Show neen anver anven GIVE VP up if yau art suffering suffer with low and depressed spirits los lo 10 is of appetite general debility disordered blood weak constitution headache or any disease of a bilious billous nature by all afi means procure a bottle of electric jit bitters lit you will be surprised to see the A rapid a p id that will follow you will be inspired with new life strength and activity will return pain ain anam and misery 11 11 er y will cease and hence henceforth aln orth you 11 will 1 r rejoice joice jolce in the praise of electric litters bitters sold at fifty cents cants a bottle ti 0 by Z C M 1 I drug D rug 8 store tore 6 LOST OR STOLEN PLEASANT gr GROVE grose bove LOVE ABOUT F J february wi iss one red an and dwhite white spotted COW about I 1 11 11 years n r 8 old branded on right side brand not feg legible e bl one red COW about four years old branded trian triangle glennd ind B on left side one nearly white COW six gix years old branded one HEIFER 0 o d abd aid and white lt about three years old branded brand cd on left hip iii any person giving informs 0 o tion which win will lead to the covery recovery ie of the above will be rewarded address w BJORK Plea piea pleasant grove utah itah i 1 NOTICE HAVE IN MY POSSES possession sion STON I 1 vr one about 2 years 0 o old oid id blac blae black blaek m minea minoa ne alid rid tid tail right hind loot white no D brands rands visible I 1 I 1 if the above descried animal is not clai elai claimed nied on or ia will be sold at my corral as an sin est estraya at 10 am H CCULLOUGH district i 4 march farch 12 iss 3 4 T HAVE IN MY possession loa ioa one white yearling STEER red ears cars and jaws also red specks on neck branded K on law saw I 1 e eft ft ribs under tinder halt halo crop ii right ear aqua squa e notch lri tir I 1 eft ett ear which it if not claimed will be sold monday march at I 1 91 clock pm pin at the lound pound at manti sanpete co J J HANSEN district pound round keeper manti mantl march lith 1885 fue ive COMING MUSICAL EVENT orgden ogden marczi 19 1885 MATINEE AND EVENING city zarch march 3 oli ori livening lofcan hai mai baich march ch 21 1885 M PATIENCE PA tin N it C E 1 CAST patience Nettie nethe thatcher lady jane louise wells angela led eed love ten I 1 sick 5 ci birdle B birdie adie Cum cumminas minks sa hir bir fd jenny brow bron brewing 3 ai d effs ea E edila edlia EU iia ia duke george D colonel colone i thomas omas 0 crawford major masor la jor john S barnes bonthorne Bun thorne J D spencer grosvenor Gros yenor J T white solicitor pred fred clawson chonus OP LOVESICK LOVE SICK MAIDENS hatle katie young clara paul jennie M 31 young helen noung young W ung tacy young nettie alder florence alder ettie ettle shell euphelia En phelia phella latimer nettie L latimer ulmer dalsey daisey shell lutie whitney Whit nev millie pack nettie kaleigh itale h alice raleigh kaleigh alice dona ronaldson n martha nartha hardy lou mcewan dray may preston C ryner ryder laura whitney ivy clawson CHORUS OF OP HEAVY DRAGOONS G D aller alder john anderson robert edmunds edmund J flowers G thatcher IV D ryner par F IV scarff S M barratt li arratt J W 1 squires chas A lambourne Lambour nc dan banh bann 11 calder IV B preston jr D Ds y spencer 1 n james crawford j me freb frea fred clawson son sam calder brig goddard IV J browning george gcorge yeadon musical director IL 11 S krause general manager J D excell SPENCER SP full Orches orchestra trl tri costumes Co stage effects etc seats ou on sale at usual places S W DARKE CO coa REMOVED S SW IV daulke DARKE aco CO FIRE INSURANCE a and land office agents have removed during the tearing down and re building of f E J swaner cos gos store to tb room above IT II 11 Pem brokes C ss store tore expect to tobe be back attile attilo old stand about april st nota notary r public 1 1 alic always in the office d sur suc 1 iw w ncr kim mim THE rahe DUKE OF harrisville BRISVILLE HA 11 A JL stallion Stal stai hon stands 16 hands high and weighs 1100 lbs ibs sired by the duke dake of oakland imported by chase and was foaled coaled april 1883 1833 price for full particulars enquire en creot ot reu peu PETER reter TER LATER dal liw weber county LEGAL leegal NOTICE GUARDIANS SALE OF REAL HEAL ESTATE TO AN ORDER OF THE P PURSUANT probate court ot of salt lake county in the territory of utah made and entered of record by said court on the day of december A D 1 1844 in the matter of the estate of ernest I 1 young louie 0 young james T young ray young and leo 1011 loti young D minor heirs ot of the estate ot of ernest L Y young toung g deceased authorizing me the un der signed sybella W cla cia clayton forni formerly etly erly sybella W toung houng oung to sell real state estate belonging to said minor heirs 1 I as such euch guardian will sell at private sale saie for cash the following described describe a real estate situate in salt lake coulty courty cour ty and territory of