY DR. GAMBLE, HIP AND SPINE SPE-ciallst. SPE-ciallst. No correction, no pay. 510 Mc-Intyre Mc-Intyre bldg. m2073 PSTCNEOLOGIST PETERSON BUILDS AND PAINTS 6igns in his studios, 20 Richards street. Was. 1508. ml39 CHOP-SUEY, CHINESE STYLE; chicken dinner, 25c. A. B. C. cafe, 57 E. 2nd So. m!41 FANCY GOWNS AND SUITS MAKING AND DESIGNING EXCLUS-ive EXCLUS-ive fancy gowns and tailored suits. Miss L. McGehee. No. 312 So. Fourth Ea6t. Was. 1593-W. m2902 HATJ?AC7rORY FOR HAT REPAIRING SEE TAYLOR the batter. 24 East 1st So. Established HS8. c2065 . CAFES uTAF&SpECTAirDira short orders and Chinese style. Chas. Hong, Prop., 220 State. . ml798 TRIMMING EXPERT TREE TOPPING TREES trimmed and taken out. Phone Wa-satch Wa-satch 4376-J. ml687 .i95J2LiLE ATIN G KILT, BOX SIDE PlEaTING HbM stitching and pinking. Mrs. Jennens, 508 E. Broadway. Hyland 787-J. k5U BOB SLEIGHS FOR HIRE bbleTgiSfc rXyTLoIrs Exchange. Was. 1754. 46J So. State. k276& JUNK DEALERS ctt?'v?u:nk"w"S thins you don't wajit; all kinds of Junk, i old clothes, furniture, old autos. Was. 1 7926-J. kllS THE EASTERN" JUNK & METAL CO., Inc., one of the largest concerns In the west. Dealers in iron, metal, rubber, rags, bottles, sacks, bones, newspapers, books, magazines. Office and yards. 3n3 W. 7th So. Phone Was. 1118. mlSt3 INT E RM OUNTAI N JUNK CO. JUNK wanted; highest prices paid. 739 So. 3rd West. Was. 1634. m267S MEESERVICE WASATCH DISTRICT MESSENGER service. Red Crow, Mgr. Wasatch 3030 or 3545. m7 URRIERS GENEVA C. HICKS CO. FUR OAR-ments OAR-ments made, repaired, cleaned and old. 8S S. eth E. d29S9 RAW FURS TANKED, REPAIRING, remodeling. -Left's Fur Shop. 213 Main. m2 S2 1 FXOURjOm POULTRY SUPPLIES. GRAIN. HAY. Prompt deliveries; right prices. Bat lev A- Sons Co., Was. 3.35. h23sS U'UREJREPAIRING W. WILLIAMS' fc SON, 166 N STREET.' Was. 2S66. Upholstering. repairing, chairs recaned. o342 FINISHERS ARE THE BEST. LET us make your old furniture Ilka new. Was. 36:5. HOARS FURNITURE CO.. J3S-340 So. State. hitt PHONE MRS. M. HAYES FOR trained Spirolla corsetleres. Wasatch 2087-W. 26U W. 3rd North. m471 , CERnCTERIES WASATCH LAWN CEMKTERI, PER. oetual care. 1016 Kearns Bldg. Phone Wasatrh 1S66. 83243 MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. R. McKenzie Display yards. 422 So. State. THE MISSES BOOTH WISH TO Express Ex-press to their friends and relatives their appreciation of the kindness shown in the late illness and death of their mother, Mrs. Hannah Booth. The sisters wish to express their hearty thanks for all courtesies cour-tesies extended. m3141 MRS. C. MOFF AND DAUGHTER WISH to thank their many friends for their kindness shown during the recent bereavement, be-reavement, also for the beautiful tloral offerings. m3216 FUNERAL DIRECTORS EBBR W. HALL, UNDERTAKER AND embalmer; auto equipment; lady em-balmer. em-balmer. 164 So. W. Temple. Waa. 605. d3 5i D. EVANS, UNDERTAKER. Ell-balmer. Ell-balmer. Mortuary chapel, 4S So. State. Automobile service, if uealred. without additional expense. Was. 364. g777 E. G. O'DONNELL, UNDERTAKER and embalmer, has moved to new location, loca-tion, 225-227 South West Temple street. Really bldg. Phone 630. Q3398 SILVER & DOYLE, THE UNDERTAK-ers, UNDERTAK-ers, lady attendant; iloO funerals complete com-plete for $76 and low as $20, $40, $60; highor ones in proportion. 147 West Broadway. Phone Was. 2730. m!36 jfxomsjs CUT FLOWERS, FRESH FROM OUR greenhouses. Porter-Walton, State and Broadway. Phone Was. 6864. y641 ERNEST LAM BOURNE, SALT LAKE'S leading florist, new store. Funeral designs de-signs our specialty. Decorations. 