Show SOMEWHAT RAW naw AND OTHERWISE funty FAULTY fulty wilm WHEN mr air ben sheeks speaks he frequently gets geta off some good things at the meeting I 1 of the alle alie alleged ed young democracy at ogden the other evening he is credited with treating the several political divisions of utah to some som e sturdy blows ile he had a thump for every faction except the meagre fragment with which he has lately connected himself some of the cuffs he administered were merited in regard to others this is more than doubtful ul t while acting in the role of oratorical political iconoclast he smashed the republican figure head by asser asserting in so many words that so far as utah was concerned that party favor favored edg government by importation the organization that poses as a self constituted democratic central committee he intimated was a sort hort of despotic t otic arrangement which imagined imagine d its behests behesta eti etl ests should be obeyed without question mr air sheeks shocks appear to be of that opinion the liberal party did not seem to have llave attracted a large share of ills his affection because their object has been to abolish local government in any shape and substitute for it a sort of political oli abortion I 1 dhe fhe the People has not en his esteem because he asserted it jt to be in favor of local government but not lotof of local self govern ment these are pretty strongly drawn pictures and are not particularly flattering to the subjects mr sheeks Is to be complimented 1 for fon giving 1 ving 1 the peoples party the credit 1 of ome omi being 1 m closer to the genuine democratic article articie than any of the other roll goli political political divisions to which he devoted devote d his Is attention whether he intended it or mot BOC rot I 1 it t would take a subtle and analytical operation to detine define the precise color of the political particle to which mr nir sheeks has haa attached himself it has had a couple of public displays at which endeavors have been made to exhibit its complexion but the presentations were so heterogeneous that the views expressed were calculated to puzzle the auditor with the exception of one or two zent Lent gentlemen lemen wito have taken part in those exhibitions each of the orators have uttered arguments that have conflicted with their own propositions and presented ideas that nave been the antipodes of each otner while the positions taken by the different professed expounders ex of ot genuine democratic principles have beenson been so grotesquely contradictory as aba to give ive lve the entire proceedings a remarkably chaotic appearance if pall wall ail all were as us clear as mr sheeks andar and mr rawlins the spectacles presented re by the young utah redemption ests woul would i not be luite quite quite so pe perplexing rp exing axing to the person pelson wishing to ascertain the status of the movement for however much they may be mistaken their utterances te rances have the merit of intelligibility no person wishing to tell the truth would be likely to 10 claim that quality for the speaking of most of the others it has happened in the world more or less frequently that Y young 0 un men have taken post positions t t ons and delivered enunciations renunciations that would haye done credit to people with older heads beads this has occurred when the comparative lack of age and experience expert ence which bring mat maturity arity 0 of thought and consistency of action has been more than compe compensated asat ed for by superior natural endowments but ut with all due respect to the 11 generality of the members of this movement such cannot be honestly said concerning them their proceed inges thus far have been suggestive of a number of changes oue one of which Is an alteration auer anen atlon of title if it be held that it be democratic in any sense would not raw democracy be more appropriate than the present name A gentleman who came from ogden on the train that bore the company on the homeward trip has just called in and anti informed us of some proceedings that occurred on the journey some of the of the incipient political party were passing whisky bottles around and the result was uproarious hilarity some songs were vociferously sung among them good bye my lover good bye and then a proposal to sms sinz praise god from whom all blessings flow was boisterously and sacrilegiously responded to such doings are disgraceful although it is only fair to state that the gentlemen named in this article and a number of others took no part in them while the organization includes a few intelligent thinkers and respectable citizens even the most hopeful regarding the movement must doub tits success under such f frowning auspices as are re contained within itself solid young y 0 u n utah will not flock to such a standard to any appreciable extent |