Show A SPECIMEN EPISTLE tiie THE following autograph letter penned by a specimen antl anti 11 mormon formon 11 legislator le and addressed to friend of ats its writer speaks rather strongly as to the quality of that nest of unclean crusaders comment upon it or its author does not appear to be called for thirteenth SESSION IDAHO legislature HOUSE OF op REP BOISE CITY idaho january 1885 friend jim I 1 am havea havel haleing ing a very good time here this winter I 1 am well treated br by everybody things are moving along a all ail I 1 right we are likely to fix the breta brethren plenty before we are through we h have vp just ju s t passed a law creating the i office of attorney general we thin think k he will help us prosecute polygamy poli ramy gamy cases the new election bill has passed pass edthe the council ma making 1 lwe in the voters all take the test oath 1 if f we can get it through the house bouse and JL think we cail call can we will have the brethren in a very tight place we will find und out then whether god or the other fellow is running it we will fix up our county ticket today to day and hand it to the governor for his approval A R STAL STALKER keio KEit thu THE party ilven given given byl byi the caledonia society inthe lathe in the social hall last evening was wag a very enjoyable affair |