Show f v SOME stile OF op THE ene inconsistent i wo cym fye viesa rie A 1 I 0 AV s ra tite tiff inconsistency inconsistency olefie ot the operators in the anti antl stormo has probably newer nefer been excelled their are flat contradictions P af pf f their actions hild bild some vares parts of th their ein eln dol doi doings n s are ar the antipodes of other portions of their conduct frantic frantie edfort effort are put forth to make malse polygamy il appear pear kear i in 1 a the ilg light of a crime intrinsically as al well as a lew leg lesal aa of rence fence the mormons cormons Mor mons are as asked edif if burglary murder bratson or arson arson aTson were to so go unpunished punished tm would they not net raise a vigorous protest against such laxity certainly et abtil t tasy a woul would an and wit with just cause it t ia Is not however aweve r against adust t the e proper ro enforcement ol 01 any auy y e existing asting jaw aw t that at t the e mormons cormons Mor mons a are re protesting rotes t ing but they have just cause to for r co complaint I 1 mat ontjo prominent grounds I 1 first little or no regard is paid to the forms form 8 laud land ruea rues of law in the savage attempt to punish mormons cormons Mor mons accused a of of fences second noa non mormons cormons who com mit similar of fences with which mor mons are charged are because the acts arezone are done outside the thu marriage rela reia tion allowed to go scot free the thor first cause of complaint is out tadeous and the second which is class exemption from the effects of df law is not fiot any better but what is called unlawful cohabitation so far as it applies to the plural marriage relation has no similarity to bigamy or any other offense offence that is malum in se the of fences with which accused mormons cormons Mor mons are charged are mala prohibit a and therefore do not mot stand on the same edme moral plane as those thos e that are essentially crimes even if there were rio no legal prohibitions against them eager efforts arc are put forth to make it appear object of the present raid is the suppression of polygamy but the facts are against the claim those who are tire alleged to be living in plural marriage relationships no matter how long since the contracts have been entered into being mainly the objects of pursuit ltd it does not matter whether theror or not the parties who are the subjects of the solicitude of the prosecutors entered the plural marriage relation before there was any law prohibiting hi marriages of that character and never since how much does such a course contribute to the prohibition n of f polygamous marriages all that it it can produce if the crusade Is continued and reaches the results of which it Is capable will be simply to disrupt and disorganize families put good con conscientious selent ious lous honest and patri otic men to great trouble and inconvenience N veni eni ence and bring untold misery tip up inmany innocent and helpless women and children but this detestable work if done atall abail at all ali must be the irdi tion of the efforts of the white anti antl IMo crusaders tremor mons cannot acquiesce in it either in ln theory or practice 11 put away you yon unlawful wives cries the crusader ru who in the next breath shouts in favor of genuine democratic principles of which he apparently patently ly has as not the sli sll slightest latest comprehension yes 1 put away you your r wives ant and ana brand yourselves as miscreants it amounts to saying put away the wives wiles with whom you yon contracted years ago in the full religious belief bellef that in entering into the relationship you were not acting achim 1 in conflict with any constitutional tut ional law of the land an d cast adrift those who arc dependent upon you and who are at your mercy 11 what a small comprehension men roust must have of great moral and religious obligations who speak with such flippancy about a matter involving so great consequences A good deal is said about the supreme court decision in the reynolds polygamy case it Is asserted that to be consistent the mormons cormons Mor mons should have ceased entering into plural marriage relationships from theadate the date of that which merely held beld that Congress had bad a right to make laws prohibiting polygamy in the territories the decision did not nor could it claim that eve every ry law that be af afterwards berward s made with that avowed intent would be constitutional that mastbe a subject for f future decision but is any distinction made present crusade between cases eases so far as the cohabitation wing of the prosecution is concerned in which the alleged marr marriages lages mccurn occurred d previous to that decree and those alleged to have been peen formed since not the it will avill be cla claimed libed of course course that the edmunds law is on the statute boeso and must and should be enforced as it makes no exemptions whatever well does it exempt the ngn mormons cormons Mor mons who cohabit with more moro than one woman and who frequent dens of prostitution to such an extent e that eyen even according to commissioner mckay it might be shown that some borne of them practically have the same habitation yet while their libidinous conduct is not even inquired into I 1 the very forms of law are ignored and overridden in the pursuit of mor mons alleged to ie lie guilty of living with the families it is pompously claimed that fifty lifty five flye millions mill ions of people are demand demanding in that mormonism be extin extinguished euis euls y this is an absurdity the fact is that the great bulk of that vast b body are en engaged enned n ed in attending to the their ir own business and have notime notice no time to d devote devoto to ao that of other people those who are so deeply exercised or profess to beabout the mormons cormons Mor mons 11 are generally clergymen who view the the success of any other than their own religion with a jealous eye and political huckster hucksters s w who ho seek to ride into office anthe on the anu mormon hobby while the newspapers chime in with strongly seasoned articles on the question to suit the tastes of the lower strata of i society those classe classes together with a mass amass of humanity that are ate blown hither and thither by the winds of prejudice constitute the anti antl mor inon mon host ho t whose clamor occasionally weakens the backbone back bone of more respectable and aud fairly disposed people |