Show territorial ITEMS cuned FROM PROM LATEST EXCHANGES The arizona legislature closes on the dinst after alter a session of sixty jays frisco is troubled with diphtheria breo bree children of one family died there week of this d dreaded d disease last saturday a member of the fio flo utana legislature introduced a solution before that body providing mihe khe the organization of the state of tod fontana lon tana and the election of two sell sen tors lors to congress i Gunn gunnison gunelson lson ison col with a population has seventeen saloons three tem rem Tew tei verles veries iries two wholesale liquor houses md ad three billiard balls to offset ose ese ise there are arc three sunday schools iid lid idd ild one free reading room an ex mple caple of advanced civilization rAd vices sices from dimmit county tex aj ay iy that the sheep ranch of ryan ryane aebel detel which has borne a bad name for long time being regarded as the Ad quarters for cattle cattie thieves and mexicans was wars attacked by eight P ne ricans on the 1st ast dinst manuel ores the overseer was banged and to wo or three herders gerders shot and killed i hithe tithe the sheep scattered in all dirac lods ions no effort has been made to ar ess tas ss the guilty parties seventeen head of borses horses and tales Jales were recently killed en on ditto reek idaho bv by a westbound west bound pas ed 0 uger thain they belonged to dan ikin itin i Brosof yn tin bros of boise noise and were valued the train being lat late ewas was wini wine deling Mini faster fasten than schedule speed and a thick fog which prevailed at the time hid the animals from view so that little blame is ti attached to the enig erIg engineer Ineer sixteen were killed outright and one badly crippled A correspondent to the sevier valley echo gives the following account of a suicide joseph bertelsen Bertel bertei sen seu forni formerly erly a res resident of monroe sevier county but bul latterly of cabote cayote garfield county committed suicide on the 2nd aud dinst by hanging himself in the stable oi mr nicholas with two alik silk handkerchief one of which was his bis okan the other he bad borrowed from a young lady the same evening the cause given was that he had ha had a sudden love shock it is said he has had twelve similar shocks before and he had said that this should be the last 1 FROM wednesdays ays 1 DAILY dally A ly MAR 11 agent appointed hon A L thoma thomas S received today to day and filed 10 iti his office the certificate of appointment of mr Ge geonie orare T odell of this thia city as agent of russel kussel co of f ohio operation by lady surgeons doctors belle Au anderson derson and andI andl mattie matlie Mattle attie P hughes today to day removed about twenty pieces of decayed bone from the leg of a little boy named charles nielson son of alfred nielson of the ward the little fellow received an injury some six mo months rittis since sincer and necrosis was the result chloroform was administered and the boy bore the operation well lie ile will probably have a rapid recovery the ball still rolls we are pleased to notice that contributions to the tho deseret hospital continue to flow in the institution Is growing rapidly and widening its fields of labor and any measures tending to give it an impulse on its onward course is certainly gratifying to all ali interested in the public good the board of directors today were the recipients of ot a fine quarter of beef from coun counselor elor elon john Q cannon and a iw live dollar gold oid old piece from a lady both presents of af course bein being for forthe tiie tile benefit of the hospital no test suit sult the tle county court yesterday decided not to accept the Pro proposition Posit ion lon made by b y several liquor leaters dealers to close pen pending dinga a suit to test the he valid lity ot the coures action in fixing the liquor license at twel twelve ve hundred dollars per year but to enforce rigidly tile the law alid and re regulations this action on the part of ue the county officers will receive the approval of a large majority of our citizens As a result of the decision many of the saloons that have been running in the county will have to shut up wasatch county we had a call this morning from front president abram hatch of wasatch county frim whom we learn that peace and prosperity reign in the snug little valleys occupied by the people over whom he presides the winter has been a light liht one feed has been abundant and cattle are looking unusually well for the time of year it was stated some time since iu in alluding to the eastern part of wasatch glatch chumy that yuwu head of cattle be longin tc to the tile people of provo V valley alley were being wintered on the range there we learn that this was win an error the statement should have been that sixteen of the tile residents of provo valley have stock on the eastern range rang e numbering about bow head bead it lt will be sometime some time vet yet before the people of wasatch county I 1 have lave their heir small grain in as the snow has not yet disappeared from the valleys |