Show SC SCHOOL hatters MATTERS IN mavis DAVIS COUNTY ran rAK davis co U T march ath 1885 editor deseret on the ath to a call cali from our county superintendent L aken nardia nard a number of teachers and trustees of the county met at the west adobe school house farmington and took into consideration the organizing of a teachers association A temporary effected and a committee appointed pointed Sp to draft a constitution and bylaws by laws III in an address the superintendent referred to the benefits to be derived from an organization of the kind at the same sauile time reporting favorably of the 21 21 schools in the county A pro gramme previously arranged by the superintendent was carried out and an interesting time was the result after the iro kro Pro pro gramme for the next m meeting etim g was read the meeting adjourned for two weeks on the uit the assembling of an increased number of teachers and trustees ru and the appearance of others interested in III education showed that the organization is one to be appreciated when the constitution and bylaws were adopted and a permanent organization established the following pro gramme was executed classes composed of members of the society were cond conducted acted first in grammar by L J robinson ll second geography by 0 T barrett and third oral elements eiel elci hents bents by miss anna clark dark select reading by miss kate chase subject how to organize a primary school C 11 clark recitation citation Ee by miss athalia miller chas C hyde who ho had been elected critic for the occasion did his bis duty well in reviewing the exercises the meeting adjourned till march at 10 a in and all went away feeling benefited aud and well paid for coming together bours yours vours truly C K R CLARK secy seely |