Show SOMEWHAT lwi HURRIED 1 THE small band of anti antl mormon fire nire eaters in this vicinity have sent up an exultant shout on account of the ile antl anti expression uttered by president cleveland this was anticipated but the exuberant display of delight does not appear to be well grounded we do not see that the numerically insignificant a and rabid faction have any potential reason for rejoicing neither have the mormon people any reason to be cast down because of the presidents position on a question of vital importance to them thew if there is good ground for believing that mr cleveland was not induced to make the allusion to tile the subject mainly on account of popular pressure and that ha was really serious senous in his utterance there is equal if not stronger 1 reason for the belief that his expressions regarding the upholding of the rights of all the people before the law were also sincere suppose that the sincerity of mr cleveland in the enunciations renunciations of his bis address is ls beyond quest question loti what comfort can the I 1 I 1 monnon mormon eaters consistently take from his utterances if they are followed up and become the policy of the government vigorously enforced it will twill be a sorry day for the crusaders because the president is opposed to polygamy and desIre sits repression is really no reason why any person should I 1 lay ff the flattering unction to his soul sour that he would favor tha th outrageous doings of the clique who have been bun running matters with a high hand la in this region for several months there is nothing in his statements that would encourage the belief thit he would favor the overriding ignoring or breaking of law in order to enforce law this has been the policy pursued by the crusaders as we nave have frequently and clearly Grant gradam yur lur that president ent tnt cleveland favors s the ens enforcement ore ement of the laws against polygamy he cannot be consistent without also insisting that all attempts at such enforcement shall be made in accordance with the tile forms of law and that the laws ministers and executors shall not themselves be lawbreakers law breakers he should insist and until he indicates otherwise by his bis conduct we shall refuse to believe that cewill he will wili not notI that mormons cormons Mor mons equally with other citizens who may be accused of of off fences ances shall have fair treatment and trial under the law which no person can justly justis say has been accorded up to this 8 stage tag e of the crusade yet these a are re their rights under the constitution for which mr air cleveland professes a most profound regard almost tu to the tile point of reverence leverence this fair fairness nebs and equality are necessarily absent under methods of prosecution which include juries packed for the conviction of mormons cormons Mor IMor mons by open venire and an unbridled license to the district attorney in the conduct of cases when Mormon ormon 71 ty 71 arc the subjects pursued neither is justice subsequently b obtainable by mormons cormons Mor mons who happen to be convicted by the extraordinary tra ordinary system b being refused ball a privilege which the law plainly directs should be granted and sent to ulson gison prison for punishment before the final determination of their cases on appeal were such practices engaged in toward people accused of of fences who are not nion mormons cormons Mor Alor mons a howl of denunciation nun nuncia clation tion would be raisel against those who so outrage the principles of law and justice that would cause the ears of the nation to tingle yet mormons cormons Mor mons ha have ve equal rights under the law with citizens of aery jery every esery class and those who practically deny dens them their rights are lawbreakers law breakers themselves and unworthy to be entrusted with any position of responsibility involving the safety of the lives ilves and liberties ot of the people if mr Clev elands views in regard to the equalization of rights under uner the constitution were to be ba put in 0 operation era here ills his antl anti polygamy ex expression res to the contrary notwithstanding notwithstanding the proceeding would result in a vast improvement in n the e local situation atlon and inthe wholesale removal of the officials engaged in the anti antl mormon moamoa raid because whatever cour course se wo would U id be taken with reference to institutions of the latter day saints it would be conducted within the forms of law everybody knows that the reverse of this is the rule now the triumphant shout of the mor mon eaters has a premature aspect |