Show T r la C T F GREAT 11 CURES rheumatism neuralgia sciatica lumbago backache headache tooth ache sore thront throat Swe inns lUns Br itric ulses burna burns scald scalds frost brot broo buu rum ayd all OTHER BODILY PAINS AND sold by druggists and dealer dealers everywhere fifty ceno cenal bottle bottie directions in LI U La lane Lanc lanager nages uge uke ane CHARLES A VOGEL CO 3 to A CO BIt dit late latr ed usa ask usk L S LEGAL NOTICE in the probate co count court in in and fo for sa salt sait t lake late county territory ot of utah in the matter of f the estate ot of christopher williams deceased IS HEREBY eiven diven THAT JN jacob weiler weller and peter tors of the last will and testament le of hris hi is dopher illiams deceased have hare rendered for settlement and filed in ald aid said court their final account of their administration of said estate and also a pet tion for dis tribu tion of the said estate alonar the parties en titled thereto and that the fth tjay day of april AM A D 1883 1885 at 10 oc locka L a ni nt at the court room koom of said court in the tile city of salt lalic lalie county of salt lake lile and territory of of utah has been duly appointed bv by eld said end court for the settlement of gaid baid sud account ani and for hearing the petition for distribution of the property of said estate at which time and place any person interested in in said estate may appear and cause if any anny there be why said account aho iho should uit uli not le be settled and approved and jn an order of distribution made as graved priced foi for ja JOHN IN ca C 1 ut 11 clerk probate court dated march v wa i s uni nio dio mons MOMS N S in in the probate court in and for sat lake late county utah territory vilate korth plaintiff vs william korth defendant the people peppie of the territory of nah nab gent sent greeting to leilh william wllliam am korth defendant YOU arb ARE HEREBY heneby required IT red KED ED TO JL appear in an action brought pou jou you by the above named plain titi tid in the probate court ot of the founty ot of salt lake territory of uta utah and to answer the com cum plaint nt iii ill filed ed therein within ten days daya exclusive of the day of service after the service on you pf af summons it if served within shw Fo copney or if served out of this county comity but in this uns district within twenty days otherwise within foi toi forty ty days the said action is brought to obtain ade a de do cree from this court dissolving the marriage contract existing between sald said plaintiff and you on the around ground of wilful desertion of or plaintiff tiff by defendant c f end ant and failure to provide plaintiff the common necessaries of life and you are hereby notified that 1 if you fail to appear and answer th said complaint as above abote required t the he L said raid id plaint plain tf fl will apply to this court for the therel relief jet prayed for tor and cost of suit Witness the IIo lio nElias asmith r judge audgo and nd the gea sea geal seal of the probate ourt of salt tak jake I ahe ake e county territory of utah SEAL tins this eith lith dav day das day of january in ili the year of ot our lord lont ono one thousand eight hundred an d eighty five live wyt JOHN JOUN C CUTLER cler |