Show SECOND DIDAY DAY sunday march 10 a in president angus Mt cannon presiding prayer by bishop F kesler apostle H 11 J grant was the first speaker lie ile realized that the latter day saints were engaged in the work of the lord and it was their duty to live acceptably before him day by day to learn the duties required of them to bayaud the plain things of the gospel a and nd not to deal with mysteries it was Within their power to obey ever every y command comm m and that god had given them if they would be digil diligent ent and true they could not expect to enjoy bles bies blessings sins without having earned thein for t the e reater the lab iab labor or th they performed er formed jn 11 f beeping the la laws a of vil voy god the greater i would be their reward they should be thankful for the power they had received to overcome evil and should not look with scorn upon those who did dirt not possess an equal power those who kept the law had not much difficulty u 1 ty n teaching obedience to tile the aa law i v aid and and it was the duty of the saints to conduct themselves so that their lives might be au an example to others if they neglected to keep the commandments mand ments of god they sinned not only against themselves but against al all ail I 1 wh who 0 looked to them lor for an ail example and would be beheld bield accountable for the injury they did all ail ali of the saints were entitled to a testimony of the gospel and to receive revelations for themselves according to their necessities and if they did not it was because of their own negligence they must not expect aspect to receive that which they do not earn whatever light and antell ence they attained to lathis life would continue with them in eternity and every blessin was predicated upon out obedience to which the blessings would not come the salvation inen men received depended upon their own exertions ert ions there were many in the world who lived pure and upright lives and the saints who had received additional light should not look with disdain on those but should endeavor to do them good to bring them into the light phat which elevates and improves is from god that which destroys is not rhe the saints should not complain of the belief of others other out should show the better way living in love and humility in obedience to the principles of the G gospel os mel mei bishop shod shou james crane said that the lord had made kno known his ills will 0 the latten latter and to obtain salvation they thoy must obey him for this their enemies persecuted them but they did not dare do otherwise than honor god and ills laws with the li liht light ht and intelligence they had received if they erred in anything g they should repent aud and seek to the lord president angus al cannon WA thankful for the great blessings enjoyed by the people and although the thi the world were agitated the saints were happy in the knowledge that god was their father vather and that they were doln doin doing his will every promise of which chev had been worthy had bad been fulfilled Lalami calamities ties had come because of trans transgression and the innocent had suffered with the guilty lie ile felt gratified to know that the greater portion of the people loved the lord and ile he believed they would make an any sacrifice required of them compared Com compared parel the condition of the people when in illinois with that of today to day it ad been predicted that judgments should commence at the house of the lord al blany any appeared to shrink from the tile trials surrounding them but he believed it was only the calm before the storm a great revolution was taking place in tae uhe the hearts of the people who were but measuring well the power of tile the adversary adver and preparing for the conflict which sag saT they knew must come the world were in the condition shown to john when the people of the lord were commanded to come out of her the saints had too much of babylon in their midst and were too depend dependent end enc they had encountered opposition first from a neighborhood then a county next a state and finally all of the states and when they came to the west as their enemies thought to waste away god had stretched clied forth his ills arm in their hour of necessity and delivered and abundantly blessed them they must cease relying in 0 on 11 t the 11 e outside for support but build themselves up as a people giving employment to those among them who were seeking labor to obtain the necessities of life they should keep their sons lind and daughters from amon among the associations of the wicked in their daily labors and guard adem with a jealous care R it was the duty of the people to become self support supporting ing lug there were many amon among us who had turned flom the truth aej and were night fight fighting lug the cause of t the he lord it was aada a judas s one of the apostles who betrayed christ false brethren had betrayed joseph and hyrum smith and led mobs against the saints there was bothin nothing more degrading to a man than for hl him m to forsake his god and betray his brethren the speaker instructed ted the saints to obey the word of wisdom that they mi might enjoy the blessings promised through its observance and to draw near to 6 tho tha lord t to 0 keep themselves and their children f free ree from the contamination of the