Show DAVIS STAKE conference F t rr I 1 1 9 T 0 davis co march esth isso editor deseret news wems the davis stake conference was held at east bountiful bo untie ua on the ath and esth instas the following persons from your city favored us by being present viz president S B huun elders eiders AH ail raleigh C W stayner AM A M Muser muster and robt campbell there was no business of a special I 1 nature e more than is attended to at all conferences the attendance was unusually large and tile the instruction given of ane an eminently practical nature respectfully JAS JIs 11 WILCOX clerk clrk As soon as bismarck is satisfied that a pacific settlement of the difficulty between russia and england En cland eland is assured he will follow the advice of his hia physician and take a trip to italy the territorial legislature of arizona adjourned friday sine dle die atie session hession is generally rear regarded ded as the most inharmonious and the most unfruitful in the history of the territory |