Show AN EXCELLENT DECISION tiie THE decision bearing on the liquor question which appeared ID in yesterdays NEWS is eminently satis satisfactory fac fae tory besides being a clearly reasoned opinion it furnishes f another evidence of judge zanes ability as a law lawyer yer yen on matters in which his antl anti mormon bias is not baroug brought h t into play he exhibits excellent I 1 legal capacity knablin enabling n him to grasp questions brought bea before 0 re him with uncommon clearness the decision sustains the territorial liquor law and sets aside ordinances of cities wherein they simply reenact re enact its provisions the statute itself covers the ground ardd arid instead of cases 0 of being brought under municipal ordinances they must be brou brought hl under tia thae territorial law justices of the peace have jurisdiction over such suits and fines imposed go into the city and county treasuries and when imprisonment is a part of the penalty the accused are to be incarcerated in the city jail or county prison according as the offense offence has been committed within or outside the boundaries of a municipality the rulin ruling holds hodds tha tithe statute does not abrogate any power to prohibit the liquor traffic that may have been incorporated in any city charter the decision will have a tendency to i weaken the backs of the liquor men of this lately combined to fight the county court on the question of its recent determination to raise the license fee in any event the county court proposes to standby stand by its position t and if wed be night fight its way through the colts couts courts it was reported a short time ago that the city liquor men intended to getup get up a struggle against the municipality but the straightforward and reasonable opinion of yesterday will also operate in the ca capacity acety of a wet blanket over the whiskey combination in that quarter |