Show PT TELEGRAPH reb PEB WESTERN westeen UNION can UAN washington 9 the faithful work ers in the democratic party are disgusted because democratic ex mem bers of congress wish to secure the th best offices in washington there an aru ga 68 democratic me members mers of the forty eighth congress Congi Con gless giess ess eiS who are not reelected re elected to the forty ninth congress andal andai least 60 50 of this number want a b big bis I 1 place in the department ex depre senta tives lives enjoy d a prestige in the race for patrona patronage ge mat that an outside applicant cannot get many ex members before congress adjourned obtained the signatures of nearly all of their associates clates to their app I 1 Icat ions lons for appoint A list of this kind is forn forr formidable ni dable as the voice of the representatives of the people theoretically but ili in fact tact it only represents the kind personal feelings of reelected re elected members for those thos who were left in the cold president cleveland appears to be in no great haste to fill 1111 offices whose present incumbents cum bents must resign resin resi resl n sooner or later and this fact gives no little annoyance to the gent gentlemen lemen lewen who are anxious to be sworn in as servants of uncle sam the list of applicants for different offices is daily I 1 increasing ilc tic reasi ug in addition to those whose names have been heretofore published in these dispatches are the following ex cepres representative hopkins i us of pennsylvania for minister to rome home ex representative payne of ohio and atkins of tennessee for commissioners of indian affairs ex representative Stock r of indiana for first assistant secretary of interior ex representative lamb of indiana whose name has been mentioned im n in connection with the position of united states slates Di district attorney ili in his state would prefer to be commissioner lioner of patents ex senator doolittle I 1 of wisconsin for the tile russian mission carl schurz la Is talked of for the berlin mission although nobody here believes that the president will give iv him illin such an important post charles charies a riel ries A chaes of boston is named as a candidate for tile the commissionership of patents general walthal an intimate friend of secretary lamar would gossips insist accept the position of 01 first assistant secretary of interior ex jex representative rogers of new york Is understand understand to be a candidate for public printer lublic public 1 printer rounds hounds term will not expire for more than a year lie ile is anxious to retain his place until the expiration of his commission and there is some reason to believe that he will not be disturbed mr rounds is a practical business man thoroughly acquainted with every depart department meni of the tile publication and typographical art and he has managed the business of his office to the satisfaction of members of both parties in congress lie he vill have the support of many many of the most prominent eminent omi nent democratic senators and f representatives depre senta tives in the contest that he expects to make to retain hip his place there are arc scores of applicants for commissioner of agriculture to anc succeed gen loring the most prominent of whom are representatives aitken and fillman of south carolina and hatch of missouri who was chairman af of the committee on agriculture in the in the forty eighth congress Congre sg delegate martin Ragin maginnis ills ilis of montana who 11 ho was not reelected re elected wishes to be governor 0 vernor of that territory and he will wil I 1 probably receive the tile appointment the name of os representative of Pennsylva pennsylvania uia ula Is mentioned in connee connect tion with the office of second assistant postmaster general although it is not known definitely hat chat he would take the place ex representative hanna will contest the claims of ex senator williams ot kentucky for the appointment i to mexico nugh hugh waddell of georgia Is preast pressed 4 by georgia delegates lor for auditor of the tile treasury to succeed judge crowell the latter who was recently appointed to the place is a very compe competent tent teut officer and elace his is removal would be te a violation of the civil service rules ex congressman will english son of ot the democratic candidate for vice president on the th e ticket with hancock wants to be consul general to soudan general joe johnson of virginia would like to be made commissioner of pacific railroads as he will vill oppose ex represent dative cassidy of nevada for this office ex senator slater of oregon is another candidate for commissioner for the laud land office ex senator farie farle parley y is understood to be a candidate for minister to china major hay and mr air james both of california are applicants for the position of united states consul at honolulu the officials in the apost office department who are bureau officers will inform the postmaster general that their resignations are at his disposal and will continue at their duties until action Is taken in regard to th thir their ir successors the same course vill will be pursued by officials in the interior department the heads beads of bureaus in the treasury department will not tender their resignations