Show PUBLIC HIGHWAY PLEASANT VIEW march 1885 editor deseret N mews news ems seme some time since a communication which may have miscarried was sent for publication to your valuable paper in regard to a serious grievance existing at the time and which is still existing we have reference to the road running north and south on the east I 1 bench er crossing emigration creek near the asylum sy 1 of dr S B young and at the residence of 11 11 II harries and leading to the homes of a number of thrifty farmers residing at pleasant view being in fact the only road between the latter place and salt lake city last march one ann elmer nee carrigan closed the road by causing a substantial fence to be placed across the southend sout south hend end of the old bridge bridge with all tile the usual attachment Si such sue as ditches rocks etc with notices placed at each end of the bridge threatening prosecution to any person who should trespass ass thereon all this she claims to rave gave have warrant for doing b by an i tion granted by his bis bonor honor judge hunter the obstruction complained of has been a serious joss loss and inconvenience to the residents on the east bench south of the same who are thus compelled to travel four to live miles out of the direct road and are materially hindering in the matter of disposing profitably of their produce aud and this during the busy season of the year travelers to the east haulers of rock wood post supplies etc parties on pleasure bent in fact the public at large lar are also at a heavy lo 10 loss ss by Y tile the cige closing ing of said road respectful respects tit petitions nave have been presented to salt lake city and county signed by over three hundred citizens and some of the most hobt influential business men of salt bait lake city cit X the lady mrs elmer has also been waited upon by parties who have tried to get her to come to some home amiable settlement of the matter but as yet nothing has been done A few residents of af pleasant view at their own expense have built a bridge near the site of the old one onland and being a private affair the public ignot benefited thereby 6 theroan the road inquest in question lon ion has been open to public travel for more than fifteen years ars it existed when most of the te farat a r an r rs s purchased their lands from salt lake Like city aud now the question arises should these poor men buy their lands make their roads build their bridges and pay their taxes if they are guaranteed no protection now mr editor knowing the NEWS to be a fair and impartial champion for the rights of the law abiding citizens we feel confident you can and will give the public the true col coi color or of the grievance very respect respectfully full fuli lck RICK E RACK race |