Show TITE THE nope HOPE OF or wile THE NATION ch idaer slow tiow elow in III development I 1 puny puns uny I 1 scrawny and delicate uso use 11 wells henith health W borgh noron ox ON ITCH rough bough on itch 11 cures humors humora eruptions ringworm rin tetter salt rheum frosted feet fiet chilblains w ii wallace united states minister hll nister at constantinople has resigned bre PRE pretty bretty ewt ewy WOMEN ladies ladles who would retain freshness and vivacity dont fall fail to try weli weil Well wells sP health w john W mackay reached new york city sunday from europe it ROUGH ON TOOTI TOOTHACHE MACHE shy instant relief for neural neuralgia la toothache Face ache ask for rou ron rough gh on toothache 11 15 W PILLS P I 1 L L S TORPID BOWELS and disordered LIVER from these sources ariso arise throe three fourths of tho the diseases human race these symptoms indicate their existence Loss o of appetite dowels costive sick II 11 after sion xion to exertion of body or minds mind eructation Ertic tation of foode rood food irritability of havink temper lov spirit sp a IL reel feel III g of having jaegle neglected acted some auty duty Dizzine ii fluttering at the heart dots before the eyes ayea highly colored lurine constipation and demand the tho use of a remedy that acts directly on the liver As a liver medicine have no equal their action on the kidneys and skin la Is also prompt Te removing moving all impurities through these three scavenger 0 af the system producing appetite sound digestion regular stools a clear skin and a vigorous body PILLS bills PI ITS irs cause no nausea or g nor interfere with and are a perfect ANTIDOTE to MALARIA HAIR RE GRAY harr HAIR OR on changed instantly to a GLOSSY lilack linack by a 11 single aepli application of this DYE sold by drug 9 sent bent t by express eps ess on receipt of 1 I 1 Sold ol 01 d everywhere office 44 murray murra y san S t N Y CHICAGO SCALE CO S st chicago 2 ton wagon scale 3 ton 4 ton 60 beam box included ib lik yahn rann era erx scale blie 65 Z OL littie glittie little ittie ittle am to X a L i FORGES TOOLS eto elo best forgo forga made for L ight light work 10 aatu antu and kad kit ot of toom tools 1 14 rahan MT da ua t u ma uy y btag 44 jb b blan bamm baem tin TIM abw ulla cju fam the CHI CAGO AND 0 R T H af ESTERN HB RA RAILWAY I 1 1 TIIE THE BEST ROUTE AND SHORT BETWEEN omaha i council blu biu effs api aei it A vf 0 at afi ati i Z I 1 chicag chicago 0 2 v f the only line to take for des 31 moines olnes marshalltown Marshall town cedar rapids Canton Dixon chicago milwaukee and nud all points east to the people eople ot of nebraska colorado wv vv j oming ail wil utah idaho nevada oregon wash ington and california it offers off ers era superior a advantages not possible by bt any other line ammons among a few of the tiie numerous points of 0 superiority enjoyed by the patrons of this road noad between maha and chicago Chi caso are its iwo trains a day of lav bay DAY which ara aru the finest that human art and ingenuity can create its ears CAKS which are models or of comfort and elegance ele eie pance its aa 1110 II 11 roon valts valls S unsurpassed by any tiny and its widely celebrated carn vans the equal of r which can not be found elsewhere 4 I 1 at t council bluffs the trains of the union 1 pacific A ity loy connect in union depot with f those of ilie the Chi chicago cago capo northwestern ly ity in the trains of this line close i connection with those of ili ali ail ill eastern lines r for eor detroit columbus indianapolis cin d einnatz eln ein cinn nati iti Ni niagara Nia atara arara falls buffalo pittsburg toronto Mon montreal ireal freal boston new yorla lc philadelphia phil idelphia la baltimore washing ton and all alt points in the east ask the ticket agent tor for tickets via the northwestern NORTH WESTERN if you wish the best accommodations all ticket agents sell tickets via this line 31 HITT B R S HAIR 7 G nl ya nager geni passenger kat I 1 ia GEO D geni benl agent room endsor Block denyer Denver WN BABCOCK general western agent omaha nell |