Show i ak THE OF ANTI s r PRETEXTS 0 IV with which the tife antl anti 1 mormon demagogue A e base r gid and v as fast asiong pretext 1 ha e rv n ft ing lug him v as abr a breastwork ba dikis Is erh n torn irh a away w ayi r behind bellin d al i iea mea thea gailit y of t the bc feihe dihe t nica flea fickleness gliss of the th co I 1 r c ianell chame aliz ara ll 11 eions are arc liea ilea in staffs reasons as plen pien plenty tyas as black blace it berries I 1 ries rles but burve we need not pick lck ick f freta w fane 6 prolific bush more ib nian hian a ioui ne or two at the present time c ae how often has it been asserted ay 0 men mem and komeh women honestly or dishonestly opposed td the lc principle princia thit cr 7 of this much persecuted religion that elif that one obnoxious doctrine were i only done away and its practice should henceforth cease all hostility to I 1 inglot mo monism would vanish into thia thin air to thecil of peace would be pe poured udon upon the troubled waters of political add an d t leifi religious lods strife in utah and the bilal ig sun would be almost ready to dawn this portion of 61 buil our war nar weary and benighted planet that many persons are arc sincere 1 in n this elief ellef I 1 giot mot any mci mure re ifo th tl 1 1 thae that others arbnot hati 0 alx lx LV tilo forthe h ilc lic most roost pl part rt but superficial thinkers wiio have halve studied carelessly or not at all the crimson of religious persecution pa eil ell chapters apters destined to ae e among the closing clodin N the caree carce etue I 1 the of jesus jebus christ ot tot latter lay saint saints aj tex mex mem t vi ft 1 W we need ta hardly r d r refer e fe r 1 in t this h i s ponnee tion to d cli cil chares arkes I busas they PrU erred the early Chris christl christians tW and cited J YA t ein eln in justi just Un 1 I c cation catlon a tion of oyt theio thelo heir heli erde erwe cruelty to t hat J uni R despised anc 4 lui lul 1 a r s cc t bior ilor 10 r iye lye give kive ive pl asking ashing g L glimpse 1 diu siv fifie ithe 1 lurid id scenes of bf rapine and murder wilh with w which ph history repeated itself in the davs dars of the expulsion of ethe sal sai saints ants from froid missouri when the pretense put ut forth to palliate such buch s horrors mas was not as some borne might sup posen posea thenny the now terrible patriarch arc 1 yo no polygamy was v as donot then popular note bato to sound gound the revelation regarding havens haven been giren given giran siren to the church hence some hail bad to some other catch catchword word adopted some som eother other cloak made to order ordet to cover cover up the real object of the murder murderous olis oits crusade u urgent rg 1 against an innocent I 1 people 13 spoken ell url eliof bilof ei lof 1 whose ap appealed peat poal cause to be s ne the hi highest of the ni i t tion vin tw same same himself power ka cisto interfere for their hein heir or mafi afford ayi oyt for fon their past cruel eruct wrongs the slightest redress waid hat har in those early days vias was 4 I 1 Mor nor monis monig sms ms alleged effens offense or pi t tiie tile the malnaa cuga cus atlon since they have ever eser been like abraham is s posterity iv innumerable ift lal laa brief this that the scatter day asa ints i w of firmer days claimed to receive revelations from on high ito organized and d bishops etc encin in close conformity with the ecclesiastical system of govern ment rueni that existed athe the ancient chris chrls V 2 alan an church them these adf ul cited the tho lealous jealous wrath of the priests adf I 1 saud naud apos apostate tate christianity and anait IV 1 thing iley I 1 af these 11 ll F 11 er as liev WE e im v 0 of f the ilie devil to poison the minds of their pious blocks 1 I sand and aided by scheming V knaves and anil political hucksters tuck of ai hodr little else could bo be expected alto uto to lebe lede creste create ate d a so bitt bittern bitterly ern erb hostile that th at the blood bf innocence S it jt shed could satiate it these facts f acts bavei ve pass passed ed into history not nut yet written Vr itten in its f ful fui ulness dess ness but some day to by impartial justice f from rom nom housetops Uie ule but what co dib rib we ivo next mari hear bear ha haa s the same anje pid nid pretense been extenuate all later exhibitions of christian hatred toward this peculiar people silice since they left the confines of civi elvi civilization liza ilza to build up and beautify an eden anthe heart of of the american esert desert gote not entirely nt irely thereal the real cause remains as ever ver unchanged but the ostensible one has shifted and veered and fluttered about like a weathercock weather cock in a wind ivind storm polygamy beich published became immensely popular alawar as a war cry and its imaginary horrors were sufficiently bloodcurdling blood curdling without