73 So. Main. Was. 1516. V478 EVANS FLORAL CO., 36 SO. MAIN. Cut flowers, funeral designs. Was. 861. X38 HARRY B. G ARYAN FLORAL CO. Floral designs for all occasions our spe-clalty. spe-clalty. 76 E. 1st So. Was. S142. f42j9 L. M. LAW, FLORIST. 214 B. 2ND SO.; design work and decorating my specialty. spe-cialty. Was. 37. 291 SHIJiSiYESS HUDDART FLORAL CO.. 62 SO. MAIN street. Phone 106. Cut flowers and funeral designs. nl63 WALKER'S' FLORAL DEPT. CUT flowers, funeral designs. Walker Bros. Dry Goods Co. Was. 596. sS021 I WE FURNISH HIGH-CLASS COLORED talent, sunaole tor house pajue. receptions re-ceptions and dances. 5-P1ECE ORCHESTRA. Call Was. 7432-W. Mrs. F. Turnham. k!387 TRUSSES MEN WANTED TO WEAK OUR trusses; fit guaranteed. Rex Drug Co.. W. Temple and Broadway. d372 OPTICAL COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. 337 MAIN strpet; dependable Rx. work. Right prices. m2220 AUCTIONS AUCTION MONDAY, JAN. C'JTH. 10:30 a. rr... '.0,1 1 st. hugct auction oi beau-tif'.:l beau-tif'.:l high-grade furniture this year, consisting con-sisting of I'dison graphophone. SO records, two extra fine brass beds, elesant mattress mat-tress and springs, 1 kiKh-class leather davenport, beautiful library table, several line rugs. Ax. and Wilton; round dining table and leather-seated chairs. china closet and buffet to match. 2 elegant bedroom bed-room sets in birdseye mayle. Including two high-grade dressing tables, 3 Morris Mor-ris chairs and lockers. and lots of other furniture, including dressers, kitchen cabinet, s loves, chiffonier, baby bed, san, couch, iron Ix-d, springs arid mattress, writing desk, dishes, curtains, odds and ends, and one fine roll-top office of-fice desk. E. C. Jenkins, auctioneer. Was. 6410-W. ru-2921 AUCTION &ALK-MONDAY AFTER-noon AFTER-noon at 2 p. m., at No. f.74 3rd avenue. I will sell for Mr. Harry t.'anipbeil 4 rooms of nice furniture, including 2 typewriters, type-writers, dressers, chiffoniers, round dining din-ing table, lib. tables, chairs, rockers, couclu beds, iron and brass; Kitchen Treasure cupboard, large refrigerator, heater, steel ranse. china, utensils, tools, rugs, linoleum, etc. Sale, 2 p. m. C. R Osterloh. auctioneer. m33T3 T URSDAV. ATXO. 29 W KST BROAD-way, BROAD-way, I will rcII three lots consigned household furniture, rues, linoleum. Iron and brass beds. san. cots, dining set, dressers, chiffoniers, ward robes, rockers, center tables, vacuum cleaner. At 12:30 prompt I will offer the $4u0 Kimball piano, mahogany, upright, as good as new. .Send what furniture you have to sell not later than Monday. I charge Hi per cent for selling, pro rate ad, rent, etc. There will be 2 cook stoves, 2 steel ranges, also gas range and plate, 2 Hot Blast heaters, other useful articles. Sale, 10:30 a. m. Carl Osterloh, auctioneer of quality and reliability. P. S. I get all I can for your goods. No favorites. Highest bidders get the goods. C. E. Osterloh, auctioneer. m337-i AUCTION TUES., .IAN. 30TU, 10:30 a. m.. No. 6 Floral lane, K. 2nd Bo., bet. State and Snd East, 5 rooms furn., fine refrig., Vernis Martin bed, iron bed, spgs. and mattress, Miller range, 6-hole, cost $65; chiffonier, dressers, tables, rugs, carpets, car-pets, curtains, linoleum, bedding, quilts, lots of dishes, odds and ends. Now is the time to sell out. Call up the popular and busy auctioneer. E. C. Jenkins, Was. 6410-W. m:3fi MONDAY, JANUARY 29, CONTINUED rug sale until 100-0 room-size rugs are sold. We never quit until this is accomplished. accom-plished. Last week we had a very nice business; sold more rugs than we