Show LOCAL NEWS i FROM FRIDAYS DAILY duly MAIL MAR 13 A fine portrait we were today to day div shown a very striking likeness of apostle franklin I 1 D richards in india ink by brother paul raul hammer of this city T the e P picture is exceedingly lifelike ilfe hie like ilke and we consider it the best specimen we have seen of this artists work Gratify gratifying in three sons oi of mr beck of who are deaf and d dumb um have been in attendance at the tha I 1 I 1 I 1 t A deseret university department for the education of deaf mutes in this city and have made such rapid raid progress in learning to write that one of them surprised his f ather father by writing to him the following ing words aly father I 1 want a watch mr beck beek was so highly gratified as well as astonished that he presented the boy with the coveted prize accident on wednesday morning last while william bricker was at work on one of tile the buildings of the tho old telegraph concentrating mill at west jordan a board of the scaffold on which he was standing turned over causing him hini to fall a distance of twelve feet to the ground alighting ou on his shoulder dr smith of union fort was sent for who examined the injured man and found that his collar bone was broken and his shoulder dislocated the doctor replaced the shoulder and aud set the broken bone hone brother bricker briefer Is progressing pro grussing as favorably as can be expected alter receiving ceiling r such a severe injury almost a calamity on th the even ot of march ath sister ann W peart of It andolph luch lach Coun aged widow lady went to spend the evening with her hen nephew levi ohead after having been there a short time she happened to look out of the win dovy doy dov and saw sa w that her own house was on oil fire all bands were quickly lighting it eli Ili ting tile the flames were soon soola extinguished it is supposed s u p ased that a park spark had fallen f from rom t the hp e tove stove lyile pipe I 1 into n ts 0 the wood box bos which was fu full fuli of wood and c chips Ps the house bouse being a very dry one and iid lid the box of wood standing close to the wati wall the fire soon reached the roof inthe excitement sister pear peart t got hur her right hand burned burn e d quite badly but feels thankful that she still has her comfortable home stricken by paralysis A communication muni cation i tec elved byth by us I 1 from born elder J E taylor etaylor contains the e painful intelligence telli gence thal that his brother in law william N goodman now residing resi resl dinc dins at st david arizona was stricken with bilth paralysis three weeks ago strong hopes were entertained at first that he would rally but his condition was very critical at the time of writing he having in 10 lost st his speech entirely and seemed to be gradually sin sinking kine kinz I 1 brother goodman has many friends ill in this city who will be shocked to read this sad news llenas he was an occa correspondent oi of the DESERET sews news during his residence in miners biners vil vii gilleand leand since his departure to his president location a little over two years ago we deeply sympathize with brother goodmans goldmans Good mans family in iii their affliction I 1 murder in the second degree the case against thomas and frank tidwell tid well weil fattier and son and joseph anderson who were recently indicted for fon the murder of augustus has occupied considerable time in the tile first district court at provo but a verdict was rendered last evening the killing took toor place as our readers may remember at cisco stati onon the D R G in emery county last november bo vember the case was prosecuted by assistant district attorney Varlan varian and defended by arthur brown the jury after being out several hours returned a ver vet verdict diet finding thos and frank tidwell guilty of murder in the second degree and jos anderson guilty of voluntary manslaughter i they will be sentenced next neit day at pm but the defense propose to move for a new trial there Is a strong feeling in provo against the criminals Je i especially specially the tidwells who have borne a bad reputation for many years simpson found guilty the time in the district court yesterday afternoon was occupied until a late hour in delivering the arguments in the case a against st thomas simpson one of the nea maln main 1 ill ril points of the defense was that before a verdict of guilty could be found it would be necessary to prove that tae alleged first marria marriage gemas mas was en 1 into in accordance with the laws and statutory regulations of the country where it was said to have taken place plate if it could not be shown that the tile marriage was lawful in that country it cotus cond not be considered lawful here jud jude judge e zane was quite brief in his charge to the jury but did not acknowledge the position of the defense to be correct and instructed the jury that it was not necessary to prove the legality of the first marriage by certificate or re record cordor or eyewitnesses eye witnesses of the ceremony if the evidence were sufficient to show that they lived ti gether together and ano acknowledged ed the relation of husband and wife then iten the jury would be jasd justified in assuming their marriage to be a fact after being out about three and a half hours the jury entered with a verdict of guilty bu but unanimously recommended the prisoner t to 0 1 the he mercy of the court the sentence will not be pronounced until tomorrow to morrow at 2 P pm ril rii 9 giving time torla torra for lor a motion for a new trial which we understand will wll be made home irom from the south we had a call this morning from elder win wm H kirby a resident of founta fountain in green who nas has lust just returned from a mission to the southern states after an absence of rather more than twenty three months during the first nineteen months he labored in georgia where he traveled through twenty two counties and held ninety meetings for four months he had elder samuel eccles as his companion and durin during the remainder of