ig until asked to 10 lo do so the they expect to be removed but they int intend that in their cases the sincerity of Clev elands professions of accord with civil service reform principles shall be put to the test judge johnson who is the oldest head of a bureau in the treasury department in line of service and has held his place through three successive administrations said sald sa id to a press correspondent today to day that he would remain a at t his des desk k until told to go he expected to be re removed moved but would not resign jude audze lawrence i rence euce first comptroller commissioner com ner Evan evans sand and nearly all the tile other heads of bureaus expressed the same determination mi mr nation secretary lamar has appointed mr air E 11 1 1 hanna lianna bis his private secretary mr air hanna held this position under tinder the four predecessor predecessors sor of mr air lamar the pacific coast is pretty well represented in the army of office hunters in addition to those already mentioned from that section are jr dr isaac titus who wants to be superintendent of the mint at san francisco mr air green curtis would like to represent the united states I 1 in n china chas gilday is here looking after some tiace place though what ahat he wants is not known bill englise En glisn jesse D carr and ex congressman tully arc are all after the at san francisco judge mcarthur of oregon wants to be district attorney of that state tile the commissions of all members of the cabinet were given them saturday afternoon and the new administration is nov now fairly launched upon its four years voyage tile the president enjoyed a breathing spell sunday although he lie wa a husy busy in his office the greater part of me tile afternoon his uis correspondence is enormous and the clerks in private secretary laments office have been kept busy trying to answer all letters that have been received during the past three days all applications for office are referred to of departments as was the practice during arthurs administration but to simply acknowledge the receipt of these applications is no small task with the exception of ass assistant stant secretary ecret ary pruden none of tiie tile clerks in the executive mansion have been as assured aured of their retention in office and they are all anxious about their places He henesley nedley stenographer and private secretary I 1 is s a faithful and industrious employed emp loye and the chances are that he vill will be retained but an idea prevails that the president will cut down the force of personal attendants attached to the executive I 1 mansion new york 9 the commercials washington special says it may be set down as a fact without the least fear of contradiction that every democratic member of congress whose term has expired is an applicant for ohice office their ambition ranges from a forel forein foreign n mission down to a country po democrats of the district of columbia are not one whit behind those from the outside in their edfort efforts 4 to be in front when the scrambling begins tile the principal candidate for tor fred douglass place is an ex confederate captain amon those who have joined in the scramble is ex confederate general jos E johnson A prominent resident of montana says there is an aver age of six nonresident non resident applicants for the governorship of each of the territories californians assert that 11 W wiley surveyor general of that state will he lie the new commissioner of th the land laud office not ex senator slater of 0 0 oregon regon the posts washington Wash lugton special says secretary mcculloch is quoted a aa saying there are arc to be few cha changes in sai sak the e treasury department and those will be lie in important positions at the state department it is reported that secretary bayard has said there will be very few changes TUCSON arizona 9 A writ otres res tit ution issued by judge wood in behalf of J al bieger recently summarily evicted from his premises on the reservation was resisted by a squad of eight soldiers who threatened to shoot sheriff paul sent to serve herve the document the writ was finally served on col forsyth and mason under whose orders the soldiers were detailed for tor this duty the arrest of the soldiers on the charge of resisting an officer and contempt of court has ha s treen been ordered today to day the facts have been telegraphed to secretary lamar and requesting that the troops be withdrawn should S ouid the request be refused it is feared serious trouble will follow CHICAGO GO 9 raddy ryan and jack burke pugilists met today to day and parson davies as burkes backer covered ryans deposit of 4 yoo for a tight fight i for 2500 2600 a side time and place n not ot agreed on though butte mont lont 1 i 1 was yas suggested in reply to a telegram from richard K fox of new york ryan today to day sent a dispatch saying he would blehi john L sullivan after his match with burke ile he stipulates that the fight shall be for with hard gloves loves to a ninish finish und unde erthe rEhe new lon don on rules the winner to take the championship belt as his property JEFFERSON mo alo 9 judge krekel of the united states court has ordered marshal marshai mcgee to proceed at once from kansas city to moberly and protect the property of the wabash