expected. ex-pected. Therefore, we invite the ladie-s to come and pay our carpet department a visit before it is too late, and convince yourselves that we are selling rugs for less money than any other house in the city. Remember that these goods were bought last summer, long before the heavy advance in prices of textile goods took place. We are selling you floor coverings cov-erings for absolutely the same money or less than at the time when market and dye conditions were normal. Of course, we had to place a large order to give our customers the benefit of this extreme low cash price. Housecleaning time will soon be here and now is the time to look around and see who sells rugs the cheapest. rf We have ,1ust received a carload of new brass and steel beds. These goods were bought under the same condilions as our rugs. In fact, our entire stock of household house-hold furnishings is purchased on the same basis. - We have moved our Second-hand Furniture Fur-niture Store from 185 South West Temple to 133 East Broadway. We exchange furniture. fur-niture. SALT LAKE FURNITURE COMPANY, 133-135-137 E. Broadway. Next stores east of Auerbach's In the Shopping Center. Phone Was. 3637.' ' m3278 FAR OUT IS THE REASON WE CAN sell cheap. Give terms to suit. Brass beds $11.00 up Iron beds 2.00 up Davenports and davenettes 25.00 up Felt linoleum, per yard 1.25 Axminster rus"S, 9x12 22.00 A lot of sample rugs 50 up Dressers, buffets and round dining tables ta-bles at a very low price. Also a lot of used rugs and furniture, half price MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO 430 South State. Below 4th South. m2S96 C. E. OSTERLOH. EXPERT AUCTION-eerlng; AUCTION-eerlng; furniture, merchandise. Was 2824-W. uS58j AUCTIONEER E. C. JENKINS SELLS anything; best results obtained. Was 6410-W. k4456 OSJTj.N10 LOST $100 REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE RETURN OF A CHANDLER CHUMMY ROADSTER, STOLEN FROM IN FRONT OF THE ORPHEI'M THEATER THE-ATER WEDNESDAY NIGHT. DARK BLUE-GREEN COLOR, LICENSE NUMBER NUM-BER 6S5 UTAH- $200 ADDITIONAL WILL BE PAID FOR ARREST AND CONVICTION OF THIEF. COL. E. A. WALL, KEARNS BLDG., OR 411 EAST SO. TEMPLE ST. m2933 CRESCENT SHAPED BROOCH SET with pearls and diamond center. Phone Murray 600. 'Reward. m2914 LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH WITH pin, between Salt Lake theater and Wilkes theater. Return to Tribune of- fice. Reward. m?S28 LOST OLD - FASHIONED ONYX cameo brooch, with tintype picture in back, near or in Ladies Literary club. Liberal reward. . 419 East 1st South m2999 LOST THE PARTY WHO STOLE THE j P-pitz dog, tag No. 3934, is known. To I avoid trouble, return or let loose. 1145 ! E. 2nd South. m?972 J LOST ON THE DANCE FLOOR AT i Bonneville park Thursday night, cameo brooch. Reward. Return 71S So. 6th East. Hyland 24S5. moOll LOST THE PARTY WHO FOUND mesh bag on 8:07 a. m. 5th East car, Jan. 9th, and removed lava! lore before j turning bag Into car company is known, , and unless lavaliere is returned to BOS i East 5th So. a further Investigation will I be made. m3160 ! LOST LADY'S GREEN WATCH WITH i anchor pin. Call Hyland 3217-M. Re-j Re-j ward. m3157 LOST CHINESE DRAGON BREAST-pin, BREAST-pin, small diamond in the mouth, on 1st South or 2nd West. $5 reward. Re-tum Re-tum to 45S W. 2nd South. m?.276 LOST ON MT. OLIVET CAR, ORI-ental ORI-ental pin of green gold, with red and green stones. Call Hy. 2269-J. Reward. m3328 LOST BOSTON BULL PUP. LIBERAL reward for return and no questions asked. H. N. Byrne, 12 4th East. m33S7 HIGHESr'lplilcl SECOND-hand SECOND-hand