apostles and bishops to tb suit every i purpose e of the conspiring hypocrites who create created crea tel tei an in order mier aler to pander to tb and be paid by a mistaken public prejudice j ad iee lee as widespread wide spread as in every respect unwarrantable zule aule this wire has been bien twanged till it is almost ready to snap apap age and prolonged ked ged use wie and those whose business it is to ta atrian the them harp of slander and tune it to the ever varying popular lai pitch find it necessary to once i more ore look jook about for lor material to meet the imm imminent inept popular demand for a change blood atone atonement mei wei ivy IVI will hardly do for that ahas hag hai also seen much j service aud and like ilke polygamy poly gainy garny is getting jetting somewhat gut put of tune there is something bo however wever that suits salts the ti t un esto a T aud and iland far from wonderful wondern u L to tell it has already aud and jailed upon 1 and what Is tills this new nevy bugaboo this olympus of popular dread this towering mountain of bf a nations 1 alarm that at on A sieges 1 res fes its pate against the burnt lm ing log zone e J making tap pol poi famo ossa osa to appear like a wart in sooth church rule in politics an autocratic theocracy imperium impel impei litin in tit imperio a mormon Alor nion empire irian lilan in an american Aine alne ilca lica 11 republic an ecclesiastical light divine aa opposed to tb tha ballots ballo balio tb 91 a free frei people 1 and bild yards on yards maids of similar stuff all of which summed skimmed up and might be put thus a handful of religious worshippers wor shippers ar implements of bf labor labon with their f planted granite backbone of the ille american continent leering leerie down upon and t threatening with an avalanche of hymn books the peace welfare and existence of a shivering erih little group of fifty live millions of peopled Thi is the leading lading pretext of today to day the comet cimet of ill ili cincil omen now nou sweeping and swishing through atlie the political he heavens avena with polygamy 19 blood atonement 11 and all the fhe otiler little horrors following and strying it asa as a tail tall this ts Is the pale spectre etre teat that spreads its streaming hair over france germany gormany Gorm germ any auy swit land scotland and all other countries of the civilized and terrified world but tell us chathas this his new liew terror to stand on Is it utterly without foundation illethe like ilke the vast majority ot of its predecessors or has it like ilke some of the more notable ones onese a shadow of tangibility tang ability which at first sight but betat at first ight only seems almost as plausible aso aa skeletons visible or ava a vagrants imaginary means ot support simply this and noth nothing lilo ilig more the mormons cormons Mor mons like all true bible bellev ers hold that the god of heaven and maker of the earth intends Intend sere tre jong long to pay a personal visit to this planet to tor take apra reins of government into nis his own hands establishing a reign of universal peace and aud rl bt b i t and requiring all ali nations to acknowledge ills his sceptre tre they further inore moore believe that as usual usual he has sent word on ahead in order not to take the world entirely unawares and has commissioned certain humble god fearing men to preach the giad glad tidings to their fellow creatures and ano prepare the way for ills his coming 7 t this is I 1 the very vet vei k head arid front of mormon treason rebellion and had all ali aalthe the rest of the we flap alap J ap trap which continually salutes the tired timed ey eyes i eg anif aull earsom ears of a long iong sun dufferin suf suffering merin ferin Z public it is the government of ol god od that hie fhe fie e chr 1 ardd arid politicians iff dnn affect t ti to ree reg regard ard as a foreign power and itis it is jesus christ whom they stigmatize as an invader and whose approach they are preparing to repel with all the I 1 abe and fury nt ut their domma command pd who would have thought that the parable of the lord and afis his vineyard would und its application in the nineteenth century and in the land of the free and the home pf af the brave who would have supposed that inthis professedly christian nati nation orf ort a bible prophecy in relation coming of the king of kin kiri rs s would be used asa as a pretext the suppression of a people and religion whose is clinging to the hope of its literal fulfillment fulfilment what next will be the scare cr ow t tok 0 1 beep avar arar away ajay honest ini into the merits of balor mormonism moon TOon ism 77 and afford a tempo temporary rahy raty hiding place for the conspirators who are hie too cowardly to assail the system Syster ft except from behind a barr cade eade of subterfuge ter fuge sophistry misconstructions and make b believes f i it |