Show BY TELEGRAPH tj A AMERICA 31 E it I 1 CA V ST LOUIS 12 united states marshal couzins of this city reached hannibal mo this morning L with a strong force of deputies to protect the wabash railroad pro property erty train master ritchie also aiso a ISO armed arwed ar sred wred bringing four engines from springfield to move about loaded freight cars held by the strikers they the y w were ere met by the strikers who refused to allow the engines to go to the missouri hansas kansas and texas yards for cars two of the leaders were arrested the lococo i tives were then permitted to pass brot trot the engineers refused to run their engines without permission of the strikers policeman ledford who is about half an engineer then boarded one of the locomotives ran to the yards and got out one train which started east this afternoon the regular 7 engineers finally concluded to r run un their en the work progressed the strikers lers are very indignant at policeman ledford austin 12 19 vice president hoxie of the gould system requested governor ireland to ord order erthe the state rangers to texas points where strikes exist offering to pay the expense of transportation por tation the governor refused to comply on the ground that no serious disturbance exists and that the local officers are protecting railroad property CHICAGO 12 in the united states circuit court this afternoon after hearing an elaborate argument for a new trial in the case of joseph C macken and wm win gallagher who were found guilty in the celebrated ward election case judge blodgett at pm denied the motion for a new trial lie he then ordered the prisoners to stand before the bar and formally sentenced each to two years imprisonment and also Impo imposed seil seii a tine fine of on each ile he then ordered them into the custody of the united states marshall marshal marshai and deferred the date of their removal lo 10 jol joi joliet jollet let for ten days neither man flinched when sentence was pronounced noun ced gleasons gleasona Glea sons case was not disposed of as leonard swett wishes to present some arguments to the court the prisoners were then taken to the county jail and locked up papers will probably be perfected tomorrow to morrow appealing to judge gresham for a review of the case pending which the prisoners will doubtless be released on ball again it is believed the review b or jad judge e gresham is the last move whick walca the prisoners can make to delay or avoid punishment TROY tenn march 12 abree three ce re groes named ain AID ambrose brose young charles charies latham and frank freeman were ivere arrested yesterday charged with being implicated in the murder of montgomery near the state line last december while under guard at union city last night a mob of one hundred overpowered trie the guard and took the prisoners and hanged them just outside the city city Their rhein lifeless corpses were found this morning suspended from a tree NEW YORK 13 with the exception of brief spells of wakefulness general grant passed a comfortable night when he be retired he complained of a dull pain in the ear car and head he did not get up till late this morning and made no complaint of pain ST louis 13 governor marmaduke issued a proclamation late last night warning the strikers and all persons associated with them in interfering with the movement of engines and trains and lation of other persons who may be willing or desire to work that such action is unlawful and calling upon the county and municipal officers to promptly enforce the laws and commanding all individuals or combinations of individuals in any way engaged or concerned in interfering with the free traffic of railroads or in in the intimidation of their employees to desist at once and without further f urther warn ine ing in washington II 13 11 the f first I 1 decided action of secretary manning in regard to changes in the tile foice force under the treasury department was announced this morning it consist of a reduction of the force in the special agents division whereby it is expected that a saving of annually will be effected the services of forty persons in various parts of the tile country have been dispensed with and notices to that effect were mailed to them today to baythe day the list includes six special six alx special inspectors of customs and ten employees whose names are borne oa on the so called fraud roll washington 13 col nelson 11 davis inspector general to be inspector general with the rank of brigadier general col absalom baird inspector general to be inspector general with the rank of colonel major robert P hughes to be inspector general with the rank of lieutenant colonel the senate confirmed charles S fairchild ot of new york I 1 assistant secretary of the treasury washington A 13 ingalls offered a resolution calling upon the president for fon information or mation matlon iu in regard to the occupation of oklahoma and aud what action was wag taken in that regard under objection from cockrell Coc kreil brell it went over until tomorrow to morrow cameron offered a resolution naming the chairman and members of the sent senate committees as agreed upon by the caucuses and asked its immediate con consideration agreed to after a short executive session the senate adjourned till monday the presidents