goods. Buckeye Furn. Co., 143 So. West Temple. Was. 4629. a 35 S3 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED high-grade lurniturc. S. L. Furn. Co., Was. 3637. b!166 BEST PRICES PAID FOR 2ND-HAND furniture. Bowers & Evans, 113 So. W. Temple. m!242 BEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-hand SECOND-hand furniture. Axelrad Furn. Co., 42 W. 3rd South. Was. 9S3. m 3010 Vacuum Cleaners PHONE DODGE BROS., HIGH-POWER cleaners; rent, $1.25; cleaning, 5c yard. Waaatch 7036. h4069 CALL EARPLKV BROS., WAS. uTOO. We rent them, $1.25 a day. 37 E. 1st South. m27?' CHEMICA ALSO MICROSCOPIC SLIUEd FOR botany classes. Utah Bio. Chemical Laboratory. Hyland 235S-J. 1146 Princeton Prince-ton avenue. " m472 WANTED STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquarters lor laborers. 61 West Second South. Phono Was. 464. h30 UTAH EMPLOY N1KNT AGE NC Y Skilled and unskilled labor for all public pub-lic work. 3 Commercial at. Was. 2621. MI70 FREE EMPLTn'MENT AGENCY, BASE-ment BASE-ment First Congregational church. We get you a position free of charge. Telephone Tele-phone Wasatch 5 $22. tSj WILL E XCHA.N .5 K DENTAL WO R K for palming and common labor. Was. 2504. b.2557 FEB. 10TH. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations in Salt Lake City. Commence Com-mence $75 month, trample questions free. Franklin Institute), Floor T, Rochester. N. Y. m2152 ST 10 NOG R A PHE RS IK YOU W A NT A government position. my personal coaching Insures your passing the CIVIL SERVICE examinations. Time to pre-, pre-, pare for spring examinations now. Address Ad-dress MLR. P. O. Box 1134. m520 1 RA IL RO a! "" S VA N TME NFO R TRAF-j TRAF-j fic inspectors; 8-hour law creates big i demand; travel ; promotion certain; big ! pay; short hours; free transportation over continent. No experience necessary. neces-sary. Ask for free booklet Y. FRONTIER PREP. SCHOOL, BUFFALO. N. Y. moll V A N T ED M A N.GE R O R LE S S E E for small town picture bouse and road show theater; good proposition to party who can furnish bond or references. Address Ad-dress Q-59, Tribune. mr?4il RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED; ! $900 first year, promotion to $1S00; ex- , amlnations Feb. 10 in every state; com- mon education sufficient with' my coaching. coach-ing. Write for free booklet, QG-219, and full information. Earl Hopkins. Wnshlngton, P. C. m!432 WANTED A MAN WITH EXECUTIVE and salesmanship abilitv. See M. A. Camp. 1014 Newhouse bldg. m2669 WANTED A THOROUGHLY CAPABLE dental laboratory man. Good salary. Address Box 20S, Missoula, Montana. m2S11 MAN WITH TEAM TO RENT JM-p JM-p roved farm ; references required. 321 Kearns Bldg. m280S WANTED GOOD, ALL-AROUND OF-fice OF-fice man, with large manufacturing concern ; must be ambitious to develop , good prospects for right kind of man. Address P. O. ho?: 135'. m2924 W A N T E D M A N A G K R OR LESSEE for country newspaper plant, operating two weekly papers ; good proposition to the right party who can furnish bond or good references. Address Q-21, Tribune. m2941 TWO SOLICITORS ; EXPERIENCED men only. Western Credit association, 212 Judge bldg. m3O00 A YOUNG MAN WANTED, AN Experienced Ex-perienced bookkeeper and stenographer .and general office work; good pay for the right man. Address Q-22, Tribune. m2970 GOOD BOY WITH WHKKL; STEADY work for right boy. Drug store, 2nd South and Sth Enst. m29S9 REGISTERED DENTIST WANTED AS operator. Apply to Dr. Homer, 636 So. Broadway, Los Angeles. Cal. m3124 A FARMER WHO CAN ALSO OPERATE gas tractor to take my farm in Park Valley, Utah, on