Show CITY BUSINESS BRIGHAM CITY utah march ath 1885 editor deseret mews nees asa As a reader of your paper I 1 notice that you have not been crowded of late with items from brigham city business here has been dull for the last two or three months but our oun merchants are diot riot discouraged they think times will soon be better we have a good number of business firms and individuals compared with what there used to be here five or ten years back the largest merchandise establishment is the tho cooperative co operative s store tore the capital stoc of tf which is about in cha I 1 ili iii buildings sheep sawmills etc tl tio tin dlf alf different ferent departments of this establishments at present in ia operation are the store which carries a full supply of general merchandise several thousand head bead of sheep which have paid well for the past few years the furniture shop which is doing a good business in homemade home made and imported P arted furniture the mill here in town and two or three lumber mills in the mountains A couple of the industries dus tries belonging to this nirm firm name ly the woolen ool facto factory and tannery should in my jud judgment in ent be also running among the other firms doing business busine s here are boothe wilson Co dealers in general merchandise and drugs elijah A box N 0 C hoist chas kelley mrs C 11 acker packer all dealers in general merch mereb merchandise ardise among the he home industries are four amongst blacks black 8 h shops one wagon shop three f furniture urn iture houses three tailor shops four shoe shops among otner dealers are the box elder wagon and hard hardware ware co with A 11 snow as Sup tN C who sells wagons and farming implements B 11 young who wi will ll 11 p sell seli e ll 11 ice cream and summer drinks by a and t id b by lire lirt and L C christensen who deals in music watches clocks etc the dealers in produce are larr hailing halling george graehn SP johnsen and clement clement horsley E K fuller and C davis dails run hotels feed and livery staaley sta ales chas wight is a lumber merchant and deals deais in doors sash gash etc and mrs ann burt and emmy lone green are dress and hat makers there has just been an election for city of officers feers at which most of the old officers were returned there was no opposition ticket and but a light vote vole yours etc JOHN CHRISTENS EN |