Show COB correspondence R 1 ESPO N D enbe tm VR I OX ON TIIE THE lands INLANDS Ih ir alimi rL imi ii utah march oth 1885 editor deseret news by request president B cluff jun of the Y 31 dio dlo F 1 I A of utah stake cave save avo ave avery interesting lecture on the end Sandwich islands thursday evenia evening last under the auspices of the Y M lif II 11 1 I A of this place it was one of the most interesting lectures we have ever attended lie he was accompanied by two of oi the natives lady and gentleman who gave us specimens of their vocal abilities accompanying themselves on their hia fia native instrument the lady also gave a short address in the hawaiian tongue brother cluff exhibited several curiosities irom from the islands our meeting house wa and inadi many could not get in brother cluff and his were given a vote of thanks atthe close closer 4 we appreciated the lec can highly recommend it to all other associations ciati ons the amusement season is about over here herer fand gand everybody Is getting very busy linc including luding the spotting element one met a lady on the street the kotlic other i day and ungentlemanly demanded to know if she was a wite wife no 2 or 3 3 3 she politely informed the gentleman it vve tye lye nye could call him such thad that it was none of his business lie he left her saying that he would soon make it his bu business sidN sinn but we think he hit upon the wrong person that time J jone 0 r |