shares. Have some of it already pianted, balance to be put in crop at once. Am willing to pay small cash salary while crops are being planted and growing. Application must be made In writing, giving references in first letter. let-ter. CONTINENTAL LAND COMPANY, 3S West 2nd South, . Salt Lake Citv. Phone Was. 1625. m30S7 DELIVERY' BOY. APPLY" 8 O'CLOCK Monday morning, Utah Lithographing Co., 57 Postoffice place. m3215 GOOD BOY, 16 OR IS YEARS OF AGE. who has a liking for mechanical ' work, to learn profitable trade making balances. Apply In person. G. P. Keller Mfg. Co., Board of Trade blig.. city. m3157 WANT SHIPPING CLERK AND WAKE-house WAKE-house man, one who can keep warehouse ware-house in condition; must be familiar with gasoline engines and he able to repair and ad.iust them. Answer giving references. Address Q-44, Tribune. m3100 MEN LEARN AUTOMOBILES1. EARN BIG MONEY. Thousands of graduates making good as chauffeurs, repairmen, machinists, salesmen, battery and ignition igni-tion specialists, garage owners. Up-to-date equipment, individual, practical Instruction. In-struction. We help students earn living. Write for catalogue and free advanced ignition course TODAY. National School of Engineering, Los Angeles. Established 1A05. rn46l $25 A WEEK IN CASE OF ACCIDENT or illness paid by our new "Premium Dividend" Accident and Health policies. $5000 for death, premium $15 or $20 yearly. We want agents everywhere to sell these policies. Big money can be made by hustlers. For particulars write North American Accident Insurance Co., Dept. 99, Newark. N. J. m24Q7 FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN, BEGINNERS1 paid' ?125-$150 monthly; no strike. Railway, Rail-way, care Tribune. mS2 B O Y WANTED BOY" 16 YEARS OF age or over, to assist in filing In large office. Apply in own handwriting to Q-51, Tribune. m3239 DELIVERY MAN. 'BETWEEN 25 AND 35 years old. with selling ability, wanted by a good corporation; must be a good hustler, steady and sober; no other need apply; must have $150 cash. Address R-14. Tribune. m3379 COAL MINERS. TONNAGE BASIS; diggers and loaders; state experience and nationality. Address R-l, Tribune. ' m3199 DELIVERY BOY. CALL 707 E. 7TH South. Apply Sunday at 1 o'clock. m3269 CHILDLESS COUPLE WANTED TO attend children ; free rent. Address R-9. Tribune. m3201 WANTED REGISTERED FHARMA-cist FHARMA-cist to take charge of small store near Salt Lake City; must be thoroughly reliable; re-liable; state age and by whom previously employed. Address Q-55, Tribune. m319S MINERS. .COPPER PROPERTY, HEAVY ground; top wages; experienced on timbering tim-bering and water seiners. Address R-2. Tribune. m3200 BOY WITH HORSE, IN BINGHAM, TO carry Daily Tribune paper route; wages ?32 month ; can earn $40. Write George A. Chllders, Mid vale, or phone Mid vale 146. mv expense. m.3391 LAUNDRY" DRIVERS. ATTENTION! A S M ALL IN VESTM E NT NOW A N D YOUR SERVICES WILL MAKE YOU INDEPENDENT; A-l CHANCE WITH ESTABLISHED PLANT IN THIS CITY; ONLY" SMALL A MOUNT OF STOCK FOR SALE; OTHER PLANTS IN THIS CITY NOW PAYING 16 TO 24 PER CENT DIVIDENDS. ANSWER AT ONCE. WILL STAND CLOSEST INVESTIGATION. IN-VESTIGATION. ADDRESS R-22, TRIB- COATMAKERS WANTED AT ON C E . Tann & Co., 143 So. Main st. m340 0 EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR AND driver. Utah Cleaning Co., 437 E. Sth South. Hyland 2971. Must have refer-enres. refer-enres. rn34M HANDY" MAN, ACCUSTOMED TO RE-pairing RE-pairing furniture, etc. Phone Wasatch 1745. m 33 40 JAPANESE SCHOOL BOY TO HELP around place for board and room. 548 E. 1st South. m3343 