Show correspondence JOTTINGS CLIFTON cllfton idaho march I 1 oth 1885 editor deseret news not heeln seeing the beautiful little city of clifton Clit oun tua r represented e ap resented in your valuable aole columns 1 I through pity for the farmers and a desire to make the paper particularly ticul arly interesting to us up north thought to send you an item or two the fact is something of importance transpires here almost daily which never gets into print but when it comes to the point of whitin writing them up they dv dwindle Indle away one lan ian can see the paper pa er let flet pencil percil in hand but bu where is the ilem item item echo answers where since the cowboy cow boy murder bothin nothing of a sensational nature has the quietude and morality of this section ye iye have no very poor here and consequently have seen no suffering for lack of wari warl warmth nth or food in our midst the winter has been unusually mild and present indications point to the cpr spring ing i breakup break up the vanguard of this ethereal season is here such as long wai wax warm in dayland davs days and singing birds the mountains bains are losing their whiteness and is a matter of course the streams are roaring and rushing as they do every spring i two schools are in excellent progress ess here wit with good oo 00 attendance dances panora panoramas as exhibitions and the like we have had this winter in profusion i it is a general time of good health among the people of this place with the thee exception ot 01 one lady who has been very low 1 i the snow is going off very rapidly Y and it is very disagreeable in getting around the people id in this part of the co country un are alive in performing every duty required red of them earnestly striving to build up zion la in these the most beautiful ot all the valleys of tile the mountains MILLIE HOWELL |