Show MT Is isake thomas wakeman of para lysis 1 is on the morning of march loth at the residence of his sister mrs wilmot in the ward ard deceased was born lorn april oth 1849 1919 at straford essex england helas lie lle was baptized when a boy and emigrated to utah in 1864 1804 was a faithful elder in the church ot of jesus christ ot of latter day saints lie he was stricken with para ral rai sis sis six years ago last sep since which i bic pa I 1 t time 1 rne ine 1 he lie has been an invalid and patiently bore his affliction without a ibur mur or complaint ahe the evening before his death he lie appeared as well weli w ell eli as usual u mal mai only complaining of a pain in in his side ile he slept well the night of the ath and was heard to be around in his room about 7 in the morn ing lils his sister heard him making a strange noie noise and went into his room when lie he im mediately passed away without any alpar ent pain or struggle jb funeral at 2 j p in to tomorrow morrow from resi dence of mrs wilmot 17 th ward DOCK at the residence of her daughter euphema griffiths benson isenson ward waid cache county february M 1 of old age agnes dock born botn august augusts 1816 in the toss toys town n of Pai rai baisly ily scotland was baptized in the year 3 ear 1842 and came to utah in with her husband robert dock who died 12 years ago she leafus s a son con and two daughters a all ail I 1 I 1 that are now alive of a family of la Is chil fhil dren hili hill please copy DAVIS at spanish fork march ath 1885 of dropsy peter 11 davis dal dat is aged 53 years DAGGER DARGER at spanish S unish fork march ad 1885 from the acts effects of scalding laura jane daughter of parley S and laura ann darger ageda years and 3 months LEWIS at lit spanish fork march fth IW 1885 of teething william frederickson frederick son of william and sar sarah ah ann lewis horn born september 1884 FURLONG at spanish Spi nih fork march loth 1885 of ot general debility margaret furlong who had been insane for a great many 5 years ears aged go 60 idars years DYKES KESIn DY wales county utah of pneumonia after an illness of nine davs margaret margadet Marga ret iet only daughter of thomas and ind sarah ann aun dykes boorn born at wales sanpete county count june ath 1875 1873 CARUTH in the tenth ward of this city march of old age john caruth aged 76 years born in lennox town toi n camp sie scotland deceased was a faithful iatter latter day saint for over forty years ears i I 1 r 4 GOODMAN at st david davi id arizona march 8 it 1111 11 85 5 after four weeks suffering deuced by paralysis parah sis sir wm N goodman ali iii son 0 of t T hoin holn is and laria maria goodman born S sept eph 9 luyi in bristol Somerset shire eng land |