JUNK AND BEER BOTTLES llHJHr.Ei' iUCld FUK AJL, KliNuo Or' junk and clothing; 2jc per dozen for beer bottles. H. Gusa. M South 3rd East. Hyland 983-W. h;0S C II KATJ:NG U 1 SEJ BliBTHA WAGE5?EI?irNTt?ruO? H3 East Third fc'outh. China aultabl for gifts and prizes. Clasa and prlvats leesooe. eyii9 WANTED Wanted Male Help A FAKMKU W HO HAS I1A1 KKPERT-em-e in i;enernl I'Mrjnlii.: must bo married mar-ried and have i;oud te:nii nm! waon: to farm my i-opei'ty in I'aik Valley, Utah, on shares. pay small cash salary while erons r.re bein:-: planted and prow-ins. prow-ins. Appiiratlon must be made in writing. Gi'e references in first letter. This Is a sood chance fur the riht man. CONTINENTAL LA NO COMPANY, West 2nd South, Salt Ijikv Citv. Phone Was. tti;5. m!t Ragtime PIANO PLAYING GUARANTEED 13 lessons, note or ear. Glenn Waterman, 4 South Matn. W2993 Bicycles Repaired. BOYS. CEt- YOUR HIKES AND TIRES repaired at reasonable prices, TurvlMe's. 1?S E. :nd Pouth. ml!MS Safety Razors Sharpened SINGLE :POE, ire; DOUBLE EDGE. 3f,c per tloz. H. T. llutchins. razor man. 146 Po. Mnin. S. L. C. UHtitia Learn Trades 1 LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIRING", i Y. M. C. A.. Los Angeles, Catalogue, J free. m4 i Wanted Salesmen I STOCK SALESMAN WANTED FtiJ first-class proposition. Experience ilh 6lrable, but not necessary to qualify. Call Was. SOTlt-W between lu and Ask mi-Mr. mi-Mr. Sundberg". ml2D0 W ANT E D R E LIAB L K Le"aT M E R Soods salesman to handle A-l lines for Utah, eastern Idaho and Montana, on commission basis. Must have yood references. ref-erences. Address FRED P. WINCHESTER, WINCHES-TER, 682 Mission St.. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. m'JHJ EXCELLENT VACANCY FEBRUARY 1. 300 per cent profit. Easy. Call 5 to 6 afternoone. 405 Atlas bkl. m29S'i SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUR guaranteed 21-.lewel watches direct to wearer on easy installment payments of 52. .")0 monthly. Retail price extremely reasonable. "e pay straight salary $100 month. All expenses and biff extra commissions. com-missions. Can use several men tn different differ-ent sections. Address The Pope Co., Lonpview, Texas. m3125 SAT J3S MA N FO lTC, ENE R A lTiER C A N -tile trade in Utah to sell a NEW proposition of MERIT. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract for 1917; $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co., 275-4 Carlln Bldg., Cleveland, O. m3122 NEW INVENTION VENTILATED chemical Indoor closet for country, village vil-lage and suhurban homes; no plumbing; no waterworks; no cesspool; absolutely odorless; thirty days' free trial guarantee; every village and farm home a customer; an order at every house; one agent made $112 commission in eight hours. Agent's outfit free. Exclusive territory contract. Write today for full particulars of this biggest winner ever offered to salesmen. Address Shafer Mfg. Co., 447 Colton Bldg.. Toledo, O. m3121 AGENTS SELL RICH-LOOKING. Imported Im-ported 36xG8 rugs, $1 each. Carter. Tenn., sold 115 In 4 days. Profit $57. You can do same. Write for sample offer selling plan; exclusive territory. Samplo rug by parcel post prepaid 9Sc. Kondon, Importer, Stonington, Maine. m3220 AGENTS NEW GAME FOR CIGAR stores, barber shops, etc. Easy, big seller. Particulars free. United Sales-V board Co., Philadelphia, Pa. . m;ill5 START A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Can be handled in spare time. Only email investment required. Send today for free booklet. Niagara, box SOD, Lock- port. N. T. m3114 PORTRAIT MEN WORKING INliW pendent write for catalogue. 