Show BY telegraph ree VER WESTER 4 UNION TELEGRAM line LINB amer AKER A M P it I 1 CAN C A K CHICAGO 1115 am reported beav heavy v buying for foreign houses accompanied by the sharp allne decline in encil su con sols has been sufficient to make trading in cereals and provisions extraordinarily dina rily active all morning great interest as usual centers in wheat where transactions have been very large in ili volume may wheat which closed at 81 last ni night ht opened at 82 rested there fo for a leiv few moments but upon another reported decline in consola con sols rose rapidly to 3 fell back to W 3 9 and is again up to ay 3 mav corn has advance advanced to 3 mas may oats 31 may pork 1292 1293 X may lard LA libertad san salvador via galveston 11 war has been formally declared ST louis 11 R S hayes I 1 senior vlee vice president of the missouri pacific railroad in an interview on the strike said the main question in this strike ia is one of personal liberty or whether a handful of men who are not satisfied with their position as em aloyes shall be allowed to prevent other men who have no expressed cause of dissatisfaction from contle ing at work out of twenty five tive thousand employed emp loyes of the southwestern and wabash system not one thousand are directly affected by the reduction of wages which is alleged to be the reason for the strike and I 1 am certain that of this lioio at least would go to work tomorrow to morrow if they were not restrained by their bulldozing bull dozing co employed emp loyes the reduction made is in regard to men employed in machine shops and round houses train ser vice hands bands have not been reduced the reductions have been principally in texas N JI the general court martial convened for the trial of gen hazen chief signal officer of the army met in this elev this morning general ancock hancock Jl presiding the counsel for gen hazen chall chail challenged ened brig general Alc bic mcfeely Feely as a mem member er of the court on the ground of unfriendly relations between them growing out of his ila lla Ila IIa zens criticisms of the ile subsistence department of the army of which general mcfeely is head when he hazen was endeavoring to 10 abolish the system of post trader ships in thearty th the army earmy the court sustained the challenge and the accused waived tile the right to further challenge len ien iene e gen 11 hazen azen was then arraigned and through his co insel demurred to specifications of the charge alleging that he criticized and impugned the propriety of the action of the secretary of war in refusing to send a sealing r steamer to the relief of the greely party after the failure of the 1 proteus expedition in the fall of 83 the court overruled the demurrer and the accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and several specifications washington 11 in accordance with secretary tellers order dated marck ad the commissioner general of the land office issued three patents to the new orleans pacific railroad company for acres of land laud known as the backbone grant and they were deldred to win E bar nuro numo by direction of jonn joan 3 F dillon attorney for the railroad company although secretary teller issued the patents for r acres of land the company under its grant claimed acres yesterday secretary lamar issued the fo following IoNi nr order to the commissioner of the land office march loth 1885 youage you are hereby directed to suspend all ail ali all proceedings dines dings relative to patenting lands to the new nw orleans pacific railroad company until further notice f signed L Q 0 LAMAR LAMAH in addition to the lands already patented the new orleans pacific railroad company has lists cover covering ng acres which under this 1 last at order cannot be patented until the secretary takes further action washington 11 the backbone resolution offered by van wyck was laid before the senate as unfinished business van vhal said the senator from colorado teller had gone to york to be absent a day or two and asked that action upon the resolution be deferred until friday van wyck offered a resolution that the secretary of interior and attorney general be directed to take the steps necessary to prevent certain lands in florida and alabama neing being dein sold by the atlantic atlantie and gulf west india transit i company he requested that it lie on the table for the present after the lapse of twenty minutes secretary pruden appeared an and delivered sundry messages in writ in the senate went into executive session and five minutes later adjourned jour ned the president has nominated edward D clark dark of mississippi as assistant ecie tary of interior secretary lamar says his reason for S ul 7 action in the tile land patent matter WAS to obtain an opportunity to adamine ix amine into the merit merits sot of the com claims the tile star says secretary bayard has taken steps for the tinb formal forma withdrawal t f 11 ll treaties pending iu in the senate this tiu will leave the senate with nothing to do but to pass upon nominations and the pre prevailing imbres impression lon ion now Is that the session will not last more than wo weeks longer there was about the usual rush of visitors at the white house today to day the president arose early and at once betook retook himself to opening