utah to wit lot number nine 9 in block number forty three 43 in lla ila pla A big field survey so called containing ten acres of land 0 yi 4 S any person wishing to buy said landfill land will propose to me in writing to be left with mr Z snow my attorney at 71 E second south street salt lake city any bid or offer ac lie c epter will be subject to the approval of the court bids are requested ana will be rec received elved elfed until the day of february next salt lake city january 1883 1885 SYBELLA W CLAYTON fy guardian guardie i rt by Z SNOW sl wt d r i her At attorney torrey v rf AA NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of robert holt hoit deceased 1 HEREBY gives GIVEN BY tilt i under undersigned undersigner signed administrator of the Es ess tat tate ot of stobert robert holt nolt deceased to tbt creditors of and all persons having claims against the tile said deceased to exhibit then thell with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first arst publication of tin thi notice to albert holt hoit at sanoy saudi Salt Lake county in the county courty of sait salt lake lalie t j ALBERT HOLT administrator of estat estate of robert holt deceased jq dated at salt lake city evev feb reb 1 21 l ism ISK y T 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 74 1 t i t 1 NOTICE HAVE IN MY possession 1 I 10 orie one three year old bay STUD white stripe in the forehead rell reli ead left hind foot toot white yo NO brands visible one four year earold old oid STUD white stripe in forehead I 1 left loft if front thront and both hind feet white an no 0 o brands visible r 7 t ai ti it the icove described animals are not claimed within ten days they will be sold at public 1 1 alic auction in the estmay pound in this ii cliv t y at 10 am the 1 lath th dinst RIC PALMER district cedar city march jtb 1883 1885 i ih t kee MEE bess BEST I 1 OF ALL f fazl ro I 1 11 alti alm B pr tor ore than a third of a century tie tle tho tio known to millions all over tho the world as h tae tile only ocly safo reli reliance anco aneo for the relief of off oft accidents end ra ran rain n ya th 13 a medici noP above p ancl tibo IK it jt or of its A 2nd and every loigi gal gai ial pain the ra CT rt fa n r it P I 1 i mustang liniment Is without a tr equal I 1 it penetrates cesh flesh iia ana and ila to I 1 texo vae very sert bone lione in lian tho anee ance of pain nna jina L illumination limpos bible sible its effects up upon n human freeli nl d r 1 lio ho brute bruto creat crent croatti cre Cro alti attl atil qa aro cro equably vonder wonder full fill the alciun p agh ach sir JIM 7 LL liniment ament Is needed by bome nome somebody body in every bonse bonee boade loane livery day brings news of ala abon agony ornu a awful burn subdued of io 0 o stored ur or a anu abu abie able laoren c cr ov oi navea save il by the tho beu bea power powen of U L eh owl all which ires cires c such 0 tho tio LESII lesli li as nibe rEv sev swellings ellIngs stift 1 11 1 contracted ulusc xer nna nad scalds cuts anat an sp Polso bons bona and abic slinks sui Sti tiRS lameness 01 olt ulce fsr sore kupples chea ched aund awl indeed ekery every form farm of extor mi rus lus ease at henle henie without sears scars 3 F eor for or the tho adz CAT 0 o it eures cures sprains Op rains as stiff SUM joint joints IV dounar founder doun Foun dr warness harness sores lapof alc enges V oot not hot ivorra ivoria scab hollow 11 horn scratches leas heat windi wind i galls spavin spavins Thru thrush slip ring ning bonesi bonell old fiores roll poll evil film 11 pr 1 I 1 tho tio fa ht anti antl every oth r al allax 1 1 iti ial t to which the tte gre occa ocoa p if of the thit stable nud A cre rr liable jha MI nien always cunes cures crid ceyer caver disappoints and it la Is positively j V M QZ pmj jee see jel OF F ALL 1 IM I 1 ehi mal OS 03 base BASS i I 1 WW liv liw me F TO aluli aluni will be mai mal to nil all applina leaff iee tee and end to customers 0 last year yean without ordering il it contains illustrations prices descriptions and directions for lanting planting all vegetable and flower SEEDS BULBS etc DM FERRY 00 in the probate court in at and a for tor salt L lake ah e county territory ot of utah I 1 in the mitter matter of the estate af 0 t edward hunter lunter deceased brotice Vr OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TI THAT T LM edward hunter jesse IV fox and d isaac M fc executors of the last will and testament ol 01 edward hunter decea decca deceased s ed lava lavo filed in said court their petition f for oran an der ot of distribution ot of the proper property t in their lands according to the provisions oi of thelast the last ailland vill and testament of said deceased and qa oat t the esth day ot of march A D ism 1885 at 11 3 clock am a m at the court room ef of said court inthe lathe in tho the city of salt lake county of 3 silt sall salt ailt lake and territory of utah has been