Show THE SIMPSON POLYGAMY uly mix CASE THE TUE WORK OP OF impaneling PANELING IM A JURY juny the forst arst case in the district court this mornin morning was that of the united states vs thomas Simp simps sou olf indicted for polygamy at the outset considerable delay was caused bythe non ap bearance pe arance of several important witnesses it for the prosecution who had been subpoenaed attachments were issued aud and the proper r oper off omm meers leers disi patched to bring tt tee the dilatory witnesses into coutt collit and in the th meantime the ie court tok tek a recess of about an hour on convening the remainder of the forenoon sess session ion lon was occupied in obtaining a jury of the first twelve jurors called john mckeller john mclaws willard smith and thos E jeremy jr were excused on account of their belief in la the doctrine of polygamy as taught by the latter day saints and william B barjon barton was also excused having formed an opinion as to the merits of the case elve rive more were called three of whom W S crismon thomas mclelland jr and add george J felt were excused upon being questioned concerning their belief tn in polygamy robert J deighton after standing the cross fire lire of mr dickson for some alsom time was also excused lie said he was a mem member berof of the mormon church but was in doubt as to his standing ile he was decidedly opposed to the practice of poly koly polygamy gamy and bei bea believed that tho the th revelation re ye lation on that sub eject wa bogus in the absence of law in the matter he wo would 1 uld consider that any nin man who had cavito two wo living and ancl wives or who cohabited with more than one woman was guilty of a moral wrong ile he was challenged peremptorily by Mr lr dickson jos it mathews having formed an opinion concerning the guilt or innocence of odthe the defendant was excused and II 11 11 wheeled mas was m as peremptorily challenged bf by mr C 0 whittemore attorney for the defendant andrew alia Atia rew J said he wa wag a member of the church of latter lattur day saints and supposed himself to bd bc in th good standing ills his parents were also members of that denomination he deemed polygamy under any circumstances stai stat ices wrong and rejected the revelation commanding atas being spurious ile he evinced an equal readiness to convict a person charged with that crime ag as with any other providing the evidence a appeared peare tobe to bo sufficient to td convict mr AV dickson seemed to doubt the position of the J juror uror and challenged him he tie was excused mr john D spencer S ancer was vas the next juror examined lie lic he was also a mormon as were his family and many of his relatives ile he considered himself in good fellowship with the members Mem bers berb of that church but when ir dickson touched upon his bellet belief concerning the doctrine of having more than one wife at one time mr spencer stated frankly that he lie jid aid did abt abt believe it right lie he was scarcely pi prepared to say that he considered the tile revelation on celestial marriage spur spurious loud but at the same time lime he ilc did not believe in it lip he admitted that it might have been given of god that it was Iii morally orally wrong to practice it in his opinion there was no person living who was good enough and pure enough to live a roper proper 1 life in the practice of polygamy fi he e thought the principle of plural marriage was revea resealed revealed ted from god and that the revelation enjoined obedience on the part art ant of those who believed it if but st still fi he considered it protik wrong for any one to obe obey r it mr fr dickson seemingly unable 13 to reconcile these conflicting beliefs peremptorily challenged the juror and li wils wits was excused this exhausted the jury list fisl and on only y ten had been accepted to 0 det a ctr in th tills s case six mor more c names rames were we re drawn drav draa v n from the box alter which the courtad journea until 2 pm afternoons proceedings proceedings S jlynn J lynn lynu was the first juror examined in the afternoon ile he was not a member of the mormon church nor were aay any of his relatives said he thought it right under certain cir clr circumstances cutia eutia for a person to have mure more than one living and wife at the same ta time ile he thought it as long as the man haviar them did not interfere with the rights of any one else elie ile he was challenged and excused W F Ilay bould answer answered answered eq the usual questions dut out was peremptorily challenged by the defense isaac jennings said sald he thought he was a member of the mormon church but did not consider itself himself in fellowship with that body ile he believed polygamy morally wrong did not think the revelation on the doctrine of poly polygamy garny was from god regarded it as as spurious