Show PANGUITCH STAKE conference the panguitch quarterly conference convened in rang Pang panguitch mitch witch on february and continued during march 1885 there present on the stand the stake presidency counselor daid david cameron an ami amt 1 representatives from all the wards warda in n 1 ahe he stake except escalante after the usual opening exercises the 1 irdi iod days conference I 1 was tas vas addressed 1 v tile llie following follow ing log speakers elders jas dickenson allen alien miller joseph houston to nJohn john E H myers hyers and 1 I B Alt ait allphin phin brother hale of city creek cre k swen anderson of glendale GIen glen dale daie alma barney W J henderson and W P sargent all speaking on subjects of intel interest st to the latter day saints on the second day of conference the different wards were reported shaw showing I 1 the people in better condition than e ever ver before and with a greater determination mi to serve god W S sargent stake superintendent of Y M M I 1 A and it G clark dark stake superintendent of abbatte Sab batti Schoot reported showing the institutions which they represented to be in the same condition the statistical report was also read the general and local authorities presented to the conference and were unanimously sustained and the sacrament of the lords supper was administered the conference was then addressed by aly elders iders E josiah barker barkee it G rinney pinney Illin cys cyp IV S 1 M myers ers 1 I 1 and president t david cameron on saturday evening there was a priesthood meeting where ware th the e priesthood received much rood and wise instruction st and snowe showed d a determination to keep the whole law of god it was a time of rejoicing ion lon long iong ta to be remembered by those present R GARNER stake clerk angostura bitters the world reno wed appetizer and invigorator imparts a delicious flavor to all drinks rinks and cures dyspepsia diarrhoea fever and ague try it but beware of counterfeits ask your grocer or your druggist for the genuine angostura an costura manufactured by dr J G B sie ale siegert ert esons sons |