message asking for th return of the nicaraguan Span spanish isrl isri abid arid dominion treaties was received by the senate today to day in executive ses session sion slon the treaties will be returned to the executive at once no action ectro n of the senate being required requIre a I 1 the tie lie message withdrawing the treaties was very short it aisig assigns ns no other reason for the withdrawal except for examination the following proclamation has been issued by the president of the united states Wu whereas eneas ERRAS it it Is alleged that certain individuals associations of persons and corporations are now nov in authorized possession cs session of portions of territory known as the oklahoma lands kittila indian territory terri Torri tory which are designated described and recognized by treaties and laws of the united states and ty by the executive authority t thereof ereon as indian lands and whereas it is further alleged that certain other persons or asso associations clatious within the territory and jurisdiction ol 01 the united states have begun and set on foot preparations for an organized and forcible entry and settlement upon the aforesaid lands and are now threatening such entry en and occupation and whereas the laws of the united states provide for the removal of all persons residing resided or bein being found upon such auch indian ian lan lands 4 and territory without per permission expressly and legally obtained from t the h e interior department now mow 1 therefore frei afore for the purpose of protecting the public interests as well as the interests of the indian nations and tribes and to end that no person or persons may be induced to enter upon said territory where where they will not be allowed to remain without the permission of the tile authority aforesaid 1 I grover cleveland president of the united states do hereby warn and admonish all and every pe penson person son or per sons nw auw la in occupation oi of such lands and all such person or persons as are intending preparing prepa or threatening to enter a and aud settle upon the same that th ther they erwill will neither be permitted to enter upon said territory nor if it already there to remain thereon and that if a due regard for and voluntary obedience to the laws laws and treaties of the united states stites and aad this admonition and warning be not sufficient to effect the purposes and intentions of the government ashe rehl rehi declared the mill military tary power of the united states will be invoked to abate all such unauthorized possession to prevent such threatened entry and occupation and to remove ali ail all such intruders from said indian lands in testimony whereof I 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal seat of the united states to be affixed GROVER CLEVELAND CLEVEL AIND by the president T r F BAYARD BAYARI secy of state ST louis 13 at a private conference of vice presidents hays and hoble hoxie and general solicitor brown of itile ittle gould lines about strike matters matt erss erst a telegram was received f from rom governor martin of kansas sayi say ing he would be liere here sunday nighta with the railroad Rall Rail rood commissioners of kansas to discuss the situation governor marmaduke of missouri will also attend it is ex fectea the meeting ing will determine the I 1 future action of the two states and the railroads toward the strikers and status quo will be maintained till then by the roads palestine tex texla 13 the strike at this thia place ended this afternoon super j In herrin sent for the executive committee of the working mens union who immediately lately waited upon him the result of the conference was an order to resume work tomorrow to morrow morning on the old terms as before the last cut i an agreement to this effect having been signed b by superintendent i ter diuante mechanic morris and the strikers 1 J committee alse also it extra time is put ut in they are to receive extra pay this al i agreement only extends to the inter national great northern branch of the i gould gouid system the working 1 men are i greatly elated t over their victor victory r and j are greater be being ng congratulated on all mes sides for I 1 accomplishing their ends without vio lation of law i marshall tex 13 strike unchanged the general impression Is that a settlement will be reached within 24 hours i FA texas 13 today today at vernon and vicinity captain chmidt schmidt of the state rangers arrested 25 men on charges of murder many of whom stand high in the community it is claimed that the men constituted a vigilance organization four recent murders are atri attributed buted to thein them the wholesale arrests create excitement throughout panhandle washington 14 mr air blaine called to pay his respects to president cleveland jand the meeting between the two gentlemen was a hearty one each shaking the other by the hand with a warm grasp they were closeted together ether nearly an hour and when mr air E blaine laine came out the president accompanied him to the door and gaab gave gaye him a cordial invitation to visit the executive mansion frequently libertad san ori org orvia orvla via vla galveston 14 erom from the attitude assumed assur ped by mexico in behalf ot the autonomy of san salvador augua and costa costo rica against