chehad ile lle had no prejudice nor bias in opposition to the prosecution against polygamy ile he was wai accepted and sworn wesley S trescott answered all the usual questions until his religious religions belief was touched upon when his answers were unsatisfactory and he was excused oscar ff hardy was he the next one called to fill the vacancy still remain remains s ing but having formed an opinion in the case he be was wag also excused george F price was the tile next one excused on account of his belief in polygamy more names were drawn from tile the jury box and there was some talk of an open as our reporter left the court room with the last of the copy for to days issue FROM THURS dayis DATIS DAILY marl MAR 12 ne new nev v sons song hia IIA A last fond look of home is the name of a verv very very pretty song just issued by daynes coalter of this city tty ity the words are composed by john nicholson and the music which is of a high i i grade by jos J daynes the price p r icela as 40 cents bound D 0 und over ar al more charged with wita an assault with attempt to elii eili kill elii richard powell was brought before commissioner mckay yesterday afternoon but waived the til fik examination and was bound over in 1000 bonds to await the action of the grand lury jury failing to furnish security he was committed to tor the custody of the marshal marshall and was placed in the penitentiary statistical reports the clerks of ard ana and 11 h city wards will please hand in the reports of their respective spec tive tiye wards for the tile month mouth ending february 1885 to the NEWS office not later than tomorrow to morrow friday fridae Fri dav morning at 10 the I 1 ward ard V has not been reported the past three months t bi by order 0 of the toe presidency lot lof stake ta e U commissions the governor today issued commis commissions gions to the follows ing officers elected on march ad d alpine city utah county samuel IV ge Brown mayor robert E and stephen moyle moyie aldermen brigham city mos mok elden elder PF P F madsen justice of the peace david reese marshal marshai 0 N stohl treasurer i er jonah Id thiaS and collector A asian aklin 6 ala ald we wc had harthe th pia pla pleasure aurb of we meeting eting this morning mr james T little littie who returned home honl 1 e yester day clay af after teran an absence of nearly three months from frono the territory he ile went from herd here to san francisco yran Tran cisco then to los angeles el paso city cley cimfl Cily of of mexico and nei new orleans and from irom ther cheri home via san francisco traveling a dist distance ahee 0 about ten thousand miles hare he reports having shaving enjoyed himself greatly on his trip district court Proceeding i sF 0 chas crow the motion botlon previously 0 irl iti asly mad to tb set get aside atiq order of df gr 1 1 11 al was 0 not sufficient was made V the case of E D W B wilder mclaughlin batig hlin et bt al at was settled and aud dismissed mis i ed I 1 t the united state states vs to ros s davi da vis convicted for stealing public property V he will willbe be tint sentenced fint ened march 14 tile ne ca cas er of the united state vs ta thos los ios simpsen Simps for polygamy 9 is noticed el elsewhere le where I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 accident A gentleman named richard rogers this tuis morning ivas was way driving along the tithing office yard and in parsing theoffice the tha office delivery wa waon wagon ou the horses of the latter became frightened and ran away and in attempt attempting lom log to bass pass ro rowers rogers ers ere 1 eunit 1 wagon ran into it breakie breaking the tile axle and throwing the dr driven driver ven ver ou out t on to we the ground bruising his head and right hand band considerably one wheel of the wa wagon gon passed over Roger rogers shead head almost severing his left ea ear he was taken to thai thea deseret hospital where dr Mat mattier mattler tieP tier I 1 hughes in ches lis his his ear car on putting in lu six stitch stitches eg burned burnea cast tasi las na night f the blacksmith blackam itil shop shap at jhb church guarry quarry in the month mouth of liitle little cottonwood canon carton vas las burned to the ground the tools lell yell all ali vils vlis etc bein being destroyed tiie the origin of bf the alre is unknown but i it t is js s supposed s e d to llave have been caused by s sparks having f n alighted among I 1 somo some onto WO wood bd bothin nothing was known 0 of tc the fire until this wis morning when the workmen i who live about half a mile from the shop arrived there and found the building in ashes T the he exact amount of dat dar damage nage is not known but it foot ul up to several hundred dollars fire in ogden about 12 on tuesday thesda night a fire tire occurred in a building on the west side of main street ogden owned by E G hor