Show LEGAL BUSINESS BRISK 13 AT BEAVER THE otherwise sombre town of beaver presents an unusually lively appearance pe arance just now bein being mare more oi or less thronged thron ged with juryman jurymen jury men and and witnesses in territorial and anti united states cas es the legal mill is doing some rapid grinding about twenty indictments have already been found one fourth of them under the laws of the united states the petit jury adjourns from ir om day today to day no cases being yet ready for trial rogerson Eo gerson and sculley who were lately sentenced to imprisonment far onedas one day and to pay a tine fine of fifty dollars and costs lor for for contempt of court are still incarcerated owing to their inability to meet the monetary portion of the judgment the offense for which they were thus punished is that at the last september term of the second district court while the ane case of the territory etc vs Roger sons bondsmen was pending they conveyed coave ed to the jury certain papers militating against the plaintiff A peculiar spectacle was recently presented in court father morrell of circle valley a patriarchal old gentleman who is alleged to have more than one camill family appeared to plead to an indictment for or unlawful cohabitation the bonds had bad been placed at fifteen hundred dollars but when the venerable man whose age is seventy devent two years we went n t before ne the judge tie the amount was aed reduced need to five hundred dollars members of the families and kins folks generally of presidents murdock IMir dock and shepherd bishops fotheringham and white and win wm ashworth and W robinson have been successively before thel grand jury since monday the result of the inquisition is 19 not known constable pace indicted for the killing of woodard is now in jail woodard aha aia was the man who murdered george VV thurman a young school teacher at lehi a few years year ago i adur men named aio ago smith it h brothers together with their brother in law a spaniard have been conveyed to beaver from kanab and lo 10 lodged aged in jail there bein being afif fifteen teen ludl ludi indictments against the gang f for tor or gra grand nd larceny I 1 1 t I |