Show SEARCH bor FOR A RENEWAL OP OF TILE THE kald KAID at about 3 yesterday afternoon deputy marshals sprague and vandercook presented themselves at the gardo house and asked admittance but this being refused deput deputy y vandercook left let awhile while deputy sprague remained to watch the building mr vandercook went to the federal court house and shortly afterward returned in company with marshal ireland on reaching the gardo house at the door of which several persons were standing among them some belonging about the building the marshal read his authority sl signed ned by judge zane to enter forcibly if necess sary and serve on the inmates the names of ezra and ida taylor being mentioned in the documents the gentleman in charge opened the door and the marshals entered and were met by an aged lady who requested to know their business to lo which the marshal replied t hat that the they y had bad come to serve i a subpoena ia 0 on I 1 E ezra z ra and ida taylor the rh ce I 1 lady d a answered n w ered that the persons wanted a ted 1 were I ere n not ot in tile tiie marshal then stated that it would be necessary for him to search the bouse house and was way answered that he could proceed no further without his papers he then read the process authorizing the search deputy Vander coock now asked the lady for her name which she refused to give ile he then subpoenaed her tier as mrs emma taylor to which she remarked you might as well call me marshal ireland the marshal here called deputy vandercook and the two accompanied by one of the gentlemen of anel tn ehouse ho use proceeded I 1 at once with the search which pro proved ved fruitless so far as hading finding tiie tile p persons e esons asked for was con concerned cernea one ot the servant girls was subpoenaed under the name ot emma smith and the gentleman who accompanied tile tiie marshals marsu als through the house as john doe ant and ani were no notified titled that their persons were known and that their presence would be required bequir lea led belore the grand jury on tuesday the dinst deputy van Yan vandercook dercook explained to the lady who had met them at the door that the subpoenaed ws as her as if her real name was known and requested her to be on hand at the tile time stated the marshals then left the premises A number ot others were also subpoenaed to appear batore the grand jury on tuesday next viz george caylor mrs barratt arratt ll and her son sun samuel dy by deputy Greim greenman mant bri brig ham taylor ezra taylor mrs taylor widow of tiie tile the late win V in NY V taylor and one of the servant girls mr stephen it 11 marks and his wife olive marks were also subpoenaed by deputy collins col Ool lins to appear on the luan |