rocks and occupied by sexton frank frani A gale had reT removed noved his stock ot undertake undertakers rl g goods oas to that place only onty last week fr eroin froin lia zia fact that the back door of the store was found to be opan when the fire was discovered jt t is liell believed eved that some night prowler many of whom are now infesting me the town must have hake set adt the place on fire probably with a v view ow to cmaj committing irb ro robbery bailly ry I 1 in ii some 0 other othen martof the town while general attention was attracted towards it the dama damage e Is estimated at which was covered by insurance going north Norths althe The patience opera cg company tn any who were so successful in their late efforts id ili this city intend visiting ogden brigham city and logan next week on thursday tile tiie theleta th elOta at ogden they will give lve ive two performances of patience uee kee iter noon ana an evening oil on the at brigham i citrin the beveill evening n and on the at logan afternoon and evening g th the e opera will be presented each time with the oric oris luat lual cast as is clayed played in the salt like lake theatre and a all ail the effects cal clum lights cd ed etc which rendered it so attractive in this city elty the compan company number sixty persons per sens sons Inc including ludIn iudin the teer orchestra ail all home talent and und the residents of the places 3 to be visited mar may anticipate an eater worthy of patronage railway pool the local offices of the UP UI zui zul und and D it G W railways esterday yesterday received the following dispatch p it the tile change goes into effe enne effect ct t ta ls day ayt the lic regular r rates ates will remain as at present but no special rates will by be given 1 t denver col march 11 lils 1118 as the union pacific denver rio grande and denver rio grande western signed an agreement here last night to pool the utah passenger issen er traffie traffic from froin march 12 t to december IZ 1883 1885 ana and agreed that rates should be rest restored or d to ton tot ff tomorrow march 12 don von you xou will therefore see that all rates are tomorrow to morrow please notify all concerned and acknowledge the of rues message sage to the commission denver 1 I S cuss P D ar G t f aj GP g iti i GEORGE H DANIELS JS NA ts A J e k commissioner I 1 I 1 the san juan country bishop F A hammond is in the city making i arrangements arrangement lor for tartan ian lan early start to 40 tho J h san sin juan country ile he has recently 1 it I i P received e ed a very encouraging letter lettera let iet tern tera 11 from ra the brethren livin Uvin gat bluff city 6 froni from which tell he h learns thattie that the pi prospect aspects s a never in that region since sinco ir the the tho country was settled than now the i 9 winter has been very light and the t work on the canal has been prosecuted during the whole of the season reason it was expected to be finished by the first f of this month the Ind indians ius ins lus in that thal i i v eglon ebion are very peaceable and a great pt x proportion of the trade which the coz cor operative store at bluff city receives is h from thet thee Nava joes A jyl new route is recommended to those who intend lo 10 lourney journey lou jou aney to that region from these parts n whIch possesses many advantages ivr r i 1 any uthen heretofore traveled between x here hera and there it Is byway of the savier grass and rabbit rabbi t valleys down od 1 the dirty devil and through graves 4 valley vailey to ahat J js known as the old a crO crosia crossing siu sin of the colorado 1 where there thede ar are e ancient fortifications on both sides of the river from thir this I 1 paint thel road leading feny r to B bluff city is soun soon re reached ached which is 0 bodd cod diall diali all ali the way from thurber it in grass valle vaile to bluff olty f Is only ten days travel and water and wid feed donth davare way are abundant abu n dant Water Watering in ft 01 places place l are aro further apart than miles 11 1 1 bishop brinkerhoff Brinker hoof of thurber i has lately built a ferry feiry ferryboat boat sud and will soon transport it to the river if he be ha hah has 1 w not nat already done so and he will here it 7 after maintain the ferry at the tho point 1 it mentioned A the climate of the san juan country i 0 o i alid its facilities for stock litsin raising ebro ar I 1 I 1 unes unexcelled celled and though not adapted fer extensive farming there Is handiii land lii ili i iii ii limited to be had which is i elc excellent fillpot for gardens and orchards N i bee culture cult bre etc at the foot of the i blue mountains about thirty miles nilles at f from bluff city there isalio is also aiso an exten i save tra tro tract et of country welt well adapted for the cultivation of bf cd cereals reals vegetables i e etc lr |