railroad it appearing a to be in danger from the st strikers the wabash being in the hands of receivers appointed by bi this court is under its jurisdiction general manager hoxie of the missouri to call out the militia to suppress the strike at sedalia A call cali will not beis bets be issued unless disorder arises that cannot be suppressed by sadalia authorities NEW YORK 10 gen grant was given a stimulant last night in place of anodide this change of treatment had a soothing effect and the patient passed the night comforte com comfortably forta bly this morning he e arose refreshed he made no com COO complaint aint in regard to the throat trouble an and d was able to partake of considerable sid erable nourishment KINGSTON ont onty 10 A government military ober officer has received a letter informing him hint that there are fenhaus at buffalo drilling with the view yiew of making a raid on canada NEW YORK iov lov lo 10 money easy bar silver sliver 1064 log stocks became weak in the last hour and so continued continue cl until noon when there was a slight recovery tor for some stocks lackawanna ous for its weakness rest of list comparatively strong ST louis louls louisolo Lou islO 10 governor marmaduke has called the tg militia here to go to sedalia mo alo to aid in fit repressing the trouble likely to arise there today to day out of the rai ral railroad road strike about 15 boffl cers and und men left here this morning on a special train and will vill arrive at sedalia at ata 2 pm ST louis 10 in rn response to tile the call for troops from froni gov marmaduke col walbridge left with militia and gatling galling guns for sedilia sedilla Sed jilla mo alo at 11 today to day A riot la is very seriously feared at sedalia sedalla where 1000 striking railroad employees of goulds system are said to menace property and the public bubli irain iraln peace the rhe soldiers left on a special train erain and will make the run to sedalia sedalla miles by 4 this even evening inc inz dm pm the st louis militia found considerable difficulty in getting ammunition it was flit finally dlly illy arnau arrau arranged gea and the troops left with loom ball cartridges the employees of the Aliss missouri ouri ourt pacific in st louis louls are still q quiet ulet and at work and say it is not their present intention to strike the men discus discuss the situation very closely and it is believed tha th departure of the greater part of the militia of the city will have a bad effect in encouraging the strikers the missouri pacific is refusing frei frel freight and discharging or suspending many employees not connected with the strike some of the wabash men are out here others say they will strike it is said the missouri pacific company has hired a ii ri timber limber of pinkertons Pink ertons detectives tec tives and sent them up to sedalia sedalla with winchester rifles to protect the property until the troops arrive NEW YORK 10 as I 1 i 4 11 s 11 1 as Paci deggs actis 25 central pacific 34 burlington 22 1 1 northern pacific 18 14 43 northwestern 94 1 new york central 89 11 oregon navigation 67 transcontinental pacific mail mall gig 1 panama W djs st louis and san francisco 19 9 texas pacific 12 union lc 45 fargo express 94 9 western union 59 Nol noi NORFOLK FOLK va 10 lo was received of the destruction by are fire at newburn awburn ew burn N 0 last night of the central hotel and anti 20 houses and stores loss insurance washington was WAb HiNGTON march alarca 10 the report of the consumption and distribution of orn corn and wheat from sta returns of the department of sericulture Aeri culture that per cent of the last crop of corn remains in farmer shands 33 per cent the of march 1884 the supply jn farmers hands last march was bushels the remal remainder ilder lider now is about 6 00 two years ago the stock remain remaining inc inz at the same date was W OW or per cent of the crop lil lii iii I 1 the amount shipped is a few millions less than last year the exports equal bushels against at the same date in 1884 and the commercial receipts at western markets are also less a full eastern crop reducing slightly the demand notwithstanding tie pe reduction la in price the proportion of merchantable ble ule corn is very large 87 per cent against an average ot of 80 per cent for a period of years and 60 X for last year wheat reported in farmers hands is about 33 per cent of the crop bushels or bushels more than the stock of last march when the crop was less by bushels there has been a si lightly slightly freer use of wheat for bread and a little of the poorer quality hat has been fed to stock the stock ou on march 1 was per cent of crop or bushels and that of march 1 1882 was 1 bushels the quality is reported about average I 1 in every western State except illinois and missouri and in nearly all the atlantic and gulf coart coast states the cabinet met promptly at noon all the members present it isander is understood that the session was devoted almost entirely to the consideration of federal appointments it Is asserted on good authority that each member of the cabinet submitted a list of appointments point ments in his department held to be essential to the administration of public business under the present regime the lists it is understood included only offices in which a |