Show A missionary ei IN jl allf nl lf tatti i ITT L SAUK todd co minn alinn ani 0 F february 7 1885 1883 editor deseret nees news last letter to you was artt ten I 1 have been to monticello and back preaching to and fro as opportunity was afforded mno r rd ed and had bad a pleasant trip with the exe execution eDtIOn of suffering from very cold wi weather ather I 1 made a few friends besides visiting a number of old ones whose if integrity is good save in one instance I 1 had much private talk the outlook in my neld of labor seems brighter than it did a year ago we baptized the adult members of two families comprising seven all told toll who started for utah yesterday morning f from rofu west union they have made a home hoine for the elders who have traveled in these parts arts and they deserve much credit we we will miss their company may max the e lord bless and preserve them thern on their r journey at west uhlon buhion we were accused of cowardice by certain parties because we did not preach whereupon we visited the school board of two districts and applied for the privilege of setting forth our principles they uliey thought themselves reasonable persons gut rut but said they could not stoop quite so low as to come to mormonism mormonism we hurled the imputation of cowardice where when it belongs and told them to shoulder the responsibility A few are investigating carefully fully and I 1 hope to their own awn everlasting int rest mist I 1 am alone at present today to day I 1 sam saw the board of this district to obtain the use of the school house to hold holda a ing and got the consent of two but was requested to honor lionor the third verith ith a call I 1 did so and blasphemy ran rampant upon his tongue 4 na N 0 you yon OU have done mischief enough I 1 in ae west S t union they will be 8 sorry orry c enough ough when they get there utah then are arc you willing to assume the responsibility of a refusal I 1 asked lie answered with an oath wisdom dictated to leave them in the hands bands of god I 1 am on a visiting tour and will speak when I 1 can the scene which this country presented previous to 1831 1851 is like a pleasa pleasant nt dream the resent present mirror oi realities is a seething fill poo pool corruption of had I 1 not come here on gods errand and had a chance of seeing for myself I 1 could not have realized the difference ln three decades there isa restless uneasy spirit prevailing val vai ling ng and some are looking for trouble nearer by than in utah yours in the gospel A B strickland |