the threatened usurpation of president barrios of guatemala excites enthusiasm throughout the three republics and aud the determination ol 01 the people of these countries to resist incorporation into one republic under the domination of barrios continues steadfast the fall of barrios Is considered certain washington 15 A dele deles ration atlon of gentlemen representing all the territories except new mexico aie ale vico visited the white house yesterday to lay before the president their views in regard to territorial government there ther were in the delegation john halley of idaho joud judge e mead of ot arizona al H day of dakota judge J A kuhn of washington territory cl delegate elegate toole of montana judge merritt Merrl lt of utah anda W of montana all members of the national committee mr air halley hailey acted as spokesman for the party and said they came to learn what the administration was golue to do in territorial affairs mr cleveland replied briefly but clearly that thadlie he should appoint to territorial offices men f from rom the territories ile he also clearly pledged himself to listen to of democrats within ethl the territories and not be decided in his choice of men mentor for governors by outside pressure KANSAS CITY 15 the missouri pa cinc strikers here heie will await awall orders from the general committee before returning toworu to work the local committee at midnight was still in telegraphic communication with that committee at Sed it is understood that the strikers before accepting terms of compromise are considering several proposed stipulations one of which is that the restoration shall extend to all strikers in the gould system another that the engineers who were relieved for abandoning trains at the request of the he strikers shall be restored and several minor stipulations itjin ilits probable that all public business which the senate has in hand will be disposed of within enree or four days and that body ba dy will then only await the pleasure of the executive and will adjourn as soon as his important nominations have been received receive dand and acted upon applicants have been noticed notified that examinations will soon be held in the southern and western states WASI wasl washington LINGTON IG the president nominated joseph F miller of west Vir virginia elula commissioner of internal revenue MONTREAL 16 at a meeting to promote the unicy unley of the empire by federation it was resolved to call a mass meeting early next month to ratify the or organization of the branch association of the london league leagued here letters were read from prominent proui proul luent men in all parts 0 of the dominion Doi dol ninion strongly approving the movement and onn off offering ering to attend and take part in any conference that may be projected influential bankers merchants and professional men were enthusiastic in support of the project SAN FRANCISCO 16 A special agent of the chicago burlington and quincy railroad now in san francisco says in an interview that his compan company will will probably construct a line from denver to ogden compete with the union pacific NEW YORK IG 16 gen grant sl slept siept adre more last hight than the proceeding prece eding night he fell into a sound slum slumber berat at four this morning and did not awaken until ten ills condition is about the same the general does not suffer ninety from pain but complains of a little soreness ile he takes food more plentifully and consumed a chop chap this morning the damp weather had no injurious effect upon the patient the affected part of bis his croat was treated with lodo form torm but the use of coco alne has been discontinued the general genera I 1 says ills his insomnia ignot is nod not due to pain the cancer does not interfere with his breathing general grant passed a bad night slept none nonte and Is not quite so well today washington D C ag 16 in the senate the backbone land grant resolution was laid before the senate and eustice made a speech upon it KANSAS CITY mo alo 10 the times says the missouri pacific strikers went to work this morning on receipt of lews from st louis interpreting et ng it as an end of the strike three ire breight I 1 at trains were sent out tonight to night at a late hour tonight to night the strikers acceptance of compromise is still undetermined Al embers members of the local committee have gone home washington N la iff the navy department today to day instructed commander wilder of the bantle yantic now at new orleans to supply that vessel with fuel and provisions as soon as po possible sIble sibie and go go to livingstone guatemala arriving there he is to communicate immediately with the american officials of that place and aud use every exertion to pro protect american can interests PANAMA 16 tha city of panama was attacked at 4 today today by a party of revolutionists commanded bagen by gen Alz aizpuru pura ura numbering men the government OV is defending the city etting firing C is coing on incessantly Inces samly sadly washington IG 16 among the fresl presidents callers today to day were the rev henry ward beecher vice president hendricks secretary bayard senator voorhees and ex senator acdonald Rc Donald mcdonald mr fairchild today to day assumed the duties of assistant secretary of the treasury |