Show locala news FROU from TUESDAYS DAILY MAR 10 ant still they come the latest gift to the deseret hospital Is a set of window cornice for the panor given today to day by carlquist this isa is a timely present in view of the fact that some handsome lace curtains were amon among the presented to that institution ution by mr yesterday who is next narrow 14 on sunday afternoon a child about two ana and and a halt half yeats years of age aye was standi standing ilg tig in the wagon 1 r road 0 a d 0 on n third west street when nhen a 1 t team leam e a m c came a me along the driver apparently I 1 lot not having g s seen cen the object in his hu way bortuna fortunately I 1 te e ay as the team approached close to tiie the little boy a large targe dog with whom the child had been playing byln rad ran out and springing ringing Ap at the horsek horses heads heal caused them hem to turn off just far enough to pass and avoid what would otherwise have been a serious accident district court proceedings barnai 0 harver Il arver vs M V davis et al dismissed as to defendant cun ham but through default of the 1 others a decree as prayed for tor was 1 iven riven the case of the people vs john nelson on et al on appeal was dismissed dismiss ed on motion of the ib the action a against ainest william marlou marihugh h was also the the court announced that on saturday march 14 eighteen names will wiil be ir awn from the jury box for grand jurors r ors and thirty names for petit jurors to several during mearril the fhe April term J robbery the family of thomas keddington edding eddinw ston of the loth ward on their heir return home sunday evening discovered Pis covered t that h a t the back door of the ouse louse had been forced opec but as nothing seemed to have been disturbed liitle little was thought 1 of it last venine however it was found that 11 ar mr tons trunk had been ripened aw aua ana TO 70 in cash taken irom rom a pocket book therein adother another trunk had also b been eta thoroughly ehly ransacked and some half yarned matches were found on the t loor but nothing else of value was vas jabea there Is A at present but little lne lue iafe ine laft to the perpetrators |