his mail which was unusually unus unil sally ally aily large As one of the clerks atthe at the white house put it t president cleveland receives as many letters iu in a day as ex president arthur received rec ree elved in a week weck 11 it is a fair reference that many of the letters relate to appointments to office the Pr eIdent president ran hurriedly through the mall mail and then began the reception of visitors many of whom had been hi ill waiting some time among the callers were congressional delegates from kentucky illinois iowa north carolina and Fi florida orida the we lecleta Se sect cleta elary clary of war called about noon and had a long conference with the president at I 1 the coors of the white house were thrown open to the public and the president was kept busy receiving 1 callers for over an hour col lamont lament said today to day dav that the reduction in the clerical force lorce at the white house was made nie merely in the interest of jot economy therefore no appointments point ments would be made to fill vacancies created ile he said there might possibly be one or two more changes in the personnel e of the force but that wound would be all since president cleve lands inauguration the entire clerical force including the private secretary has been busily engaged from 8 in the morning until midnight it is expected that the ile rush of business will I 1 compel the continuance of these working hours for some time to come one of the re regulations of the house prohibits employed emp loyes from smoking 0 in the offices edward 1 D clark dark of vicksburg miss today to day nominated for assistant secretary of the interior is a member in very high the bar of mississippi sis sippi and has practiced before the supreme court of the united states he is said to be a man of great leal legal le leai al learning earning and force of character re he has also been so wedded to his profession that be he has steadfastly declined to have any connection with politics although holding strong democratic opinions at the postoffice Post office and interior departments the rush of visitors continued today to day without diminution and vortices notices have been posted in inconspicuous conspicuous places by the postmaster aster G general and secretary of the interior to the effect that only senators and representatives would be received in the afternoon this re regulation is beginning to have a perceptible effect and both those officials now find lind time to devote a small smail portion of the day eay to necessary routine easiness Eu business siness the secretary of the treasury had a large number of callers today to day including in three large delegations one from kentucky headed by senator beck and speaker carlisle another from north Cn car carolina olina rolina headed by senator vance and a third from virginia headed by representative barbour secretary manning appointed eugene eugean higgins hin His gins of maryland chief chu f ot the appointment division of the treasury de apartment part eart artmen ment tl in place ot ol trevitt of new rork vork york resi rest resigned n neace ill lii higgins gf us is a friend of senator gorman german vice president hendricks recently applied to postmaster general vilas to have a friend appointed to the position of superintendent of the free fret delivery at the chicago post office to take the place of the republican incumbent mr vilas upon inquiry learned that the above named officer was usually appointed by the chicago postmaster and so informed mr nir hendricks that he could not interfere gen black the newly appointed commissioner of pensions arrived here today to day and called upon the president and secretary lamar ile he met with a cordial welcome and will assume his off omm official leial duties as soon as confirmed by the Sib senate nate the caucus of republican publican Ke senators and its caucus caucus committee which have been engaged early and late since the session began upon the allotment of places on the e majority sides of the senate committees finished the task today to day but the result will not be formally declared until tomorrow to morrow senator conger couger succeeds to the chairmanship of the committee on and post roads made vacant by the retirement of senator hill senator pike takes the chair of the committee on claims held by senator cameron of wisconsin senator sewell kewell takes place head of the committee on military affairs senator evarts is made a member of th the committee on judiciary and foreign relations senator teller is made chairman of the com committee cittee on mines and mining and a member of the committee oil on public lands the judiciary committee is increased by one and the commerce and public building committee by two members each many diany other changes were made in the member membership snip of committees for the purpose of equalizing the honors responsibilities jand labors of the committee rooms and the task of the caucus cammi committee atee was found one of considerable difficulty its members are unusually reticent about their but it is understood d der stood that the feature of their work which proved most perplexing related to the finance annance committee one senator it is said asked to be relieved from further service upon this committee unless its