Show eulogistic OF 0 washington TERni terri loby TOBY OF march 5 editor deseret news the dedication of the washl washington 1 agton monument causes the name 0 of 1 the eminent soldier and statesman and his reputation to be echoed upon many tongues lord byron declared in his time that among warriors statesmen and pat patriots riots rIotA he was the first the last the best the cincinnatus Cincinnat ns ot of the west lyest though partisan malignity did not hesitate to assali assail his cha character racier when his body was consigned to the tomb the voice of calumny was hushed into everlasting silence ills his through a momentous and revolutionary period and benci being owned downed with such complete success combined with his statesmanship and double do uble ubie term the presidential chair places him upon what has been termed the pinnacle of fame his ills napoleon possessed the special qualities of the soldier and his fame declined when not engaged in his specialty etwas it was what gave gim him prestige and upon that he must lean when in the chair of state budnot but not so with washington ile he displayed abilities so sor great as almost to leave him without a competitor whether in the field of danger or at tit the head of the civil government den DER A citizen of st johns arizona has discovered that copperas is a remedy fremed for loco poison in horses from whick which so many animals have died throughout arizona New Mexico colorado and kansas |