unrighteous to love their liberty and maintain it in obedience lence to the will of god referred to the deseret hospital as an institution that should receive their support exhorted the saints to do the will of god in all thin things that they might be delivered org tonda fr from bondage ge the choir sang ang benediction by elder william jennings singing by the choir prayer by president ab ram 11 cannon c singing the priesthood of the fourth ward officiated ill in the administration of the sacrament president abram abrain hatch said that the keeping of the commandments of god was an individual labor the saints should learn to fully realize their position before the world and to perform e r form the duties devolving on them the he lord would permit the their thein I 1 r enemies to do only that which was for the good of ills his people eople president Nent seymour B young said he believed the declaration of the prophet nephi nepal that god did not require any thing thins of ills his children but that thit ile he gave save them power to obey whenever ile he had bad al people ap eople cople on the earth the had met with opposition from froin the wicked it was a struggle between the two powers as to which would gain the mastery our savior had taught the world uy oy precept and example to honor god and keep llis his commandments and met with opposition aud and persecution ill in promoting these holy holt principles holy meu men iu in all ages bad been treated in a similar manner this had not been alone in religious matters but in and in all labors for the benefit of theli thell the human uman family great reformers in all till periods of the worlds history had been persecuted and many of them thorn had bad in turn persecuted others the desire to oppose that which was not understood der stood seemed natural to mortals the latter day saints faints proclaim peace to the children of meu and should practise the principle and not have a spirit of retaliation toward those who persecuted them it was the will of the lord atiat his saints should be more united in serving him president abram 11 cannon felt that it was a matter of congratulation to know that tile the persecutions suffered by thesa theBa hits ints were because odthe of the advancement of the cause of truth when the church churell made rapid progress satan was arou abou aroused ed to prevent the will of god but would fail fall the effect of persecution was the opposite to that intended tile the spirit was growing among amont the young of our people to obey thee tha will remt reme me 04 of bf god re regardless t of f the opposition of men nien ane enemies of the church of god could not stay its progress and the power of the lord loid would be made manifest if we were faithful elder john 11 rumell said it was not altogether in saying but in doing that we received benefit it was the duty of the saints to learn and make use of the powers and opportunities within their reach they should not waste time in speculating about the mysteries but should learn the primary lessons before reaching for more elder joseph C kingsbury exhorted the saints to draw near to the lord and keep his commandments david L davis david F davis and thomas harris were sustained as home missionaries tile the choir san sau sang an anthem benediction by patriarch john smith eve EVENING ang rao rbt prayer by elder E B tripp bishop 11 B clawson said he hei bad a vivid recollection of the scenes abenes of the exodus from nauvoo and could not nov but contrast that time with the greatly improved condition of the people today to day spoke of his recent visit to arizona the opportunities there for making new settIe settle settlements ments and the climate and surroundings of the saints in that section of country he also spoke of the deseret hospital as a necessary necess arg institution among ns us and one to which the saints should give their support bishop john Q cannon said the gospel we had embraced was a practical one which included every duty of life temporal and spiritual it was the especial duty of the bishops to attend to the temporal welfare of the people the saints had not in all respects been wise stewards in their temporal affairs and etwas it was necessary that a reformation take place gaev should not be too stern with each coffier other dut out ought to be charitable chari charl table tabie and forgiving the they sometimes felt too weak to contend tend with the adversary it was on these occasions they could show their strength of character they were now surrounded with enemies and should draw more closely to th the lord for it was as only through ills power that they could be belive delivered red bishop E F sheets said the saints had been well taught in their spiritual duties but there had been a neglect of temporal instruction there was too much extravagance and wastefulness among them they should learn to take ca care re of their substance to be self seif sustains sus sustaining taini ug to provide labor for the many amon among them item who were without the means to earn their livelihood president A al cannan suggested that the bishops take these things into con consideration in their wards and be indeed fathers to the people unit uniting D them together that they might be freed from bon bondage daze the choir san sau sang conference adjourned benediction by elder isaac hunter |