Show DF DESERET SERET SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION MEETING the regular monthly meeting of the sunday school union was held in the salt lake assembly hall monday evening march 2nd and 1885 stake supt bupt john C cutler presiding assistant general supt bupt george goddard and many other prominent sunday school workers were present as well as a f full ull representation from the schools of all the city wards except the oth and from farmers and west jordan wards the first exercise was an overture from the ward brass band after the usual opening exercises and prayer by supt bupt peter gillespie ol 01 of the ward school elder geo C lambert gave a narrative of his experience peri ence while upon his mission lu in england ills his description of the circumstances cum stances condition and mode of living of some of the deop people veople e of great britain was calculated to make the native born etonian feel more than ever thankful thanks ul for the blessed and happy surroundings among which he has been reared reamed it also had a tena tendency ency to make one think that it was not such a great sacrifice after all for many of the saints to leave their native hills of old england where it is now so difficult for most of its inhabitants to make a scant living to come to utah where comparative luxury and comfort can be got by every industrious man and woman the speaker briefly reviewed his interesting te visits to london ireland scotland scotland tand the liverpool mocks scandinavia and other places of interest the scenes of misery he met with were heartrending and the amount of drunkenness to tote be met lu in various parts of great britain was truly ap appalling pallin ile he paid a high compliment to the scandinavian di din avlan avian nations for while visiting portions options of denmark and sweden ll 11 he 0 did not remember meeting a drunkard ile he believed that the b superiority 0 england over the aeh neighboring laborin I 1 nations of eui eul ope was due to the mixture of various nationalities resulting from the tile numerous invasions to which she had been subjected and he looked for a similar result irom from from the intermarriage of the peoples ropes of so many maby different nations who constitute the population of utah the progeny of the present atah inhabitants ot of utah may naturally be expected tb surpass in energy thrift intelligence and all the other qualities that constitute greatness the people of any single nation from which they are descended and indeed 1 all those nations combined A beautiful song was given by the west end glee club rocking on the billows Billow of the deep 11 which was very highly appreciated prec by all atler requested those who had not already sent in their school reports on punctuality and early attendance to do so at once so that the prizes of 1 f ered a year ago could bo ba awarded at as early a day as possible abst gen supt bupt goddard urgently requested that all al ward and inake stake sunday school reports be sent in as soon as possible so that they could be made up and completed by march loth ile he urged the importance ot of sunday school workers who were engaged in training the youth of zion setting a good and worthy example the old scriptures say Asi As with the pra priest est so wit with the e people and he e t thought 49 t he be donld on be justified in sa saying inz ing As with ith the teacher ac so with the children ildr 11 how ow p leasing pleasing it would be and what a mora mona moral I 1 force would be felt if the announcement could be mide made that there was one sunday school wherein all the officers teachers and scholars and all connected were strict observers of the word of wisdom john held by joseph J daynes on the grand organ rendered a very pleasing cornet solo elder eider ider lder wm win willes made a short ade dress recounting some of the scenes scenes he bad passed through in his recent mission to india supt bupt john job n C cutler the next meeting will be a general meeting p of the union and will ivill be e held in the tabernacle and this stake meeting will be adjourned till the first monday in may alay singing by the choir benediction by eid Eld elder erJames james IV arhip the fine sl singing rendered on the occasion was from the ward sunday school choir under the able direction of bro john vincent tile the music at the be beginning inning alyd aad close of the meeting by charass the brass band was excellent both bothIn in the character of the selections and the effi efficient clent manner in which they were rendered 1 J 11 PRY PARRY secy |