Show TIIE wire IRISH MISSION usg CONWAY ay STREET belfast ireland feb E editor deseret neus my experience as to the manner in which the proclamation ot of the gospel in this part of the world is is rec received elved accords precisely with the many testimonies that have appeared in the columns of your paper from missionaries in various parts of the earth eaith the same ignorant devilish prejudiced spirit s ir t that invariably anvar a manifests itself against the e propagation ropa atlon aaion of the principles les ies of eternal truth erroneously called mormonism elsewhere prevails to a large extent in this region of country this assertion has bas been beell plainly demonstrated dui dul duning during ing the past winter winters and in capt fact ever since the opening of this mission not only have the elders met with the most determined opposition in the outdoor out door meetings but every effort to secure a hall has been BITTERLY OPPOSED and resulted in failure those have applied to f far for or places in which to preach have nave denied us the privileges so freely extended to other reli rell religious clous alous organizations I 1 because forsooth we are mormons cormons Mor mons 11 all our preaching this winter vin yin ter therefore has necessarily been dol doi done e 1 in private houses vc do not feel discouraged however but on tile the contrary look upon the bigotry and animosity of these professed religious per persons oils to whom have alluded winded as an eri efi evidence dence of the DIVINITY OP THE WOR WOK in which we are engaged blessed are ye when all men yuen shall despitefully use you was the inspired declaration of our divine master castr and we think it can be ve very vei 5 ampro appropriately applied to the latter lattey da day y sa saints ants 0 of this vicinity as well as in all other parts of the world although we have been unable to procure a ball hall we have not been idle foi fot we have held six or seven meetings S a week all winter and felt blessed orthe of the tha lord the evil one is as active in ireland as in other nations where this gospel of the kingdom is being promulgated mul gated and the VILE VILL fabrications that have been so freely circulated all over the world in reference to niclous practices of the mormons cormons Mor mons have found their way into this country and are very acceptable to many of the sanctimonious self seif righteous hypocrites with whom we come in contact in our travels not only do this class of people have bave nave an affectionate re regard ard for the falsehoods falsehood with which the land is flooded but tile the good MINISTERS OF christendom so f full fuli ull uli of faith hope and charity bein being entirely unable to overthrow the glob glorious principles of truth enunciated by the illiterate boy joseph smith from a biblical standpoint arm themselves with evil reports and falit against the purposes of jehovah like the pharisees phanis Pharis ees of old with the rejected redeemer of the world they lie about and misrepresent the servants of the lord lordi but there is consolation in the knowledge that their efforts will assuredly come to naught for the consummation of the great reat and wonderful wondern u I 1 work committed to io the care of the he t much maligned and misunderstood mormons cormons Mor mons Is written in heaven by that omnipotent being neing who holds br a all ali I 1 power in heaven and on earth durin during the month of january THIRTEEN BAPTISMS occurred in this neighborhood and thus the hearts of the laborers are being made to rejoice and the honest souls of ireland are being gathered lii lil into I 1 t 0 the fold ot of the good shepherd before the coming of the great and terrible day of the lord elder eider marshall has labored with great success in his native land and rejoices in being beins permitted to occupy his present position as a representative of the great cause of truth eight of the baptisms mentioned were performed by him bakeng maken in all ali at I 1 over thirty in which he has hass officiated since his arrival in belfast he jie has numerous acquaintances quain in this section of count country r Y among whom be he anticipates doing bolm a good work before another year i will vill gave have passed away elder francis greenwell who has charge of this conference at present Is also valiant for the truth a few have been added through ii his instrumentals ty there are a great many i ERRONEOUS IDEA IDEAS in the world as to the true elia elta lacter ul of the inhabitants of this land antl anil bonie some people are art inclined to look upon them very unfavorably now I 1 would not like to say that there is no room for improvement nor that they are arc all as good as they might be but those among whom I 1 am traveling are incomparably better than thousands of people in ili various parts of the world I 1 have not found any people since leaving home who have shown themselves better than the irish or who haye have administered to my wants more abundantly from this criterion I 1 jud judge them their acts of kindness past have left an indelible impression upon my heal t and I 1 shall always retain fond memories of the happy days spent in their midst I 1 have GREAT HOPES as to the f future success of this mission not only do we expect ma many ny to be added through the influence and labors of elder marshall amongst his wide circle of friends but bu we feel leel quite certain that our forces will willbe be greatly strength ened f from roni several other directions in I 1 1 which when the weather will permit we intend to proclaim the gospel kopel aa ii the thus far has in belfast and aud its ita immediate lin Irn mediate vl vicinity guity iu ity but when the warm weather comes we will extend our labors through several of the northern counties of ireland there is one place in the country coun try iry io 1 0 miles distant where a few sew hove bove ien jen baroug brought t to a knowledge of the truth and satan rages but the work rolls on with sentiments of the highest regard arda I 1 remain your brother lu in the gospel of truth Js JAS L mcmurrin mcmurray |