Show ESTA established 1850 1830 DESERE DESERET NEWS I 1 t W y EVERT EVERY WEDNESDAY 01 arith postage os tage tare t 3 50 s 1 H atit V I 1 7 n I 1 three moths 90 00 1 D DESERET ES E 11 ET NEWS SE ls r wa WT ae B X IC 1 L 11 ng every evert TUESDAY AND ann yr yono tS year with postage 1400 54 00 M six month 2 00 three months ia la loj iou 10 0 EVENING NEWS every ir areni evening g except sunday one olle ce copy cops vy cne year tear rear with alth re postage stage sio 10 00 six BIX x months S 00 s three months soo 3 00 0 TERMS IN ADVANCE officio corner south and east temple Tempie ats sta R L 0 T 0 17 oy I 1 fir irr VJ JJ aw K U P J absolutely puite I 1 A this tins powder never r vane aries arles A mar carvelot marvel ot parity purity str cuti more moro t olom hal hai nal I 1 than thin the ordinary kinds and t annot angot 0 o sold in competition con petition with ath ith thi the mul etude of ot low test v eight weight alum or of powders 1 i sola sold wily in cam calis royal noyal BARING row pow or fl co lix wall walt street nev Kev rori roii 4 I 1 NOTICE i t nad mot T HAVE llave ey ell MY lly possession JU ILI i s y one grey MARE mane 6 years yearb old no brand jilt lii visible i tf royt one light brown STUD 3 years old bran 1 I ded dedy on left eft thigh light right hind I 1 foot chiw I 1 I 1 T y i 1 u some soine white on left hind foot ane tine fine roan STUD 2 year yearn old bobra bohra no brandin tj ini one buckskin yell yeli yellow ow STUD 5 ayears years old a four lour white feet white race tree no brand 41 i fitl lobi one dark barrial ZE 5 or 6 years iko iio olf r ij brand visible i t V I 1 1 10 i one roan ATUD 18 bothi months old oid maxy mane maue and tail white feet 91 white face fa daceno ceno no of brands 1 1 1 one yellow maim MARE 5 years ears cars old white in ln 11 J face darkish mane niane and tall tail black feet noti nort nott no tt brand has a colt coit f I s J I 1 I 1 n one sorrel STUD 2 years old white st strip 1 in face two white feet white spot an ual ll 11 r u lip no brand brand one debrown brown STUD about 20 months old some white on right hind foot toot no brand onsbay one bay STUD Is 18 months old left hind i foot root white star in forehead no brand t I 1 it if not claimed and taken ammay away before i ism 1885 they will be sold i to the highest responsible bidder at the th iff ti Pa parowan radowan rowan pound in parowan carowan Pa rowan lit itt at 10 i clock a ni al I 1 t VM II 11 q district paro parowan carowan it city ity tron iron co utah march han if r 1885 1883 1 m ira iba lra I 1 MV I 1 I 1 iki lwi 1 I I 1 I 1 fi |