composition was changed in some respects he hel is credited with the impression that new england ideas were dominant ill in the committee and is said to have given iven this us as his reason for wishing to withdraw this it is reported when baroug brought lit before the full bated a discussion of the tariff in which wool and pig iron tron figured as the leading elements neither the caucus noc nor the caucus committee seems to have seen its way clear to tomake the change desired by tile the senator from ohio for the republican bemb membership enship of the finance committee as it stands tonight to night is the same same as at the last session sion many senators have urged sher sacr inan to remain U upon n the finance committee upon the ground that his tits familiarity with the financial affairs of the government would there be most conspicuously serviceable his ills name stands second upon the committee list he tie was not at the ca capitol pitol to today day and his further purposes I 1 in n r regard e gard totne to the matter are unknown ARKANSAS CITY kas 11 at a counell council this afternoon the oklahoma boomers decided to await further advice from their representatives id la washington who are endeavoring to intercede with with the united states the marshal received warrants for the arrest of the boomers who were in the territory last winter and has arrested twenty men they started for wichita this evening for examination there are 1200 boomers here and there are six companies compan fes of colored cavalry at chilocco Chi locco six miles south of here awaiting reinforcements gen hatch says he can get eight more companies if needed gen hatch lids has received an official dispatch from camp russell indian territory stating that boomers from texas and arkansas are movin moving westward across the sac and fox reservation the general thereupon i issued orders that they be turned baci back and conducted off the tile government lands CHICAGO 11 theodore von leson was arraigned in the justices court this morning mornine charged with improper conduct ten years ago lie he was well known in good society having the usual prestige of a wealthy ger german ian lan lie he went to california and engaged in growing a large vineyard ile he then returned to chicago and opened a large wine house but betrayed the trust confided in him dimand and became a defaulter friends paid up the amount of money taken about two years aco aso von leson obtained same some means and soon afterwards married a wealthy widow but they did not live happily together and the disappointed man appeared to lose his pride and moan roan hood and rapidly sank to the level mani maui 0 of the common tramp ile he is a man of brilliant education and ability 9 but now seems ha half f demented thea the ustice justice imposed a flue of 25 and von leson will for a time associate with cosmopolitan mo politan society at the workhouse MARSHALL texas II 11 an attempt was made today to day to detective furlong assisted by the civil author authorities ties to take out a freight train As the en engine g rine vine was about to leave the yard the aarik ers quietly assembled requested the tile engineer to get down and out which he did the thi engine was taken back to the round house and the fires drawn this evenin the county attorney telegraphed go gov ireland the strikers tereace here are quiet peaceable sober citizens are not making any demonstrations to injure persons or the property of the railway dallas dalias texas 11 it is said a compromise may ebe ibe looked for between the he texas pacific company and the strikers atri kers that the officers have invited the secretary of the striking it mechanics to a conference from which peace is expected the governors proclamation is ge generally brally r regarded degarde as uncalled for the e evening 9 times pim es says governor ireland relan has no m more ore right to dabble in this fight t than ban we have and he would do well to w watt it until the auth arity of the state Is defied before he rushes into print the strikers remain orderly and firm ATCHISON Ks its 12 gov martin and the railroad commissioners were in secret conference the greater part of the day with the exec executive utNe committees of the strikers and district superintendent ten defit fallon of the missouri pacific the strikers presented their grievances and after discussion of the matter at the su suggestion of the governor the commissioners consented if both sides were willin willing to act as arbitrators there was no pretence predence pre tence that the commissioners have any authority to arbitrate but they consented to act in the the ahe hope that the difficulty may be settled amicably atter after the conference adjourned and communicated to the strikers the tile proposition of tile the governor a meeting was held which was largely attended and lasted lusted two they then adjourned first having author ed the committee to give their heir ultimatum which is said to be a demand first for the restoration ot of october rates and then arbitration the decision of the arbiters however to be agreeable to both sides ta 8 this evening the committee was in session with the thie governor and commissioners ST louis 11 master mechanic hewitt visited the missouri pacific shops here just before qu quitting |