Show THE JURY LIST APRIL TE TERM R 11 DISTRICT COURT the fol sol following lowin is a list of the names of grand and petit jurors drawn in the district court this morning for the april term 1885 the crand grand jury list is made returnable april at 11 a in and the petit jury april at 10 loam a in G grand MALIN D JURORS 43 jacob T sher stephen beard 34 thomas 0 hull 30 andrew cowan 15 J K gillespie 13 12 stephen hunter 53 W P noble nobie no b I 1 e ilg llo anaw heim helm 13 fulton haight C E IS 28 peter A bu burt rt I 1 jas howell 49 G geo eo barton carton JV J W cottle 36 henry heath ti 2 W A cooke IS OThos rogers Il jos 11 II grant PETIT retie JURORS ill peter reter clays 84 geo Open 13 2 willard 10 ym wm groesbeck 14 jas T smith Phil phi klipple CD brinton archd 0 d shields 24 edward IT T ash dish 69 A 31 johnson ton 52 A W earl Carl earlson sou son 65 T G af M smith 55 J ay V myrick 8 82 2 alfred isom john jolin K lemon gustave schulte 26 11 S beatie beatle jr geo pearson 81 M S simmons A G martin mankin 32 gibson condie condle NV Y 1 palmer 58 geo 11 emery J 31 Il ichardson C J smith amith john C mackey si IN 1 it clute elate samuel hamuel kemp WE gge R U kessler |