july ap appointed hinted by said court tor for bearing at af he baid said petition at which time and place ny person interested in said estate may appear and show cause it any there ab nb be c why said sald petition should not be granted and an in order ot of distribution made as prayed for JOHN 0 CUTLER clerk probate court dated february ary 16 1885 1883 NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of benjamin arker harker II deceased brotice yr VOTICE OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN gives BY THE jle sli undersign und ersig loed joed administratrix and administrator of the estate of benjamin harker deceased to the creditors of and all persons havins having hai hal ing claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within ten months after the first publication of this notice to ephraim harker kerat at Taylors vuie vUle salt lake county HARRIET EPHRAIM 11 hakker harker and administrator of the estate of benjamin arker harker II deceased dated at salt sait I alt ait lake city jan 1885 IM va at n 10 1 0 r 3 u 11 L ne 0 E DR Y the value of ayers cherry pectoral lithe n the protection pi election it affords from the dangers it f pulmonary disorders cannot be overestimated sti mr C K philips ritts pitts pittsburg burg pa writes about years tears ago I 1 had bad severe laryngitis which resulted in chronic hoarseness by the use of ayers cherry pectoral I 1 have since entirely regained my health mr dir henry russell Eu ssell excelsior printing co hew york whites writes yr ites influenza became epidemic in llly illy neighborhood several members of iny family suffered severely with it ali ail of whom took ayers cherry pectoral and were cured by it in a few days it ii a wonderful medicine for influenza too much cannot bo be said in its favor 1 E sargent 41 andover st lowell mass says I 1 commenced using alsin ayes ayers cherry pectoral about the year 1842 1842 as rs a family medicine for coughs and colds and alid have always kept it in my house hince that time I 1 consider it the best remedy that can be had for these complaints dr J B Eo Robert bertson robertson sony sont clayton CI ayton S X C writes 1 I have used ayers cherry pectoral in my family and practice fora forn for a number of years and have no hesitation in recommending it it is an admirable me preparation and well weli qualified to do s aal A that is claimed for it E J styers ger iger manton NC K C Av writes rites 11 ayers cherry pectoral is the best cough preparation 1 ever saw it gives instant relief ayers cherry pectoral im ilas cured a cough in a few doses it always relieves irritation of the lungs mugs or and arrests the tendency to inflammation it strikes at the foundation of all jui Jul pulmonary diseases is without a rival as an expectorant and is a sure cure for the hie most obstinate coughs and colds L garrett texana texas writes 1 I haye have y e used ayers cherry pectoral in my family for twenty years for throat and lung diseases I 1 consider it a wonderful remedy A a ff in C h y V r S e r y BY dr J C ayer nyer co analytical chemists ulass for sale bale by all druggists bruggi ts geant grant GR A N T odell OBELL ai CO AGENTS A G E N r ra 11 8 FOR rob COS oll iru idu lif MASSILLON ollio I 1 1161 is 2 IMPROVED IMPROVE TRACTION ENGINE with wilh or without geor gle 1018 nd 16 hwe herse power built by RUSSELA CO maesson Ma Xa Esmon a 0 FOR FOK descriptive cirk clrk CIRCULARS ULARS CALL AT MITCHELL WAGON fad rad fab sard s tc are respectfully invited to call and ane anc examine our large stock of FARM FARSI and PRING SPRING WAGONS and DE deeke deere PLOWS before purchasing elsewhere tee THE NEW HW MODEL SW sweepstakes MR VIBRATING THRESHER 62 42 62 I 1 2 MUM 70 ja 4 V Z 0 0 P 4 P 42 4 q 5 av cp CD C e P pst 11 Q 0 an 01 ac 0 GEO A towe LOWE agent SAW BALT salt lawn laen CITY AND AIND OGDEN eem 10 warranted to crow or order refilled cratis uratis I 1 bate bare bold and newen newer S seed trover to over a million farmers and card nard gardeners eners eders in the car ras 0 cas V I 1 FC F C OR av themo united states onte some are your neighbors heigh bors it if so ask ys 1 fl is N them theTO whether r they are reliable mr air iii lii thomas Ili onias henshall of cell frn wrt I 1 rites me for 26 year years I 1 have bave deal deai t with ass is E F D you I 1 have lived in iowa lowa missouri colorado and kan dmm r sas san and no matter what the bollor soil soll or cl climate iniste the result qu always the sanie same to wit religiously renel reUel only hont house p lo 10 an rood coo roo this allis k the kind ot of seed I 1 raise and sell the y hubbard and sc squash ash marblehead dry drw aey C corn orn I 1 marblehead cabbage Cab Cabb bace baze aces 0 ohio ao potato eclipse ay beet neet are some rome ot t the vegetables of which I 1 was the original in p trod acer A fair with UM in premiums see my catalogue tree sree to all mames TAMES I 1 JT ir liy marblehead nast mast |