24-bour service. Roberts Wholesale .. Portraits, Kansas City. .ni';o'JZ LIFE OF BUFFALO BILL AND STORY of wild w-est, written bv himself. Pig book, well illustrated. fells his whole life. Everybody wants It. Liberal commissions, com-missions, credit if desired. . Send fifteen fif-teen cents for sample book. George G. Clows company. Philadelphia, Pa. in3rG3 REPRESENTATIVES ALL TOWNS IN Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, to distribute dis-tribute samples and take orders for greatest great-est household specialty. References. Mountain States Mfg. Co., Provo, Utah. ml'W I WANT SELLING AGENTS BIG monev and friends. The Usalyle Inverted In-verted Indestructible Gas Mantle sells at sight, owing to its proven high meilt. Millions In use. Usalyte doubles the light, saves l-3rd gas and outlasts a dozen others. Every sale of Usalyte makes a steady customer and friend. Every Usalvte guaranteed perfect. Don't miss this opportunity, write today for samrle outfit (wdth full selling instructions) cf 100 Usalvtes for $5, 50 for $3, dozen 7Sc, prepaid. Retail 15c each, 2 for 2c. References Ref-erences Dun & Co. and Corn Exchange bank J. I. Robin, nianulacturer and patentee, 130th St. and Park ave., New York. 3!23 WANTED SALESMEN GOOD PROPO- sition. See Mr. Mounsey, C4 E. 1st South. m31S9 TO SELL LOTS IN NEW MINING townsite, surrounded by numerous big mines; hundred thousand acres agricultural agricul-tural land; now getting railroad; expenditures ex-penditures representing millions of dollars- wonderful Influx of people. A shipping, ship-ping, smelting, milling and distributing point. Easv seller, low prices; liberal commissions. American Realty Company, 521 Mclntyre Bldg. rnSOM SALESMEN WANTED TO CALL ON grocers, confectioners, restaurants. Commission Com-mission and salary offer. Can be handled as main or sideline. National Beverage Co., St. Louis, Mo- m3",52 Wanted Affejts WVOEDAOENTS FOR THE FA-mous FA-mous family butter merger: perfect butter. but-ter. 5 cts. per pound; every home a prospect pros-pect Agents make $5 per day and up. Phone Was. 8281-W. rn27 CANVASSERS: IF YOU ARE WILLING to work and study, you can earn $5 to $"5 dallv selling our superior, western-srrown, western-srrown, hon-irrigated nursery stock. Experience Ex-perience unnecessary. Complete outiit furnished. Several openings now for desirable de-sirable men or women. "Rolling stones'' not wanted. For information address NURSERY, ORENCO, OREGON. ni3J77 ?i3 PER CENT PROFIT SELLING Jubilee Spark Intenslriers to automobile owners, garages. Pure cure for Spark Plug troubles. Sells like wildfire. Brand new Exclusive territory. Write today. Jubilee Mfg. Co.. Dept. 124 D, Omaha Neb. il2.i SOLICITORS WANTED: WORK ON salary. Cali 25 West 5th So., 10 to 2, Monday and Tuesday. "i31i7 Wanted To Rent 2"to"TACRES, CHICKEN RANCH, IN the southeast part of town: state rent and full particulars In first letter. Address Ad-dress Q-36, Tribune. m314. BY ELDERLY LADY. 2 OR 3 Fl'R-nished Fl'R-nished rooms for h. k.. In modern home. Feb 1st. Fbone Hyland 8D-W after 4 p. m. ?!!! STRICTLY' MODERN" Fl "UN IS MED house wanted by couple; no children. Address box 1172 or phone Hy. M2-.I. m:;.;i I WILL PAY GOOD RENTAL AND TAKE long lease on either remodeled or new bldg., to be used as up-to-date a-t. house or bachelor apis, or private hotel. Address R-24, Tribune. mJM U J B 2U.UUHU, L. C. PIluNE WAS. 1320. 401-2-3. 411-12 Boston building: ml54 Z B. ZOMRRO. D. C. SUITE 4 01-40 2 -403 Boston bldg. Ofllco huur.s 10 to 12, 2 to 5 and 7 to S. , mloUl |