his stay in georgia gcorge he was accompanied by elder john mower they being the only elders in the state stale 0 generally speaking the feeling towards the latter latte day clay saints and their rell reil religion in that region is one of hosli hostility illy lity the elders eldera occasionally found persons persona who manifested friera ly feelings towards them but butmore more f frequently re they were inclined to persecute them or treat them with perfect indifference while in boweter county conaty they attempted to nill rill an appointment a to preach when a crowd 0 of roughs boughs assembled sem bled bied and meeting and began to use violence toward them striking elder eider mower upon the head but the tile elders manage managed d to escape in zhe the darkness and hide in the woods while the mob scoured the country in lit search of them cursing carsin themselves for allowing them to escape and swearing vengeance upon them if they could only be found they lay secre secreted tid listen listening ng to their pursuers until the search ceased and amade the their way out of tile thu county tile the testimonies onles onies of the servants of god are evidently remembered by many people of that state and when catastrophes overtake them it is not unusual for them to connect them with the preaching reaching of the elders georgia has heen been visited by frequent cyclones during the past year and many people blat ular blame biame nethe the mormons cormons Mor mons for them declaring that they never knew of anything thin thid of the kind in that region before fear has come upon the he t people I 1 and at the approach of a clou clond now it is common montor tor toc them to seek refuge ge in the underground storm pits which they have very generally ene rally raily constructed for that purpose upon one occasion when a storm seemed imminent the inhabitants of the country district where the elders were came running to them for protection pro and a member of the church who lived in that vicinity but who has latel lately v removed to colorado relates thai that the neighbors frequently assembled at his house when ther saw evidently believing that the saint saints could claim immunity from ironi the threatened danger and tuat that if they were with them the m they also would be saved tile the b baptisms a and re baptisms performed bv elder kirby and co companions apan in georgia number twenty six there are now no utah elders ill iu the state elder kirby came to colorado in october last and since that time has been laboring among the saints of that state who have elrater el emigrated rated from the south youth A good feeling generally preva prevails s among them much mull better than bareto heretofore forehand and madlof many of them have acquired very comfortable there is ample room in the san luis valley for more settlers good new land can be purchased there at 4 or 5 3 per acre and there are as good facilities in that region reidon f for fon or poor people to make a start and readily acquire a competency as can be found anywhere the saints there would like to see a few more settlers f botu rotu to join their ranks and help to strengthen their settlements brother kirbas kirbys health is not so good as it might be but be he hopes to soon be as well as ever ile he is glad to get back but does not regret having gone upon his mission ile he appreciates the experience he has gained go 6 ined and feels thankful ui for the chance he has had of laboring in the finist ministry ty 1 special to the DESERET G NEWS COURT BUSINESS AT beaver GRAD GRAND jury JURY discharged BEAVER beaven utah march 13 lath isso 1885 editor deseret news the grand jury uro ury were discharged last evening they found nine indictments under the edmunds act there have been no arrests yet the case of the people vs lazenby for larceny is now being tried this ia is tile tho flit case cabe before the trial jury ury this term FROM SATURDAYS DAILY mau MAP 11 if commission commissioned ed the governor today issued commissions to A 31 adsen madsen mayor and george L graehl jr recorder brigham city recently elected and to john cox cos appointed selectman foretich for rich county notaries Not aries the day issued commissions as notaries not aries jublin to the following fred E grames emery county thos C bailey chas E pomeroy P salt halt lake county par lace mcfarlan Mc farnan Farian sanpete county Cleve cieve cleveland eveland CI landi we were today to day shown a bust of grover cleveland which was executed by the talented young sculptor mr J II 11 brown jr it la Is modeled from a photograph of the president and appears to be a very good likeness pooled the representatives of the utah central and D darg R G W railways met today to day and agreed upon a local pool covering all business between ogden and spanish fork they will takeoff all unnecessary trains the details of the agreement nave have not yet been made public immigration rates we ve announced some time since that the rates for imm immigration which would be offered by the church agency this year would be fully as low as a anyone else could give alve and perhaps lower the res result at 91 has Y proved that we were fully warranted in off offering erino erinc that assurance A telegram received from brother james 11 II hart church enal Eral emigration gratton gration agent at new york yesterday announces that the through rate from liverpool this can ean year car will be 53 5 and from new york 38 this will be to ogden salt lake and provo and intermediate points those destined to places north of ogden and south of provo will be charged besides half the usual fare for the additional distance which the train conveys them these rates are surprisingly low and should ser serve ve as an inducement for tae saints of these parts to exert themselves to help the deserving poor among their f sin the old countries out here where they may by industry and economy oin oln soon acquire comfortable homes anif anu avail themselves of the blessings which every sincere person who embraces the gospel longs I 1 lo 10 0 secure |